Clive Owen - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, movies, roles, "instagram" 2021



Clive Owen is the famous actor of the British theater, cinema and television. For his career, he achieved success, realized in life, creativity and on a professional field. Owen is an example of a person like a simple family leaving can put a goal and to achieve her own, being in the future in one frame with famous actors of the world and having visited the red tracks of the largest film festivals.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born on October 3, 1964 in the city of Coventry, United Kingdom. By nationality he is Briton. Father Clywa, Jess, was a singer performing country. Mother called Pamela. In the family, in addition to the future actor, four more children grew.

Boy's parents divorced when he was 3 years old. Pella had to raise the sons of the sons. In the future, the woman married the cashier of the railway station, which helped her to raise children.

Clive was fascinated by theatrical art in childhood, so played in the theater for youth from the 13th age. After graduation, he tried to find his calling and engaged in various activities. Enrolled in the Academy, to the department of dramatic art, he decided only after 2 years of thought and attempts to try himself in different spheres. Teaching theatrical art lasted 3 years. After that, he began working in the theater troupe in London, where he served mainly in Shakespeare's plays. But other roles happened.


Owen came to the sphere of Tele Industry in 1987. He played an episodic role in a detective series. The first full-length filmtin, in which the actor involved, was the "hum of motor". The film was released in 1988. After that, the debut of Klyiv regularly began to film in film polishes and television series.

It is worth noting that he received the first recognition by starring in the picture "Lorna Dong" in 1990. The first failure was the role of Richard in the film "Close My Eyes" (1991), since critics have published negative reviews in the media. After that, Clive was stopped to film to the cinema for 2 years, devoting himself only the theater.

Owen had the opportunity to play in the 90s in several cinema before he achieved success. In 1997, he played in the film "Temployment", which received a reward at the Cannes Film Festival. He performed a major role, and the artist's game highly appreciated film critics. More positive reviews received films "Cross", "Echo" and 4-serial film "Clairing".

Later, the actor starred in the advertisement "BMW". It was a series of short film kinocartin, where he was driving a car.

In early 2000, Clive played in the "Gosord Park" and "Born Identification". Since 2003, Owen has truly become a popular and famous actor. He participated in kinocartes of famous directors. Angelina Jolie, Jessica Alba, Natalie Portman, Mickey Rourk, Julia Roberts, Bruce Willis, Madonna, Jennifer Aniston, Bruce Willis, Madonna, Jennifer Aniston, Monica Bellucci, Judes Lowe, Nicole Kidman and other outstanding personalities of America and Europe. In 2005, we had suggested that Owen would become a new Bond after the pier of Raspanan, but the role went to Daniel Craig.

A year before, Klyiv appeared as Arthur in the film "King Arthur". Initially, the ribbon wanted to use Russell Crowe, but he refused. And Owen agreed with pleasure. True, and here, on the path of the artist, Daniel Craig almost got up, but Clive gave the role in the film "Golden Compass" than a very surprised colleague.

Then there was a British detective film "Lightly, when I will die." In it, Owen appeared in an unexpected for fans the image - with a beard. According to the plot, the main hero Will Graham returns to his hometown to investigate the death of a brother who died in mysterious circumstances. His goal is to make justice over the guilty. On the way of Will, old enemies appear and the former beloved, which further complicates the situation.

In 2005, the actor received a role in the film "City of Sins". This is the screen version of Novel Frank Miller. Heroes are residents of the town of Baisin City. All of them are dangerous people who have secrets.

Then Owen was involved in the thriller "Not caught - not the thief" directed by Spike Lee. The story of the ribbon is built on the confrontation of the Whale Fraser's detective, which Washington's Denzel played, and the cunning robber of Dalton Russell banks. The game in the "cat mice" is poured into the grip of the hostage.

A year later, the actor starred in a criminal militant with elements of the black humor "Sunges of them." The plot tells about a man named Smith. Once he becomes a participant in a shootout, during which the life of a newborn baby saves. Because of this, the main character turns out to be drawn into a government conspiracy.

In 2011 and 2012, Clive Owen appeared in the "Eaters" thrillers, "Professional" and "Secret Player". Clive participated in the film "Recent Knights" and "Hemingway and Gellahorn", where he happened to fulfill the role of the Great Writer. In 2016, the actor starred in the "Confirmation" and "BMW Escape" paintings.

It is worth noting that in 2016, Clive Owen together with Meryl Strip and Alboy Rorruhher, directed by Mulgezhoya, Svisovskaya, photographer Bridget Lyakomb and a cinema Nick James entered the jury of the Film Festival in Berlin. The program of the competition was 18 kinokartin.

Clive Owen nominated several times to receive various cinema premiums: "Oscar" for the picture "Proximity", "Golden Globe" for the "Hospital of Nicerboker" and the role of Hemingway, Emmy for Hemingway and Gellhorn, Guild Prize for Hemingway .. . ". Prestigious awards noted the work of the actor for the movie "Proximity". He received the Golden Globe and BAFTA. These awards the actor was presented in 2005, and they confirm the recognition of the OUNEn, which is complemented by the love of fans.

In the summer of 2017, the audience saw her favorite artist in the fantastic film of Luke Samon "Valerian and the city of thousands of planets." Owen appeared in the role of an interesting character - Commander Arun Filitta. Dane Dekhan and Kara Mal Devin became colleagues. And in one bright scene, the singer Rihanna appeared.

