Montserrat Caballe - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs



Montserrat Caballe is the most famous Spanish opera singer, the greatest soprano of modernity. Today, her name is known even people far from opera art. The widest range of votes, unsurpassed skill and bright temperament of Diva conquered the main scenes of the leading theaters of the planet. She laureate all sorts of awards. He is the Ambassador of the Peace, the Ambassador of Good Will, UNESCO.

Childhood and youth

On April 12, 1933, a girl was born in Barcelona, ​​who was given by Montserrat Caballe. Her full name is unlikely to speak out without training - Maria de Montserrat Vivian Concepcion Caballe and Folk. Parents called it so in honor of the Sacred Mountain of St. Mary Montserrat.

Montserrat Caballe in childhood and youth

In the future, she was destined to become the greatest opera singer, which was assigned the unofficial status "unsurpassed." The baby was born in the poor family of working chemicals and the housekeeper. The mother of the future singer was forced to work out where to have. Montserrat from childhood was not indifferent to music, she listened for hours of opera arias on the plates. At the age of 12, the girl entered the Lyceum Barcelona, ​​where he studied to his 24th anniversary.

Since the family was bad with money, Montserrat helped his parents, working first in the weaving factory, then in the store and in the sewing workshop. In parallel with the receipt of education and additional earnings, the girl took the lessons of French and Italian.

Montserrat Callee in youth

She studied for 4 years in the "Liceo" conservatory in the class of Eggness Kermen. Hungarian by nationality, the former champion in swimming, singer, Kemen developed his own respiratory production system, the basis of which was the fortification of the muscles of the torso and the diaphragm. Until now, Montserrat enjoys the breathing exercises of his teacher and its grinders.


Having received the highest score on final exams, the girl begins a professional career. The patronage of the famous patron of Beltrun Mata helped a young girl to get into the Basel Opera House troupe. The debut of the young Montserrat was the fulfillment of the main party in the opera "Bohemaya" Gacomo Puccini.

Young artist began to invite into opera groups of other cities in Europe: Milan, Vienna, Lisbon, Native Barcelona. Montserrat masters the musical language of romantic, classic and baroque operas. But she is especially successful by parties from the works of Bellini and Donizetti, in which all the power and beauty of her voice is revealed.

By 1965, the Spanish singer already know outside the Motherland, but the world success came to her after execution in the American opera "Carnegie Hall" party of Lucretza Borgia, when Montserrat Caballe had to replace another star of the classic Scene Marilyn Horn.

After the performance, the audience did not let go of the main heroine of the evening from the scene about half an hour. It is noteworthy that the solo career of the opera diva Mary Callas ended in this year. Thus, the predecessor as it were to hand over the palm of the championship of Montserrat Caballe, as the best soprano of the world.

Montserrat Caballe and Maria Callas

The next vertex in the creative biography of the singer was its role in Opere Bellini "Norma". This party appeared in the repertoire of Montserrat in 1970. The premiere of the play took place in the "La Scala" theater, and four years later the Italian team came with touring to Moscow. Soviet listeners for the first time could enjoy the sound of the voice of a talented Spanish, which was so shone in the aria "norm". In addition, the singer performed on the Metropolitan-Opera stage in the leading parties operas "Trubadur", "Traviata", "Othello", "Louise Miller", "Aida".

During the career, Montserrat Caballe managed to be attended with the orchestras of stars of stars, like Leonard Bernstein, Herbert Von Karaians, Georg Solsti, Zubin Meta, James Livaine. Its partners in the scene were the best tenor of the world: José Carreras, Placido Domingo and Luciano Pavarotti. Montserrat was friendly with Elena Exena and Marilyn Horn.

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In addition to the leading opera scenes of the world, the Spaniard performed in the Big Column Hall of the Kremlin, the White House in the United States, in the UN audience and even in the hall of the people, which is located in the capital of the PRC. For the whole creative life, the Great Artist sang in more than 120 operations, hundreds of disks were released with her participation. In 1976, the 18 ceremony "Grammy" Kaballe awarded a prize for execution of the best classic vocal solo.

Montserrat Callee carries not only opera art. She tries himself in other projects. For the first time, Opera Div made a rock star Freddie Mercury, the leader of the music team "Queen", in the late 1980s. Together they recorded songs for the album "Barcelona".

The composition of the same name was executed by the famous duet at the 1992 Olympic Games, which were held in Catalonia. Hit broke all records of world charts and became a hymn not only the Olympics, but also the entire autonomous community of Spain.

