Leonardo da Vinci - photo, biography, personal life, paintings, cause of death



Leonardo di s s s sierro da Vinci - man of art of the Renaissance, sculptor, inventor, painter, philosopher, writer, scientist, polymat (universal person).

The future genius was born as a result of the love relatives of the noble Piero da Vinci and the girls of Katerina (Catharina). According to social norms of that time, the marriage union of these people was impossible due to the low descent of Mother Leonardo. After the birth of the firstborn, she was married to the potter, with whom Katerina lived the remainder of life. It is known that she gave birth to four daughters and a son from her husband.

Firstborn Piero da Vinci lived three years with his mother. Leonardo's father immediately after his birth was married to a rich representative of a notable kind, but the legal spouse could not give birth to him the heir. Three years after the marriage, Piero took the Son to himself and took up his upbringing. Magic Leonardo died in 10 years, trying to give birth to the heir. Piero married the second time, but quickly widowed. In total, Leonardo had four stepmothers, as well as 12 sophisticated brothers and sisters on the father's line.

Creativity and inventions da Vinci

The parent gave Leonardo to the disciples of the Tuscan master Andrea Verrocko. During the training of the mentor, the son of Piero has suffered not only the art of painting and sculpture. Young Leonardo studied humanitarian and industrial sciences, skill of the skin, the basics of working with metal and chemical reagents. All these knowledge came in handy da Vinci in life.

Leonardo received confirmation of the qualification of the master at the age of twenty years, after which he continued to work under the start of the Verrocko. The young artist was attracted to the shallow work on the paintings of his teacher, for example, prescribed background landscapes and clothing of secondary characters. Own workshop appeared at Leonardo only in 1476.

In 1482, Da Vinci was sent by his patron Lorenzo Medici in Milan. During this period, the artist worked on the two paintings that were never completed. In Milan, the Duke of Lodovico Sforza enrolled Leonardo to the court state as an engineer. High-ranking individuals were interested in devices of a defensive nature and the device for the passion of the yard. Da Da Vinci has the opportunity to develop the talent of the architect and the ability of the mechanic. His inventions were an order of magnitude better than those proposed contemporaries.

The engineer stayed in Milan under the Duke of Sforces about seventeen years old. During this time, Leonardo wrote pictures of "Madonna in Grote" and "Lady of Mornostham", created his most famous drawing "Vitruvian man", made a clay model of the equestrian monument to Francesco Sforin, painted the wall of the refectory Dominican monastery "The Last Supper" composition, made a number of anatomical sketches and drawings of devices.

Engineering Talent Leonardo came in handy and after returning to Florence in 1499. He settled on the service for the duke of Cesad Bordjia, who was counting on the ability of da Vinci to create military mechanisms. The engineer worked in Florence about seven years, after which he returned to Milan again. By that time, he had already completed work on the most famous picture, which is now kept in the Museum of the Louvre.

The second Milan period of the master lasted six years, after which he went to Rome. In 1516, Leonardo went to France, where he spent his last years. On the journey, the master took the Francesco Francesco, a student and the main heir of the art style da Vinci.

Despite the fact that Rome Leonardo spent only four years, it is in this city that is the museum of his name. In the three halls of the institution, you can familiarize yourself with the devices built according to Leonardo drawings, consider copies of paintings, diaries and manuscripts.

The Italian dedicated to engineering and architectural projects most of his life. His inventions had both military and peaceful character. Leonardo is known as the developer of tank prototypes, aircraft, self-devoting wagon, spotlight, catapult, bicycle, parachute, mobile bridge, machine gun. Some inventor drawings still remain a mystery to researchers.

In 2009, on the air of the Discovery TV channel, the cycle of Da Vinci films was released. Each of the ten episodes of the documentary series was devoted to the construction and testing of mechanisms according to the original Leonardo drawings. The film techniques tried to recreate the invention of Italian genius using its era materials.

Personal life

The personal life of the master kept themselves in the strictest mystery. For records in their diaries, Leonardo used cipher, but even after deciphering, the researchers received little significant information. There is a version that the reason for secrecy was unconventional orientation da Vinci.

