Alexey Fomkin - biography, photo, personal life, cause of death of the actor



Alexey Leonidovich Fombin was born in the capital of the USSR in 1969. His parents were not actors, but Mom Tatyana Nikiforovna was engaged in the theater mug. Since childhood, the boy rose good and cheerful. In the first grades of High School No. 516, he studied very well, teachers recommended to give Alyosha in a circle of artistic reading. Young reader did big successes there, and the mother decided to take him into a children's theater studio at the Dynamo plant, and then in the creative team at DC ZIL, in which herself was engaged in his time.

Alexey Fomkin in childhood

At the age of 13, Alyosha Fomkin spoke at the metropolitan children's competition of readers, for which he received a second degree award. In the same year, a talented boy entered the children's group, which advocated the Government of the Soviet Union on the Victory Day of the October Revolution.

In addition, Alexei Fomkin was invited to film to the film "Stuffed". The role in the movie the boy did not receive, but his photo was left in the Card file of the Gorky film studio. After some time, the apartment rang in Fombin. Good luck smiled Alexey, he was invited to shoot in the release of "Elash", which was called "auction".

the main role

Working in humorous Filmalmannahn brought Fomkin the necessary fame, the boy noted the director Pavel Arsenov, who at this time was looking for an actor to his main role in his new picture "Guest from the Future". The director did not lose: the character Kolya Gerasimov turned out to be so bright that in its popularity competed with the heroine Alice Selesevoy.

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In addition to shooting in a cult children's film, Alexey continued to be filmed in "Elash". As a result, another 5 release of a satirical magazine came out with his participation: "The fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hint of ...", "Miracles in Dream", "Dandelion Field", "peep bad" and "Let's talk to each other compliments. "

After deafening success in Guest from the Future, Alexey Fomkin becomes a welcome guest in transmissions for children. He often gives an interview for television and newspapers, including for the "Pioneer truth". Subsequently, the boy took two more works, but now there is already an episodic plan, in the film "reason", and after graduation - in the drama "On His land", where he played a negative character.

Life after glory

He graduated from the decade Alexey Fomkin with difficulty. During the shooting, he had to skip a lot, so after the 10th grade, instead of a certificate, he also issued a certificate about the listened program. After that, the road to the Higher Educational Institory of Alexey was closed, and a year later he was taken to the army. The young man was sent to serve on Baikal, where the recognizable actor was immediately arranged in amateur. Returning to Moscow, Alexey Fomkin entered the service of MCAT. Gorky.

Alexey Fomkin in the army

Advantaged before the army to drugs and alcohol, Alexey did not leave his destructive habit after. He began to regularly walk the work, which led his dismissal from the team. The actor was on the street, and the film studios were also silent. Heavy time in the fate of the artist coincided with changes in the state and the destruction of the Soviet cinema system.

The young man tried to work at a construction site for a while, but soon left and from there. He got carried away by the sniffers and could not quit his destructive habit. After a while, Alexey leaves for the Vladimir region to the settlement of anhydrous, where his grandmother lived. For some time, the actor lived on the village, he even got a job to work on the mill. Gradually, the life of a young man entered the right direction, he even began writing poetry.

Personal life

During residence in the Vladimir region, Alexey Fomkin often traveled to the regional center, where he met his future wife Elena. Soon the young were combined with a legitimate marriage, and Alexey moved to live to his spouse.

Alexey Fomkin with his wife

At this time, the former actor begins to engage in Esoteric, his seriously fascinated the mystic and holding various rites. They lived the young together shortly until the tragic event happened.


The life of the artist was cut off unexpectedly, in the winter of 1996. On the eve of Alexey and Elena Fomkin came to visit their friends to celebrate the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. Suddenly, among the nights, a fire began in the apartment, which was the cause of the death of Alexei. At that moment he had already slept hard and could not wake up. As a result of an emergency, a young man died tragically.

Tomb of Alexey Fomkin

In the death of Alexei Fomkin, many see many inconsistencies, but there was no criminal case on the fact of his death. The grave of the actor is located on the cemetery "Smilebyshevo" in Vladimir. A few years ago, Alexei Fomkin fans laid a special path and installed marble monument.


  • "Guest from the Future" - (1984)
  • "Reason" - (1986)
  • "On my land" - (1987)

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