On April 19, 2018, an international film festival started in Moscow. The program included 16 paintings, one of which - "Ophelia" - brought from the United States. The director of the tape was Claire McCarthy. Critics noted the originality and unusual of the film. Clive Owen fulfilled the role of the central male character. Together with him, Naomi Watts and Daisy Ridley are involved in film.

And already in May 2018, the premiere of the fantastic thriller Andrew Nikkola "Anon" took place. The main roles in the film were performed by Clive Owen and Amanda Seyfried. The plot of the paintings tells about the "ideal" society of the future. The world has a total control of people, which implies the absence of personal life, private territories and civil rights. In such a state there are no mistakes and offenses. But one day, the detective Sol Freiland meets the girl whose name is not in the database. And here the man opens a new world. Together with Owen and the semi-cride in the film, the Colm Fior was involved, Sonya Walger, Dalberg and others.

2019 was rich in the premiere. The actor starred in the Gemini militant, where he happened to work with Will Smith. The film tells about the first-class killer Henry Broogan, on which the mysterious operative begins. The actor was offered the role of an antagonist, and he agreed. Will Smith played a positive character.

After the premiere of the Drama "Song of Names" premiered, which was removed based on the novel of Norman Lebrocht. This is a story about the elderly musician who is looking for a missing brother. In the picture, in addition to Clywa Owen, Tim Mouth, Catherine McCormack, Eddie Isard and others were involved.

Another fighter 2019 is "three seconds." According to the plot, the former prisoner specially falls under the arrest to become a member of the criminal grouping in the most guarded prison of the world. The main roles were performed by Clive Owen, Yuel Kinnaman, Rosamund Pike.

Personal life

Personal life actor is quite measured. In his youth, he met and loved the young actress with whom he knitted his fate is Sarah-jane fanton. They met, playing in the formulation of Romeo and Juliet. Ironically, Romeo's character got a character, and Sare-Jane - Juliet. Shortly after that, the couple became her husband and his wife in life.

Lovers officially concluded marriage in 1995. Then two children - Girls Hannah and Eve appeared in the family with a difference of several years. Spouses in Hollywood are considered an exemplary pair. They do not bring quarrels to the public and do not roll publicly scandals. Now the family lives in his own house in the village of Highigate, which is located near London.

The actor shared that the family makes him happy:

"I'm happy when I see my girls happy. This is not a shower. I never thought earlier that I could feel delight and exhaust simply because relatives are healthy and satisfied. Probably, this is another secret of our Union with Sarah. I feel just the indescribable feeling of happiness when we are all together! "

Remarkable fact in the actor's biography: Clive Owen and Gerard Butler have similarities in appearance. Articles about it appear in publications where celebrity photos are compared. But on this similarities do not end: both in the origin of the British, brought up in incomplete families and started an acting career from the theater scene.

The actor is a fan of the music group Hard-FRI, with family and friends periodically visits the concerts of this team. As a football fan Clive is sick for FC Liverpool, extinguishing on some matches.

Also the artist devotee of David Bowie's creativity. The actor said that the artist's music had an impact on Clive still in his youth. Later he walked with the same hairstyle as David. The film actor owns a collection of musician plates since the 70s. "The greatest impression in my life," so the actor speaks about Bowie.

In one interview, the artist stated that the badgers were afraid. Later, when he talked with another journalist, then on the question about badgers laughed and admitted that he was joking.

It is noteworthy that Owen chooses the roles of educated and intelligent, but immoral men. And the artist's image is a worn old coat, which Clive is carrying with him on the shooting. And the directors can do nothing with it.

Some sources argue that Clive was born in 1962, and the actor himself hides the real date of birth. One edition even wrote a big article on this topic and attached a photo of the birth certificate of Owen, where 1962 was indicated.

The actor does not lead a page in "Instagram". Therefore, fans can recognize the news about it only from official sources.

Clive Owen now

In 2021, Clive Owen became the main character of the popular series "American History of Crimes". The new season was called "impeachment". His story focuses on a political and sexual scandal, which turned around US President Bill Clinton and Monica Levinsky's travelers. In Court, Clinton tried to deny sexual relations with Levinsky, but a drop of sperm on a blazer woman proved his guilt. For perjury, the president tried to declare impeachment.

The shooting of the 3rd season began in November 2020. The executive producer of the picture was Ryan Murphy. Clive Owen fulfilled the role of Bill Clinton, Bini Feldstein - Monica Levinsky, and Sarah Poleson - Linda Tripp.


  • 1993 - "Century"
  • 1994 - "Happy Turn"
  • 1997 - "Leaning"
  • 2001 - VMW
  • 2002 - "Born Identification"
  • 2003 - "Beyond"
  • 2004 - "King Arthur"
  • 2004 - "Proximity"
  • 2006 - "Not caught - not a thief"
  • 2006 - "Human Child"
  • 2011 - "Eaters"
  • 2012 - Hemingway and Gellhorn
  • 2015 - "Recent Knights"
  • 2017 - "Valerian and the city of thousands of planets"
  • 2018 - "Anon"
  • 2018 - "twin"
  • 2018 - "Ophelia"
  • 2019 - "Gemini"
  • 2019 - "Song name"
  • 2019 - "Three Seconds"
  • 2020 - "Lizi History"
  • 2021 - "American History of Crimes"

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