The basis of the theory that the artist loved men, there were guessing researchers based on indirect facts. At the young age, the artist appeared in the case of Sodomy, but it is significantly unknown, in what quality. After this case, the master was very secretly hidden and stingy on the comments about his personal life.

The possible beloved Leonardo belongs to some of his students, the most famous of which is Salay. The young man was endowed with his own appearance and became a model for several crafts of the brush da Vinci. The picture "John the Baptist" is one of the preserved works by Leonardo, for which I posted Salay.

There is a version that "Mona Lisa" was also written from this tool, dressed in a women's dress. It should be noted that there is some physical similarity of people depicted in the paintings "Mona Lisa" and "John the Baptist". It remains the fact that yes Vinci kept his art masterpiece precisely Salay.

On the possible lover Leonardo historians also rank Francesco Meltsi.

There is another version of the mystery of the Italian's personal life. It is believed that Leonardo had a romantic connection with the Churching Gallerani, which, presumably depicted in the portrait of the "Lady of Mornosta". This woman was the favorite of the Milan Duke, the holder of the literary salon, the patroness of the arts. She introduced a young artist in the Circle of Milan Bohemia.

Among the records, Da Vinci was found a draft of writing, addressed to the churchilia, which began in words: "My beloved goddess ...". Researchers suggest that the portrait of the "Lady of the Mornost" is written with the obvious signs of the untrained feelings to the woman depicted on it.

Some researchers believe that the Great Italian did not know the carnal love at all. Men and women did not attract it in a physical sense. In the context of this theory, it is assumed that Leonardo led the life of a monk who did not give rise to descendants, but left a great heritage.

Death and Mogila

Modern researchers concluded that the likely cause of the death of the artist is a stroke. Da Vinci died at the age of 67, it happened in 1519. Thanks to the memories of contemporaries, it is known that by that time the artist has already suffered from partial paralysis. Leonardo could not move the right hand, as researchers believe, due to the stroke transferred in 1517.

Despite paralysis, the master continued an active creative life, resorting to the help of a student Francesco Meltsi. The well-being da Vinci has deteriorated, and by the end of 1519 he was already difficult for him to walk without any assistance. These certificates comply with the theoretical diagnosis. As scientists believe, the repeated attack of the brain circulation impairment in 1519 completed the life path of the famous Italian.

At the time of death, the master was in the castle of Clo-Lyus near the city of Amboise, where the last three years of his life lived. In accordance with the testament of Leonardo, his body was buried in the Gallery of the Saint Florent church.

Unfortunately, the grave of the master was ruined during the Hugueno Wars. The church in which the Italian was stubbered was looted, after which he came to a strong launch and was demolished by the new owner of the castle Amboise Roger Duko in 1807.

After the destruction of the Saint-Florent chapel, the remains of many burials of different years were mixed and buried in the garden. Starting from the mid-nineteenth century, the researchers made several attempts to identify the bones of Leonardo da Vinci. Innovators on this issue were focused on the lifetime description of the wizard and chose the most appropriate fragments from the remains found. They were studied for a while. The works were led by the archaeologist Arsen Usse. He found the fragments of the tombstone, allegedly, with the grave of Da Vinci, and the skeleton in which there were not enough fragments. These bones were reburied in the reconstructed grave of the artist in the chapel of the Holy Governor in the territory of the castle of Amboise.

In 2010, the team of researchers under the leadership of Silvano Vincetie was going to exhumage to the remains of the Master of the Renaissance. It was planned to identify the skeleton with the help of genetic material taken from the burials of the relatives Leonardo on the paternal line. Italian researchers failed to obtain the permission of the castle owners for the necessary work.

At the place where the church of Saint-Florent was previously located, a granite monument was established at the beginning of the last century, which marked the four-year anniversary from the death of the famous Italian. Reconstructed engineer's graves and a stone monument with his bust are among the most popular attractions of Amboise.

