Jacqueline Kennedy - biography, photo, personal life, style and cause of death



Jacqueline Kennedy became the heroine of the whole era. Her biography is a collection of official facts and many of the exact opposite rumors, the whole story of this woman is a series of great events, whether they are happy or, on the contrary, exciting and even terrible. A lot of books were written about her, five films were filmed, no one dozen masterpieces in the fashion world was created in her honor.

Jacqueline Kennedy in Youth

John Kennedy's wife, who hugged him dying, along the way to the hospital, and then demonstrated the world reinforced concrete resistance and exposure, passing at the head of the foot of the procession, accompanied the tuple with a coffin at the burial place. Passionate and beautiful woman, which envelop rumors and gossip about numerous lovers before, during and after her first marriage.

Jealous, but brave, all-friendly and loving spouse. Demanding, but fair mother and grandmother. The leader of the struggle for the preservation of cultural heritage in the United States and beyond. It's all she is an incredible and unique Jacqueline Kennedy, which many, loving, called Jackie.

Jacqueline Kennedy in old age

Its appearance made an indelible impression with his thoughtfulness and charm, and all the terms of the image "Jackie" together are a standard of style and sophistication many years after their creation. She became the favorite of the whole country, in his post of the first lady, who girl took less than all in history (only two years), Jacqueline managed to make much more of his predecessors.


Jacqueline was born in 1929 in the United States, she has European roots and French maiden name. In childhood, the girl received the best education from what could offer her society at the time. The second marriage of her mother was very successful, so Jacqueline from an early age was used to living in exceptional luxury. Having a habit of wealth was reflected and her hobbies: she was perfectly controlled with the horses, was an incredible horseman, as well as a very competent and well-read young lady.

Jacqueline Kennedy in youth

Higher education The girl received partly in the United States, partly - in France. The diploma girl received on the profile of French literature and art history. In general, youth prepared Jacqueline to her incredible fate - she since childhood was surrounded by beautiful things and intelligent successful people, she had excellent manners after studying in a private school for girls, she perfectly understood in the subjects of art and historical values, had a great taste.

She perfectly held in the highest circles, comfortably felt surrounded by a wide variety of people and began to be quite early to be in the first roles among the rich, intelligent and famous representatives of society.

Jacqueline Kennedy in youth

After graduating from the University of Jacqueline, it began to work in Medicine - was the author of the column and the newspaper correspondent, which asked unexpected questions to the most different people and made their photos, recorded answers. She had a stormy personal life, including serious romantic hobbies. She even was engaged in his beloved for several months, but marriage was not destined to take place. Then the girl starts studying the history of America in Washington, where at one of the charitable evenings she is represented by the promising senator John Kennedy, who native affectionately called "Jack".

Marriage with John Kennedy

Jacqueline becomes "Jackie" and marries, being very young, full of love and hopes for a happy family future surrounded by a handsome man and several healthy children. But the first year of living together with John Jacqueline had to cope with the nervous breakdown, because life surrounded by family, friends and political companions was not easy for her.

The Kennedy family was ambitious, among the relatives of John Jacqueline, it was uncomfortable - she was more educated, a sensitive, brought up and possessed by the best manners.

Wedding Jacqueline and John Kennedy

The first years of life in the status of Kennedy's wife were overshadowed by the tragedy - the first children of the Kennedy kennedy died at birth, which was a blow to a pair. Jacqueline has long experienced this grief.

The husband from Kennedy turned out at all is not exemplary - he loved women and often changed his wife. There were rumors that among the victories of the president there were very well-known models and actresses. Marilyn Monroe became the most famous mistress, the alleged affair from which was the longest and events. There is a theory that Monroe was killed precisely for contact with the president, because when John decided to complete the relationship, very emotional, unpredictable, and therefore dangerous Marilyn began to threaten to reveal their mystery.

John Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe

Jacqueline knew everything and badly tolerated her husband's intrigues, because he loved him very much and forgot him. In those rare moments, when John's attention was focused on her one, Jacquelin felt the happiest in the world.

