Oksana Olesko - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Many people remember well and continue to hum. Songs of the popular group "Hi-Fi". Speaking about them, immediately recall the image of beautiful young people: two guys and girls. Oksana Oksana Oksana Oxana Oksana Oksana Oksana Oksana Oksana Oksana.

Childhood and youth

Oksana Oksana Evgenievna was born in the city of Barnaul, then in the USSR, February 13, 1975. Her mother was a geologist engineer, and the father is a military man. Also in the family of Olesko Ros and Senior Brother Sergey.

Oksana Olesko and group

Oksana often sick, so in 1980 the family decided to change the climate and move to the warm edges. The choice fell on the sunny Tbilisi. To even more help strengthen the weak immunity of younger daughter, the parents decided to give it to the section of ballroom dances, as well as sports gymnastics.


In those years, the love of dancing was first manifested in Oksana, which will be fundamental throughout the life of the artist. Already after the third grade, it goes to continue learning to the city choreographic school on the ballet artist. Like gymnastics, ballet implies strong physical and psychological practically daily loads.

Dancer Oksana Olesko

Ballet and gymnastics have largely influenced the formation of the nature of the future artist. Oksana learned to achieve their goals, overcome difficulties. In the gymnastics, she reached further the title of candidate master of sports. The next eight years passed in the hall, the machine.

Day after day, despite either weather, nor on well-being and circumstances, the girl worked on himself. No excuses were undertaken - so the future star was tempered. The first fruits of work did not make themselves waiting. Already in those years Oksana began to receive the first invitations from employers. She performed in the Tbilisi Theater Opera and Ballet.

Oksana Olesko

After graduating from School Oksana rides Moscow. While she has not yet received invitations from famous producers or director. It was a commercial trip, which was organized by the parents of fellow students, "Pen's test" and the test of the capital. The first pancake came out, the speeches did not have success, of which the girl learned only the confidence that she wants to live and work in Moscow. Soon, the girl left the father's house and went to meet the dream.

Like many other novice artists, Olesko did not have to have enough stars from the sky. And to gain peace in the new world of creative Moscow, Oksana is arranged in the Children's Music Theater of Natalia Sats. But problems were only added, I had to look for removable accommodation. In the theater Oksana, he worked with her husband Elena Garlicoye, with which they later became a girlfriend. Elena and his spouse invited young artist to live.

Singer and dancer Oksana Olesko

As Ms. Chesnokov itself says now, living with Oksana was easy and calm. It turned out to be simple and open man, not demanding, it was always nice to communicate with her. As for the work itself, Oksana soon realized that the theater was not a calling, and decided to change the generation of the activity.


Olesko begins to perform in celebrity choreographic groups. At first it was Dmitry Malikov, Oksana is friends with him, as well as with his wife. Soon the dancing with Malikov remained in the past, and the future soloist "Hi-Fi" goes to the popular group of that time - "on-on". After some time, the novel with the team participant was the cause of Oksana's dismissal.

Oksana Olesko and group

Career ladder girl continued to move up. In the service station Oksana, the work of Oleg Gazmanov, Andrei Gubin and Nikolai Karachentsov, is aware of Oksana.

One of the key moments of the creative biography of the artist was an invitation from Eric Canthuria to the HI-FI group. It was in 1998. The author of the songs for the new musical group was Pavel Yesenin. For a girl, this is a new, unknown earlier and therefore an even more interesting occupation. Its partners in the group were Mitya Fomin and Timofey Provekin. The leader of the team and her frontman was chosen by Mitya, but since his voice did not suit the Creator of Pavel Yesenin's team, the Solist's party sang the author of the songs.

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The first joint work of the artists was the record of the single "not given" and the clip on it. For shooting, participants gathered in St. Petersburg. The second single group was the Song of the Storgeon. Both compositions entered the first studio album of the group, which was called "First Contact". The songs "Thread", "Pioneer", "Forgive" were also presented in the collection. After 15 years, the album entered the 30 best collections of Russian pop music according to the publication "poster".

The team rapidly gained popularity. There were songs "about summer", "Black Raven" and "Cuba". They replenished the next album - "REPRECTION". A sports style clip appeared on the song "About Summer". The band members starred in the gym, where they repeated the movements of professional athletes. They got easily. The plot of the video on the song "Black Raven", on the contrary, turned out to be gloomy: Artists in black suits were filmed on the ruins of the old building.

