Dian Kiton - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, In Youth, Filmography, Jack Nicholson 2021



Dian Kiton - American actress, Muse Woody Allen. She easily ranked 70s style icons, promoting unisex clothes. Her images still inspire designers of world brands to create new collections. At one time, the artist entered the list of the most attractive stars of Hollywood, although the Oskarone beauty itself does not hide that in adolescence suffered by Bulimia and imposed overestimated requirements for appearance.

Childhood and youth

Born on January 5, 1946 in Los Angeles. Her real surname on Father - Hall, and Kiton is the surname of her mother to marriage, which she took as a creative pseudonym, so that she was not confused with actress Dian Hall, already meaning at that time in the US Actors Guild.

Daian was brought up in the family of a construction engineer Jack Hall and a housewife Randy Hall. She was the firstborn in the family, she also has two sisters and brother. Mother in his youth received honorary title "Best Housewife Los Angeles" at the popular contest "Miss Los Angeles". It made an impression on the little Dian, it was after this event she began to dream of an acting career.

At school, the girl participated in all theatrical productions and musical ideas. Kiton performed the main and secondary roles in performances, festive events, sang at school evenings.

After school, Daian enters the theater college to study the theory of acting art, but, having studied a short time, left his studies for practical knowledge. In her biography there was a difficult period of life - Kyton moved to New York. There she had to be interrupted by temporary part-time engines in clubs, in parallel learning in the theater school in Manhattan.


1968 can be considered the start of the creative path of Kiton, she received a role in the Broadway popular rock opera "Hair". After a successful premiere of the opera, the actress successfully passed the casting for setting the play "Play this again, Sam!", Which Woody Allen put.

Daian received the role of the girl Linda Christie, for which in the same year was awarded the first in his career the Tony award. After this work, the successful creative relationship between the actress and the director was originated.

1970 marked in the creative life of Dian Debut on the movie screen in the painting "Lovers and other strangers." Then there were minor roles in television series, but then she smiled at luck: Kiton invited Francis Ford Coppola for filming in the Knolente Father's film, where Al Pachino spoke on a companion on the shooting platform. After the premiere, the picture gathered all sorts of awards from the world of the film industry, including Oscar.

Two years later, the world saw the second part of the film, where a young novice actor Robert de Niro was shot, performing the role of Vito Carleone, who brought him a long-awaited statuette. Later, the third part of the cult picture was published with the participation of the performer on the screens.

In 1978, Kiton brilliantly performed a major role in the film "Annie Hall", for which the film Golden Globe was noted, as well as the Oscar statuette. For the project, the artist used things from their own wardrobe, and also searched in stores Second-hand clothing in Marlene Dietrich and Catherine Hepburn. A successful creative duo existed until the mid-90s and presented with world cinema 8 projects.

In the picture of Warren Beatty called "Red", put on the novel "Ten days that shook the world" John Reed, the artist performed the role of Louise Bryant, the beloved of the main character of the novel. For the work of Daian in 1982, she once became a nominee for the Oscar Award.

Having gained experience, Kiton decided to try his hand in scenario art, as well as directed - her non-game painting "Paradise" was published. In subsequent years, as a director, she took the picture "Wild Flower" with the actress of Patricia Art. In addition, Diane replenished the acting filmography of several episodes from TV series "Twin Pix" and "Chinaka Beach".

The comedy Hugh Wilson "Club of the first wives" became incredibly popular among fans of cinema, was positively met by film critics and gathered the amount of more than $ 100 million at the box office, and this is only for the United States. Along with Diane Kiton, Bett Midler and Goldi Houne starred in the picture. It turned out witty, but raising quite serious comedy topics.

The film "Room Marvin", where Diane Kiton played along with Meryl Strip and starting at that time actor Leonardo Da Caprio, brought another nomination for the American Film Academy Award.

Later, the spectators were represented by the film "Love according to the rules and without", where, together with Kiton, Keanu Rivz and Jack Nicholson were filmed. Daian again fell into the nomination for Oscar for the best female role. According to the artist, she was embarrassed while kissing with a young colleague. Despite the rumors about the romance of Rivza and Kyton, after filming, they never saw the film.

Together with Katie Holmes Dian starred in the "cravings money" comedy, a British television remorse. The plot of this project was taken by a real event - the major theft of money from the bank with three women.

In 2013, the world saw the film "Big Wedding", in which Susan Sarandon and Robert de Niro starred with Dian. Film, despite the star cast, came to the rating of Anti-Prames "Golden Malina". The nominee was Catherine Heigle as the worst actress of the second plan.