Nevertheless, it happened that Jackie married not for love, but in the name of a high social status. John began to run into the presidency, and she immediately joined the role of the first lady. Although she could not participate in the campaign because of pregnancy, Jackie supported the election race as his strength. For example, he led the author's column in the local periodical periodicals of the candidate's wife. Marriage from romantic quickly switched to the affiliate Union of like-minded people, in which each member is assigned a certain role and the responsibilities are prescribed.

Jacqueline Kennedy - First Lady USA

John Kennedy became president and looked at the work with his head. Jackie did not lag behind - who gave birth to two children, she began to fulfill their duties. But it did much more: Jacqueline for his short term as the first lady of the country did a lot to the country. It was she who assigned the status of a museum and cultural value to the White House, conducted a large-scale repair of buildings and opened it for every American, filming the transmission-excursion. She traveled most of all, established communication with countries on different continents.

Famous Pink Jacqueline Costume

Jacqueline made the White House by the Source Cream Plant - representatives of the political establishment and intelligentsia, art and music representatives. Music evenings, balls, concerts were arranged. Inhapping in this building, she began to establish links between countries and joint solving issues on the preservation of global cultural heritage. Cute and harmless, very young Jackie - the very young first lady in the history of the United States - reached its goals, showing a steel grip, hard work and purposefulness.

Kennedy's murder

The president's fatal shot took place during preparatory visits within the emerging election campaign for a new term. John with his wife arrived in Texas and drove in the contention surrounded by security and numerous crowd. Suddenly, a series of shots thundered from nowhere, after which John with a deadly wound in his head fell on a nearby jacqueline.

Murder John Kennedy

In that fatal day, she was in the beloved pink suit of the famous brand, which after became legendary. Beautiful, sophisticated woman drove in a limousine filled with blood and residues of a fragmented skull, with a dying husband on his knees. She tried to save John, stop blood. I thought I should have covered it with my body when the first shot of the total number was thundered, which committed a criminal. But it was too late - Chet Kennedy was taken to the hospital, where John died.

Jacqueline Kennedy in a pink costume in the blood

Jackie went with the body to autopsy, and then brought him to the White House. She was on his legs over the day, dressed in the same pink costume all in the footprints. In it, she watched the vice president gave oath on the Bible and held her post only that the deceased her husband.

The next three days became the most severe in her life - Jacqueline showed their best features and incredible resistance of the Spirit, placing the most magnificent ceremony of the funeral, which was the one that the Great President deserved.

Funeral John Kennedy

She was collected, engaged in children, moving from the White House, welcomed the new president and performed the debt of the first lady to the very end. Her strength of the Spirit faded the whole world and became synonymous with the true power of a woman.

Life after the White House

It is well known that the wife of the murdered President of the United States Abraham Lincoln last years lived in poverty. This thought did not give rest of Jacqueline after the death of her husband, because she needed to bring up two children one. She settled in a secluded estate, which she helped to buy Brother John Robert. Mourning, ceased to go into the world and for many months she tried to cope with the pain of loss and finding the meaning in all what is happening.

Jacqueline Kennedy with children

Jacqueline found the strength to live on after the tragedy, she hid her grief deep in the heart. Just three times she communicated with the press on her first marriage after the death of her husband. The audio recording of her interview with the historian she asked to classify and publish only 50 years after his death.

Of course, the world heard this interviews much earlier - after the death of Mother's mother's daughter Kennedy decided to publish a record. In it, Jackie did not reveal the details of the murder, as many would like, but with great love responded about John, his family qualities and incredible attitude towards children. Their relationship was peculiar, but they loved each other and supported in difficult moments, while staying together to the end. This interview became a peculiar requiem relationship of America's favorites "Jack and Jackie."

Jacqueline moves and Washington in New York, begins to work in the field of public relations and initiatives, a lot of strength and attention is paid to the heritage of the first husband, participating in the opening of the library of his name.

Personal life

Five years after the ill-fated shot, which turned his whole life, Jacqueline gets married a second time. The chief of women became Aristotle Oressis - a successful businessman from Greece. The marriage lasted less than ten years and ended with the death of Aristotle. Jacqueline received a decent state.

