Captain Blood - Pirate's biography, character history and plot


Character History

Heroes of historical novels are the embodiment of masculinity and dignity. And if the name of Novella principal pirate - the book is doomed to success. A bright example is brazy captain Blood. Readers no longer remember who wrote novels dedicated to the Brave Seaxwater, but the pirate itself is not forgotten for 100 years.

History of creation

In 1922, a novelty appeared on the store shelves - "Odyssey Captain Blad". Initially, visitors of book shops interested not the book itself, but its author. A year before the revenue of the novel, the writer Rafael Sabatini did not go from the first bands of newspapers: the Roman of the Dramaturgome, who came out a year before the adventures of Blad, became a discovery for the reading public.

Writer Rafael Sabatini

The marine warrant of brave capital secured the success of the writer. It is not surprising, because few of the playwrights so seriously approached the writing of historical novels. To create the image of the captain of Blady, the author studied many historical documents. At the same time, the romance itself is not loaded excessive detail:

"The historical novelist should explore the selected period with such care to feel in it, like at home. But if he knows the writer's craft, he will not climb the story acquired by knowledge, but only fill and highlight the narration. "

The image of the main hero of the novel - Captain Blade - includes biographies of real historical personalities. The life path of the pirate was based on the story of the nurse of the nurse "The narration of the great sufferings and the amazing adventures of Henry Pitmen, the surgeon of the late Duke of Monmuta."

Another prototype of the bold robber was Pirate Henry Morgan. From the real prototype, Blade got a courage, knowledge of the sea, the resourcefulness and possession of the sword. The second side of the pirate is a cunning, murder and intrigue - Sabatini did not move to his hero.

Thanks to the love of readers, the adventures of the brave sailor were continued. In 1931, the novel "Chronicle of Captain Blady" came out, and in 1936 - "Good luck Captain Blady". Trilogy is regularly reprinted to this day.


Peter Bund was born in 1653 in Ireland. The young man went in the footsteps of the Father and received a medical education. After the death of the parent (mother died long before the events described), the young man went to military service.

The newly new soldier traveled all over Europe and learned several languages. Peter spent a long time in the sea - served in the de Rytera Fleet. The man did not once visited the enemy captivity and participated in battle battles.

Peter Blad

Due to the non-wounded, Peter makes a decision to settle in England. Having settled in Bridgewater, the man returns to the medical craft again. Reliable accident leads blades on the dock. The authorities have no case to injustice, and the former military goes to Barbados as a convicted slave.

Once on the territory of the South Colony of Great Britain, Peter becomes the property of Colonel Bishop. And then the hero's heart pierces an Amur arrow. The charming niece of the colonel makes the doctor to lose his head:

"Let me introduce yourself: My name is Peter Blad, and my price is exactly ten pounds. That is the amount of your uncle paid for me. Not any person has a similar opportunity to know itself. "

And again the coincidence changes the fate of the hero. Now Peter Blood is a ruthful criminal and captain of pirates, traveling on the ship "Arabella" (Galen is named after the beloved). Former medic often changes the names: Captain Blad - in England, Don Pedro Sangra - in Spain, Le San - in France.

Captain Blad

A man wheel in the Caribbean Sea, the victory of the pirate over the authorities are known to all Europe. Despite the bad reputation, Peter follows the set of rules that does not violate.

"I know from personal experience that this terrible person, this blad, is not alien to the concepts of writing. He is a man of honor, though pirate. This robber, this Satan in the appearance of a person never shows meaningless cruelty and always keeps the word. "

The plot of the novels about St. Petersburg Blade

A familiar Dr. Blad asks for a service: in the house of a friend settled the patient, whose wounds need treatment. Peter visits the victim, and the soldiers break into the room and accuse the hero in the pencils of rebels.

The court makes a harsh sentence - hang a traitor. The kingdom needs slaves, and the death sentence turns into a life imprisonment. Arriving on the island, Peter enters the power of the local colonel, who quickly understands which treasure he got. From that moment on, Dr. Blood treats the inhabitants of the island, including the local governor.

Captain Blad.

On Barbados, the hero meets love. Despite different social statuses, the girl does not remain indifferent to the educated workman. Together with other convicts, Blood captures a local gallery and goes to the island of Tortuga.

Filter pirate life is full of battles and dangers. Captain Blada proves deadly enemies, including Pirate Levasser and Don Miguel Espinosis. The Spaniard captures the beloved belurman. The hero succeeds in saving Arabella, but instead of gratitude, Blood listens to unpleasant reproaches.

Captain Blad and Arabella

What else remains a valiant pirate? Of course, fall into despair and look for oblivion at the bottom of the bottle. From the protracted depression of the robber withdraws comrades. The French Admiral offers the captain and his team a tempting case - the siege of the Spanish city of Cartagena. The battle ends with a victory of thugs, but the admiral takes the loot and hiding in an unknown direction.

The unexpected news about the change of power in England gives an opportunity to return home to his homeland. But these plans are not destined to come true. Lord Willogby, who accidentally saved by Peter in one of the battles, appoints the sailor to the position of Governor of Jamaica. Having finished with a robbery life, Blood conquers the heart of the beloved woman. Now the hero is waiting for a calm and measured life.


The first attempt to move Peter Blady to the movie screen took place in 1924. George Warren Kerrigan, actor and director of a silent movie, tried on the image of an honest robber. The film was removed under the direction of Adam Smith - the brother of one of the founders of the film studio "Vitagraph Studios".

George Warren Kerrigan in the role of captain Blady

In 1935, a new film about the adventures of Blady appeared. This time, the company "Warner Bros" took the shooting. The role of the pirate was received by a little-known artist Arrol Flynn. There was a serious female between actors of the picture. It is rumored that the executor of the role of Levasor deliberately wounded the sword of the main actor picture.

Errol Flynn in the role of Captain Blady

The 1991 film called "Odyssey Captain Blad" affects the events of the first and second books about the honest robber. Film - the joint work of France and the USSR.

Yves Lambresht in the role of Captain Blady

The role of Captain "Arabella" was performed by Yves Lambresht. Especially for the filming of sea battles, Soviet ships rebuilt under the galleons mentioned in the novel.

Interesting Facts

  • The attack on the city of Maracaibo, which invented Blood during the wanderings, was actually. Only the idea belongs to Henry Morgan.
  • Peter often inserts the phrase into the conversation on Latin and the quatrain of favorite poems.
  • The adventures of the pirate were inspired by the creation of novels of Russian authors, including Tatyana Vinogradov ("Children of Captain Blade"), Mikhail Popov ("Iliad Captain Blade) and Oleg Divov (" We go to Curaçao ").


"Today, the meanness in England will not surprise anyone, she even sits on the throne!" "A person should be able to sometimes laugh at himself, otherwise he will go crazy. This, unfortunately, know very few, and therefore there are so many crazy in the world. "" Medicine is my vocation, but, unfortunately, life often made me becoming a soldier. "

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