In 2000, Heit Musicians "Stupid People". At the same time, the third album of the musicians "Remember" with the tracks "Brother", "Network", "999" came out. The last joint works of the first composition of the group were the song "Secondary School No. 7", "I love - it means I live" and "OLLE!".

Oksana, in addition to participating in the group as a vocalist, also writes words to many songs. Two songs were written for Batyrhan Shucenov, the former Frontman "A-Studio". The producer of Batyr was Eric Changturia.

The popular singer in 2002 receives an invitation from the magazine for Men "Playboy" for filming in a frank photo shoot, which increases the number of its fans.

Oksana Olesko and group

Having been in group until 2003, Oksana takes an important decision. Olesko leaves "Hi-Fi" and from show business, deciding to devote himself to family and children. Oksana's colleagues in group, Mitya Fomin and Timofey Provekin, supported the girlfriend and remained with her friends, the former fashion model Tatyana Tereshin was chosen to replace. With Tatiana at Oksana good relationship to this day.

Oksana Oleszko participates in secular life, continues to communicate with comrades for the group "Hi-Fi" and is filmed in the clips from Mitya Fomin. In 2010, the singer appeared in the video for the song "Everything will be fine", and five years later - on the musical composition "That's how I love you."

Personal life

In the days of working with the group "On-on", the personal life of the artist begins to develop. The dancer from the guys leads to the fact that Oksana falls in love. The soloist of the group Vladimir Levkin becomes its chosen. Love was strong, they wrote and dedicated to each other love poems.

Oksana Olesko and Vladimir Levkin

According to the contract, which is signed by all participants in the group "on-on", they did not have the right to make a family inside the big team. Therefore, the head of the Bari Alibasov team is dismissed Oksana. This trouble did not interfere in love to continue the relationship, Levkin and Olesko got married.

In the personal life of the pair was not everything smoothly. Vladimir Levkin fell ill with cancer. The disease was already at the last stage. As the ex-participant "on-on" himself told, everything was so bad that even on the path from the room in the bathroom he spent at least 40 minutes. Fortunately, the artist won, the disease was still gone, as Oksana left him, who loved another man.

Oksana Olesko and Anton Petrov

In 2002, being on vacation on the azure coast in France, the girl meets a man named Anton Petrov, who was immediately able to take possession of the girl. Upon returning to Moscow, Oksana is divorced with Levkin, leaves "Hi-Fi" and accepts an offer of his hand and heart from Anton. Wedding couple was an incredibly original and lush event. Already in 2005, Anton and Oksana are born by the daughter of Elizabeth. Later, another girl is born, which received the name of Veronica. Now the older girl takes the lessons of vocal, and the youngest fascinated by horseback.

Oksana Olesko with children

After some time, Oksana still breaks up with the second husband. Later, the Son Plato is born from the artist. According to some media, the father of the boy became a businessman Sergey Zwitnessko. But other tabloids claim that the Son is born from the third spouse of the singer - Alexey Petrov, with whom she gained female happiness.

Oksana Oleshko demonstrates in the photo in "Instagram" an excellent physical form. The actress spends a lot of time in the gym, resting on the sea coast along with children. It is possible that Oksana resorted to plastic, but the actress itself does not mention anywhere.

Oksana Olesko now

In 2017, the show "Stars came together" on the TV channel "NTV", in which Guest became Oksana Okshanko. Olga Orlova, Maria Cigal and other representatives of the Russian show business appeared on the air.

Singer and TV presenter Oksana Oxameko

In 2018, a concert of the group "Hands up!" In the IC "Olympic", on which the invited artists were Mitya Fomin, Timofey Provekin and the current soloist Marina Yudordin. Together with them, their former colleague Oksana Okshanko was published on the stage, which left the musical team 15 years ago.

The public warmly met the speech of the "Gold Composition" of the group "Hi-Fi". According to Mitya Fomin, the plans for the musicians to resume creative cooperation. Artists have already recorded a number of new musical compositions and prepare for the release of a video clip. In June, a group with tour visits the capital of Belarus.


  • 1999 - "First Contact"
  • 1999 - "Reproduction"
  • 2001 - "Memorize"
  • 2001 - "New Collection of 2003 D & J Remixes"
  • 2002 - "BEST"

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