Jacqueline Kennedy with the Second Husband

In adulthood, Jacqueline was an exemplary mom and grandmother - a lot of time spent with her son and daughter, as well as three grandchildren. She continued to work in Media - began to work as an editor in the periodical edition. Jackie again took up the favorite case on preserving monuments and buildings representing serious cultural and historical value. Her efforts are saved by many of New York buildings.


Jacqueline has lived a long life, but her fate was full of unbearable sufferings and tragic events that they suggested her health and indirectly caused her death. In old age, she had a serious illness - lymphoma, as a result of which the woman died.

Death came when Jackie was in a dream. The funeral of the heroine of his generation in the United States took place on the same cemetery, where her first husband and children were buried.


Jacqueline is a recognized style icon. The elegance of Jacqueline made it the most stylish first Lady of the United States of all time. Her image is a landmark for influential women in different countries. She love her, she admire, she imites the most famous women in the world.

Corporate identity Jacqueline Kennedy

Round gate, elongated sleeves, midi skirts and pearl decorations - Here are the main elements of the style icon. Add here your favorite jacqueline silk headscarves and long gloves that attached aristocraticity to any evening image. And, of course, branded jackets, which Jackie has not changed throughout life.

Jacqueline Kennedy wore a stylish hairstyle

Jacqueline itself was slim and well-groomed. Her unchanging hairstyle - a lush dark-haired karea - became its business card. She never put out his figure, did not keep up with the times, following the trends of the mods of those times. She never changed her taste. Of course, Jackie helped in this very much - her image created a team of specialists, many years wardrobe picked up a well-known fashion designer. But the final word was always for Jacqueline.

Nevertheless, carry yourself with that dignity, as Jackie did, maybe not every woman. Majestity, elegance, refinement and grace are the foundations of the image and style of Jacqueline Kennedy.

Jacqueline Kennedy and Nina Khrushchev

The photo, which was made during the meeting of the Quince of Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev and his wife Nina, instantly sheltered the whole world in 1961. On it, there are two completely unlike women - Nina Khrushchev in a colorful free dress, without laying and makeup, and Jackie with a "full parade".

The difference was so clear that this photo was still used for a long time for various purposes, but mainly in order to exalted the United States and emphasize the differences between America and the USSR. Neither the difference in age, neither the situation in the countries - the whole world appreciated the final final view of the first two ladies.

Jacqueline Kennedy

After that, Jacqueline was entrenched the title of the most stylish first Lady of the United States, and since then, all subsequent female presidents are trying to match this bar. Of course, no one has done the copying of images until recently, but some features - be it laying, the length of the skirt or a pearl thread on the neck - they used many of the first ladies, including Michelle Obama.

At the inauguration of Donald Trump, the whole world drew attention to the funny thing: the outfits, in which his wife Melania appeared in front of the journalists and the world public, was very similar to the famous Jackie dresses.

Melania Trump and Jacqueline Kennedy

The image of melania is indeed quite often stylized under Jacqueline, the generality between women has repeatedly emphasized the President of the United States Donald Trump. Perhaps the current first lady, who became famous thanks to his model career, will try to relocate the title of the most stylish of all the first wives and will continue the case of Jackie, spreading elegance and good taste in the masses. In the meantime, at first, melania is not against just match the standard, which is successful and does.

Influence on fashion

Jacqueline Kennedy outfits are able to compile a separate museum exposition - many of them were created exclusively for Jackie. For fashionable houses was the greatest honor to make beautiful dresses for the first lady of the country in which she could hit all the participants in important international celebrations and techniques. It is not surprising that this woman left a noticeable trace in the history of fashion and influenced its development.

Jacqueline Kennedy.

On modern shows, once at times they are recreated and the religious images of Jacqueline are reconciled. In her honor, decorations and bags were created, which are still produced. Spirits called her name, many years later are still a hit selling in specialized stores.

This woman inspired a whole nation, so her image every American carries with him throughout life.

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