In the late 90s, Montserrat Caballe is recorded jointly with the Rock group "Gotthard" from Switzerland, and also gives a joint performance with the Italian pop singer Al Bano in Milan. In addition, the singer experiments with electronic music: a woman writes compositions with the author from Greece Wangelis, which is one of the creators of the new New Age style.

Montserrat Caballe and Nikolay Baskov

Among the fans of the opera singer, the song-ballad "Nijodelaluna" ("Child of the Moon") acquired considerable popularity, which was first executed by a team from Spain "Mecano". Montserrat at one time noted the Russian artist Nikolai Baskov. She identified a large singer in the young tentor and offered him vocal classes. Subsequently, Montserrat and Baskov sang a duet from the musical E. L. Webber "Ghost Opera" and the famous opera "Ave Maria".

Personal life

At 31, Montserrat Caballe married a colleague, Opera Barrybe Marty. They met when Marty was asked to replace the sick performer in Madame Butterfly. In this opera there is a kiss scene. And then Marty kissed Montserrat so sensually and passionately that the woman almost fell into fainting right on stage. The singer has not yet hoped to meet love and get married.

Wedding Montserrat Caballe and Bernaby Marti

After the wedding, together with her husband, they sang on one stage not once. But after a few years Marty decided to leave the scene. Some said that he had had problems with a heart, others - that, being in the shadow of the popularity of Caballe, decided to devote himself to the family. Anyway, marriage loving spouses have retained throughout life. Shortly after the wedding, Montserrat presented her beloved two children: the son of Bernabe and the daughter of Montserrat.

The girl decided to tie her life with singing, like her parents. To date, it is among the best vocalists of Spain. In the late 90s, Mom and his daughter performed in a joint program "Two voices, one heart", which was opened by the next opera season of Europe.

Montserrat Cabalon with daughter

The happiness of Caballe and Marty did not prevent Montserrat, nor its excess weight, which began to grow rapidly after the automotive accident. In a car accident, she fell back in his youth, after the injury injured in the brain, the receptors were disconnected, which are responsible for lipid exchange. In an interview with Opera Diva explained this as follows - when he drinks a glass of water, the body reacts to him as if she ate a piece of cake.

With the growth of 161 cm Montserrat Caballe became more than 100 kg, her figure eventually began to look disproportionately, but the brilliant singer managed to hide this lack with the help of special cutting clothes. In addition, Montserrat tries to adhere to specific diets, and periodically it is possible to discounted extra kilograms. The woman has long refused alcohol, for the most part in its diet - fruits, vegetables, greens and grain.

Montserrat Cabel and Katerina Cracked

There were problems with the singer and more serious than overweight. In the distant 1992, at a concert in New York, she became ill, she was hospitalized, and the doctors put Montserrat disappointing diagnosis - cancer. They insisted on an urgent operation, but her friend Luciano Pavarotti advised not to rush, but to contact the Swiss doctor who treated his daughter.

As a result, the operation was not needed. After some time, the Cabel felt better, but decided to restrict himself with solo concert activity, since on the opera stage she worries greatly and worries, and the doctors advised to avoid stress.

Montserrat Caballe with family

On the eve of the new 2016, the scandal broke around around the name of the singer Montserrat Caballe. Spain's tax services accused an opera diva in the coverage of part of the tax starting since 2010. For this, Caballe has already pointed out the place of residence by the State of Andorra.

For non-payment of taxes, the court sentenced an 82-year-old vocalist to the prison arrest for a period of 6 months and a fine. But this measure was applied conditionally due to Montserrat's disease. In 80 years, the singer suffered a stroke who strongly undermined her health.

By the beginning of 2017, the conflict between the authorities and the Caballe was already settled.

Montserrat Caballe now

In 2018, Opera Diva marked its 85th anniversary. Despite age, she continues to perform. In June, the singer came to Moscow to give a concert in the Kremlin Palace. And on the eve I took a visit to Ivan Urgant on the Evening Urgant program, where he told about the upcoming speech.

Montserrat Caballe visiting Ivan Urgant

The concert turned out to be family, together with her daughter Montserrat Marty and the granddaughter of Daniel. Of the 16 rooms, the opera singer performed only 7. The entire concert of Prima spent in a wheelchair. Recently, the Cabel has problems with legs, it is hard for it.

On October 6, 2018, it became known about the death of the singer. She was not in Barcelona, ​​in the hospital, where she was hospitalized due to problems with the bladder.


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