Alexander Tikhanovich - biography, photo, personal life, songs, Jadvig Poplavskaya and the cause of death



Alexander Grigorievich Tikhanovich - Soviet pop singer of Belarusian origin, a former soloist of the popular group "Veras". People's Artist of Belarus.

Tikhanovich Alexander Grigorievich was born in Minsk on July 13, 1952. The singer recalled that he was brought up by an elderly woman who hired parents. Interest in music appeared at Alexander when he studied in a military school.

Alexander Tikhanovich

Tihanovich learned that the children who are engaged in the spirit of the orchestra may not attend some classes. Alexander became interested in this circumstance and settled in his first musical team. Tikhanovich played on a pipe, rehearsals so fascinated him that after graduation, the young man entered the Belarusian conservatory.


Alexander Grigorievich offered to work in the ensemble "Tonic", the touring team, which often traveled abroad. But Tikhanovich refused and found the opportunity to get to the "Veraes". By that time, the young man was already in love with the soloist of the ensemble Jadvig Poplavskaya.

From the mid-seventies of the last century, VIA "Veras" was a very successful project. The musicians gave two concerts a day, went on tour, performed on television. In the photo of that period, Tihanovich can be seen with a guitar, and with a pipe, and with a microphone. By the end of the eighties, due to disagreements in the team, the musician had to leave the group.

Alexander Tikhanovich - biography, photo, personal life, songs, Jadvig Poplavskaya and the cause of death 17912_2

In 1988, Tikhanovich and his wife began to act a duet. Choose the name for the Music Union The spouses helped the victory of their composition "Happy Case" on the Song of the Year's Television Competition. In the same year, the former soloists VIA "Veras" opened their own song theater. Over time, this organization has become a producer center, and a "happy case" duet evolved into the music group with the same name.

Alexander Tikhanovich and Jadvig Poplavskaya on stage

The songs performed by Poplavskaya and Tikhanovich were popular. The musicians toured over the cities of Germany, Poland, Hungary, Finland, France, Canada and other countries.

In 2008, the artist starred. He performed one of the main roles in the Moon's "Apple Moon", which went to the screens of Belarus in 2009. From 1994 to 2013, Tikhanovich was also involved in the filming of four kinocartin, in which episodic roles played.

Personal life

Alexander Grigorievich met his future wife Jutyig Poplavskaya at the rehearsal of the orchestra in the Minsk Philharmonic. Soon, young people became musicians of one team. Joint travel trips and daily rehearsals near Alexander and Jadvig, who since the beginning of the acquaintance did not show any interest to the young musician.

Alexander Tikhanovich with his wife

The couple signed in 1975. Poplavskaya and Tihanovich turned a strong musical family. In 1980, his wife gave birth to Vladimir Grigorievich daughter Anastasia, who after many years she also became a singer. At the beginning of the two thousand years, Tikhanovich had a grandson Ivan.


Thikhanovich died at the age of 64. His life path broke unexpectedly for many fans. The fact that the singer was trying to overcome a rare disease for many years, it became known after Tikhanovich's death.

Alexander Tikhanovich

Many famous artists killed cancer, but Alexander Grigorievich had a different diagnosis. The cause of the death of the singer is idiopathic fibrosis alveolit. The artist was sick with this rare autoimmune disease of the lungs for a long time. Thikhanovich managed to live for several years longer than other people with a similar diagnosis. He hid his ailment from the public. His last concert took place a few days before hospitalization.

The singer died on January 28, 2017, after he spent two weeks in the hospital. Farewell to a musician and funeral took place on January 30, 2017. The singer's grave is located on the eastern cemetery of Minsk.

Interesting Facts

  • An elderly woman who looks close to Alexander in childhood was a very pious man. Thanks to Nyan, Tikhanovich met the Bible and first visited the temple for the first time. In the years of illness, Vera helped Alexander Grigorievich to remain a cheerful and charming person. For many years, Tikhanovich was singing in the temple of Alexander Nevsky at the military cemetery in Minsk.
  • On the wedding day, Jadwig Poplavskaya tightened with the answer when the registrar asked about the wishes of the bride to marry. Tikhanovich's future wife fluctuated tween seconds, but then decided that if something went wrong, she would just give a divorce.
Alexander Tikhanovich and Ruslan Alekhno
  • Pop singer Ruslan Alekhno was familiar with Tikhanovich about 17 years. Men tied a strong friendship. Ruslan called Alexander Grigorievich his teacher and close to the spirit of man. Alekhno and Tihanovich together made a pilgrimage trip to Mount Athos in 2014.
  • In 1986, Tikhanovich tried to discredit on tour in Asia. The marijuana package posted in his concert pants. During the spontaneous check, the singer had to find drugs, but it was not the suit on it. As a result of the bloated scandal, Tikhanovich left the ensemble "Veraes".


Albums of the ensemble "Veraes":

  • 1980 - "Our Disco"
  • 1985 - "Music for All"

Albums A. Tikhanovich and Ya. Poplava:

  • 1989 - "Happy case"
  • 1995 - "Music of Love"
  • 1997 - "From" Malinovka "and ..."
  • 1997 - "Life is a wonderful moment"
  • 2008 - "Love Fate"
  • 2013 - "She could not otherwise

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