Goyko Mitich - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



The first bodybuilder in the history of cinema, Serbian actor Goyko Mitich became famous in the USSR due to the role of the Indian, but became an integral part of the Soviet cinema. He was sports, played for a healthy lifestyle, talentedly played in films and had an incredibly attractive appearance.

Best Cinema of All Times Goyko Mitich

Handsome, the correct Goyko was recognized by the American Indians themselves "his native spirit," received a toten animal - a wolf and became synonymous with the whole era in the film industry.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the actor began in 1940 in Yugoslavia. Due to the fact that the country turned out to be occupied by the troops, Goyko and the brother of the boy were sent to live to Grandma and Grandfather. There he is imbued with love for an active lifestyle and disgusting to alcohol and tobacco. Grandma brought up guys in rigor and love, the family was very strong.

The Father of the Guys, Vicyin Mitich, was engaged in agriculture. During the war years, he was a member of the partisan movement.

Goyko Mitich in youth

Mitich's youth largely identified the sport - in his youth he learned to ride a horse and climb the mountains, run and swim, jump, fencing, skiing. He entered the Academy of Sports, where he continued to improve the acquired skills. It is not surprising that later the first serious stage of Career Goyko was the work of the Cascader.


For high growth (183 cm, weight 80 kg) and attractive appearance together with Goyko's sports body, the first major roles are obtained. After the appearance on the screen as Chingachguk in the movie "Chingachguk - Big Snake", it becomes popular and in demand as an actor. The film was removed based on the novel of the phenimor cooper "St. Johscoy".

Goyko Mitich in Western

He became famous thanks to the roles in the full-length paintings on the Indians, for example, in the tape "White Wolves", serious glory brought him the role of Spartak. In total, he starred in more than dozen paintings in which the Indians opposed the cowboy. The partners of the artist on the site were the stars of teleexcripts - Barbara Brylsk and Din Reed.

Goyko Mitich in the film

It became popular in the countries of the former Soviet Union - beautiful, with a heartfelt look, became a real sex symbol. Photo Goyko on a horse was bought by women across the country. However, he was practically unknown at home.

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In maturity, Goyko Mitich moves to Germany, where he works as a theater actor and director, then he returns to work in the cinema and on television. But the cult role of the Indian Mitich pursues all his life. In 2016, he played the leader of redheads in the Berlin theater.

At the same time, Goyko again appeared in the image of the Indian in Western "Winnettu and Old Shutterhend". He got one of the leading roles. The main characters were performed by the actors Nick Halilya and Wotan Wilke Möring.

Dean Reed and Goyko Mitich

The central hero is the young engineer Karl May - arrives in America to work in the railway company. One day, Karl meets the leader of Apache Winnetu and becomes a friend of a man and his tribe. Apacha give a new partner name Old Shatterhend. Together with the Mai tribe begins to fight the company that plans to lay the railway through the lands of redheads.

The images played in the movie Goyko Mitich, they were so crashed into memory of the Soviet youth, which in the already modern Russia many performers and musicians give a tribute to them in their work. Mentioning about the actor is present in the work of the cord, Sergey Trofimova and Lapis Trubetskoy Group.

Personal life

Personal life in a popular actor was saturated with a multitude of service novels and relations with fans. The beauty of Renat Bloom did not resist the charms of Goyko during joint filming, they have twisted a rapid prolonged novel.

Goyko Mitich and Renata Bloom

However, Goyko did not seek serious relationship for life, he spoke to the girl that his wife and children were not his way. As a result, Renata left Goyko, and after a while the American actor Din Reed notifies the woman with a frustrated woman. Even the actor had an affair with Barbara Brylet.

Women adored Mitich, he was for them a magnet. Only Goyko himself saw himself in the role of a free eagle, which was not destined to settle. However, Goyko's children still appeared. He had a daughter who occupies an important place in the heart and life of the actor.

Goyko Mitich not married

Natalia's name is Natalia. She was born on December 26, 1992 after the novel of the artist with Italian Ramona. Once a celebrity talked about choosing a name for a newborn. Since the baby appeared in the Christmas week, and in Italy, congratulating each other Merry Christmas, they say: "Bon Natalie!" The artist thought that if a daughter was called the name, consonant with the holiday, then she would be happy.

Now Natalia lives in Italy with her mother, but he often sees with his father and even played with him in theatrical productions. They go to relax in the summer to Greece. Despite age, Goyko loves to dive with scuba to a 30-meter depth.

Actor Goyko Mitich

In the life of the artist there is a favorite woman. But Mitich does not apply to it so that the pair does not deposit the press.

In 2017, the actor visited the Crimea. Then a journalist talked with him. Goyko warmly responded about Russia. He said that he feels like at home.

In 1999, the actor's mothers were not. Woman died after NATO bombing in Yugoslavia. In an interview, Goyko remembered that then the parent was woken at night from breaking bombs. They did not fall into the house, but Mom experienced the strongest stress. After that, the woman stopped talking, then refused food. As a result, her heart stopped.

Goyko Mitich now

The actor plays the theater in Berlin and filmed in the cinema. In 2017, he appeared on Russian television - the heroine of the program "Let them say" Vera Sotnikova was in love with the actor since childhood, and the producers made it a surprise, inviting Mitich to shoot.

Goyko Mitich visited the Crimea

At the first appearance, she did not recognize Goyko - the age changed the appearance of his beloved actor, but then he was happy for a long time and communicated with Mitich.

In February 2019, the release of the film "Balkan Rubber" is scheduled, where Goyko Mitich is involved in one of the central roles. Gosh Kutsenko, Anton Puppool, Milos Bikovich and others became colleagues of the artist on the set. The picture was discussed about the incidents of 1999. NATO bombitizes Serbia and gives Kosovo to plunder by Albanian gangsters. The role of Russia in these events is to resolve the conflict. At the same time, the airfield "Slatina" is given under the control of the Albanian field commander of the Smug.

Goyko Mitich on the filming of the picture

At the same time, two Russian scout Andrei Shatalov and Beck Etochheev perform an operation to seize the airfield. The forces involved in the conflict, in bewilderment: cannot understand whose control has crossed the base important in these events. At the same time, the Russian landing battalion is sent from Bosnia to Kosovo, which will make a march of 600 km. But circumstances are not in favor of Russian fighters.


  • 1963 - "Winnetu: Predators from Rossvel"
  • 1966 - "Sons of the Big Malar"
  • 1967 - "Chingachguk - Big Snake"
  • 1968 - "Falcon Trail"
  • 1969 - "White Wolves"
  • 1971 - "Ocole"
  • 1973 - "Apacha"
  • 1974 - "Ulzana"
  • 1980 - "Archive of Death"
  • 1983 - "White Pen's leader"
  • 1988 - "Hunters in Prairies Mexico"
  • 1995 - "Forbidden Love"
  • 2012 - "Last Summer in Europe"
  • 2016 - "Winnetu and Old Shatterhend"
  • 2019 - "Balkan Rubb"

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