Mysteries of the Da Vinci Images

The creativity of Leonardo is occupied by the minds of art historians, religious researchers, historians and ordinary people of more than four hundred years. The works of the Italian artist became an inspiration for people of science and creativity. There are many theories that reveal the secrets of Da Vinci's patterns. The most famous of them says that when writing his masterpieces, Leonardo used a special graphic code.

With the help of a device from several mirrors, researchers managed to find out that the mystery of the views of the heroes from the pictures "Joconda" and "John the Baptist" was concluded in the fact that they look at the creature in a mask resembling an alien aliens. Secret cipher in Leonardo records was also deciphered using a conventional mirror.

The mystics around the work of Italian genius led to the emergence of a number of artistic works, the author of which was the writer Dan Brown. His novels acquired the glory of bestsellers. In 2006, the film "Code Da Vinci" was released on the screens, filmed based on the work of Brown. The film was met by a wave of criticism from religious organizations, but installed record records in cash collecting in the first month of rental.

Lost and unfinished work

Not all the works of the masters have reached our time. Not preserved works include: a shield with painting in the form of a head of jellyfish, a horse sculpture for the Milan Duke, a portrait of Madonna with Verhener, a picture of "Leda and Swan" and the fresco "Battle of Angiari".

About some paintings of the master, modern researchers know due to the preserved copies and memoirs of contemporaries da Vinci. For example, the fate of the original work "Leda and Swan" is still unknown. Historians believe that the picture may have been destroyed in the middle of the seventeenth century by order of the Marquise de Mentenon, Louis Wisen XIV. Up to our time, there were sketches made by Leonardo's hand, and several copies of the canvas made by different artists.

The picture showed a young nude woman in the arms of the swan, at the foot of which the babies play, hatched from huge eggs. When creating this masterpiece, the artist was inspired by the famous mythical plot. Interestingly, the canvas based on the story about the copulation of ice with Zeus, who took the appearance of the swan, was written not only da Vinci.

The lifetime opponent Leonardo Michelangelo also wrote a picture dedicated to this ancient myth. The canvas of Buonotti suffered the same fate as the work of da Vinci. The paintings by Leonardo and Michelangelo simultaneously disappeared from the collection of the French monarch.

Among the unfinished works of the brilliant Italian, the picture "Worship of Magi" is allocated. The canvas was ordered by Augustine monks in 1841, but remained unfinished due to the departure of the Master to Milan. Customers found another performer, and Leonardo did not see sense to continue working on the picture.

Researchers believe that the composition of the canvas has no analogues in Italian painting. The picture shows Maria with a newborn Jesus and Magi, and behind the spins of pilgrims - riders on the horses and ruins of the pagan temple. There is an assumption that Leonardo portrayed in the picture among men who came to the Son of God, and himself aged 29 years.

Interesting Facts

  • Researcher of religious secrets Lynn Picnett published the book "Leonardo da Vinci and the Brotherhood of Zion", calling the famous Italian one of the masters of the secret religious order.
  • It is believed that da Vinci was a vegetarian. He wore clothes from flax, neglecting outfits of leather and natural silk.
  • A group of researchers plans to highlight DNA Leonardo from the preserved personal belongings of the Master. Historians also argue that they are close to finding relatives da Vinci on the maternal line.
  • The Renaissance era was the time when the "My Madam", in Italy, "Madonna" (Ma Donna), were treated for noble women in Italy. In colloquial speech, the expression fell to "MONNA" (Monna). This means that the name of the painting "Mona Lisa" pattern can be allegedly translated as "Mrs. Liza".
  • Rafael Santi called yes Vinci his teacher. He was in Leonardo's workshop in Florence, tried to take over some features of his artistic style. Rafael Santi also called Michelangelo Buonaroti as his teacher. The three artists mentioned are considered the main geniuses of the Renaissance era.
  • Australian enthusiasts created the largest mobile exhibition of the inventions of the Grand Architect. The exposition was developed with the participation of the Leonardo da Vinci museum in Italy. The exhibition has already visited six continents. During her work, five million visitors were able to see and touch the work of the most famous engineer of the Renaissance.

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