Kiton also appeared in the film director of Rob Rainer "And here she is," Michael Douglas played in the main male role. The couple played the history of love, which overtakes their heroes in adulthood.

In 2016, the series "Young Dad" was released on the screens, Kiton got the role of Sisters Mary - Nuns, who raised the main character of Lenny Belardo in a orphan shelter. Young dad played Jude Low.

The television series caused ambiguous reviews in the masses. Spectators and film critics rejoiced a talented acting game and intellectual picture. The Catholic Media collapsed to this project with criticism: they outdressed their attempt to "eat" on spiritual values, and, according to them, directed by Paolo Sorrentino surfaced to history.

But the Vatican did not pay attention to the series during the year. According to the observer of the official publication, the holy throne is not inherent in pathos and frivolous attitude to the narration. And this comment is expecting, because the dad drinks the coke and smokes a cigarette.

In the draft director Dennis Dugan, "Love, Weddings and Other Catastrophes" before Kiton was delivered an unusual task - to embody the heroine on the screen, which lost sight in his youth. But life gives her a surprise - a novel with a fallen bachelor, organizer of wedding parties. The partner of the artist was the laureate of the Oscar Prize, Jeremy Irons.

Personal life

Diane Kiton had a lot of novels. Even on the set of "Cross Father" between her and Al Pacino broke out a serious passion. The attitudes of the actors lasted 2 years, but no serious way turned out. She had a connection with Woody Allen, but he did not become her official husband.

As a result, no romantic relationship has not led the performer to the altar. According to the actress, the men found a good listener in it, but they quickly bored them quickly. In addition, it admits that it is very demanding.

Nevertheless, the actress did not regret how her personal life was formed. But Kitton never regretted that he was not married. Her life is so full. She has a family - it is her children: a receptional daughter named Dexter, which has fallen in 1996, and the foster son Duke, in 2001 became a member of the Kiton family.

In addition to cinema, Daian is interested in photography, on her account there are already somewhat published photographs. Also, Dian is a famous enemy of plastic surgery, she often acts in an interview against artificial beauty both in young and in more mature age.

The actress makes up with dignity and looks great (with growth in 169 cm its weight is about 60 kg). Help her in this rules that she follows from an early age. This is the use of sunscreen, vegetarian diet and fast walking on the exercise bike.

Another Hobby Diane is to participate in restoration campaigns in order to restore and preserve old buildings.

Also, the star bursts at home requiring repair, and engaged in their restoration and redevelopment, after which resell at a bargain price. The singer Madonna, who acquired the mansion in Beverly Hills in 2003, paid $ 6.5 million for him.

In 2011, actresses diagnosed skin cancer. Doctors did not give her choice by saying that it was necessary to remove cancer cells from her face immediately. Kiton removed the skin area on the cheek, after which she had a scar. For her, he became an eternal reminder that no victory was given to a person too easy.

She admits that in his youth, did not even think about the sunscreen. At 21 she had to remove basal cell carcinoma.

However, this disease soon became part of the history of her family. With her skin cancer, her aunt collided, but for help he appealed late, and her nose was almost completely removed. After the diagnosis of "Basaloma" was also put on her father, and brother actresses.

Now Diane Kyton remains one of the most advanced Hollywood representatives. Therefore, no one was surprised when the actress appeared at the Instagram account. In a short time, the page has become a real verge of a fashion instagram-infoensor due to inspirational content.

The performer is still true to the style of Annie Hall Look, appearing in front of the camera in her usual men's suits, vests, tuxedes, hats and gloves. The actress enjoys a favorite reception, closing the neck of scarves, collars of turtlenecks or eccentric jabs.

Dian Kiton now

Kiton activity can envy her young colleagues. In 2021, she began filming the Mack & Rita comedic project, which received a major role. The acting task in front of the performer was delivered unusual - she needed to reincarnate into a young girl who falls into the body of an elderly woman.


  • 1972 - "Great Father"
  • 1974 - "Great Father-2"
  • 1977 - "Annie Hall"
  • 1984 - "Mrs. Saffel"
  • 1987 - "Radio Epoch"
  • 1991 - "The Father of the Bride"
  • 1993 - "Mysterious murder in Manhattan"
  • 1996 - "Club of the first wives"
  • 2003 - "Love according to the rules and without"
  • 2008 - "Crazy money"
  • 2010 - "Good Morning"
  • 2016 - "Young Dad"
  • 2017 - "Hampstead"
  • 2018 - "Book Club"
  • 2019 - "Pomposhka"
  • 2020 - "Love, Weddings and Other Catastrophes"
  • 2021 - Mack & Rita

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