Andrei Bartenev - biography, personal life, photo, news, fashion designer, designer, TV presenter, artist, paintings, work 2021



Andrei Bartenev is a feast man, an artist who does not cease to pull the public with bright performances. Creativity of the painter and designer of the clothes is valued by fans of avant-garde art not only in Russia, but also abroad. Now he continues to create, participates in various conceptual projects.

Childhood and youth

The famous artist of modernity was born in the Northern city of Norilsk on October 9, 1965. Parents lived with her son in a communal apartment. The boy became early interested in music - he wanted to learn how to play the piano, but there was no place to put at home the cumbersome tool. The craving for creativity did not pass, and Andrei began to sculpt, draw, cut and glue from paper.

After the end of the 10th grade, the young man decided to change the situation and from the Polar region went to the south of Russia, to the Krasnodar Territory, where he entered the Institute of Culture to the Faculty of Directors. The violence of southern paints struck the young man who was accustomed to the polar night, the eternal snowstock and the northern lights.


At the age of 20, Andrei moved to Moscow at the invitation of Zhanna Aguzarova and the director of the singer. In the capital, he began working with young teams. The artist put the first performances, which, with pleasure, began to walk both critics and ordinary yawns. Together with Petlura Bartenev in his youth, he created his first work in the "Mars" gallery: "A rusty on the mountain ana-hole under the singing of Nikita Fish" and "Great Koryak Seagull." Soon with the presentation of the Botanical Ballet, he drove to the festival in Riga, where he received the Grand Prix.

The overseas press of the 90s, watching the works of the Russian designer, was delighted with the stylistry of Andrei shares, which reminded the era of the Russian avant-garde and futurism. Bartenev's performance as if revived figures from the paintings of the artists of the beginning of the 20th century, which to the music of the classics moved around the space with the accuracy of the interaction of the planets. In the mid-90s he was taken in the ranks of the Union of Moscow artists. In 1992, the designer created the original black and white performance project "Botanical Ballet", photos of which appeared in glossy magazines.

In the early 2000s, Andrei Bartenev worked at the invitation of Robert Wilson in the center of Watermill in Hamptonse. The Russian designer put in the US memorable work "Red Staircase". Opera singers and orchestrants participated in the presentation, which instead of symphonic tools for creating sound background used empty iron cans. The effect was made to the public pasta dishes that performers threw from the balcony on the stage.

The project "I love you" (the sculptural composition, represented by many speakers and microphones) was created for the first Moscow Biennale. Later was put up in the Museum of Modernity in Moscow. The essence of the action was to say to the microphone in the phrase with recognition in love, which immediately responded with five times with special effects, and after that, the response of the previous participant's action recorded recorded on the film was observed.

Bartenev considered himself an inborn teacher, began to acquire students from the very beginning of a creative biography. This contributed to the youth experience in pioneer-visit in Soviet children's camps. The artist taught not only in the West, but also collected young creative guys in Moscow for its own lectures on art, and also attracted particularly gifted for performances. The popularity of Bartenev was popular - the gallery "here on Taganka", in which the designer made a curator.

The goal was to associate in one artistic art space of the works of experienced and beginner artists. In an interview with Andrei Dmitrievich joked that the age of the Creators with whom he is engaged in 4 to 164 years old. Within the framework of the project, two group exhibitions were held annually. The main directions of the presented creations were ceramics, sculpture, installation, performance. Each event has received an original name. For example, in 2016, the public at the exhibition in Moscow was expected by the "surpic fingers of the elephants".

The costs associated with the organization of such events, Andrei had to take over. The famous Russian student of the master was Sasha Frolova, which was already famous for the project "AquaErobika". Also in the number of outstanding students of the master included Roman Ermakov, Gosh Rubarchinsky, Vova Perkin, Danil Polyakov. The latter became for Bartarteva not only an interesting artist, but also the inspiration.

In an interview with Andrei Dmitrievich admitted that several "fountains that are always surprised" live for him in the artistic art. Among them - the deceased artist Vladik Mamyshev-Monroe and Poles. The shocking of a young red-haired mannequin turned out to be close in the spirit of the creative moods of Bartenev. He made an artist-director of the film "Entropy", in which, in addition to Danil, starred Valery Gai Germanic, Ksenia Sobchak and others.

Andrei Bartenev - biography, personal life, photo, news, fashion designer, designer, TV presenter, artist, paintings, work 2021 17902_1

Former students of the artist received high assessments of the masters of modernity and work in scenographs and artists in the famous teams of Europe and the United States. Andrei himself also regularly collaborated with Western brands. So, in 2018, the World Cup, together with Hublot, has developed a design of souvenirs - a soccer ball and shopping bags in the boutique. In the same year (and earlier, in 2003) Bartenev decorated Cartier store in Moscow.

Since 2017, Andrei Dmitrievich participated in the annual Burning Man's festival in the Black Rock Desert, held in Nevada. A bright project for this event was the Performance with inflatable figures of aliens. As an idea of ​​the author, the green inhabitants of other planets were marked by the desert under the maintenance of charming sounds of electronic harp. The tool was sitting the soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Alexander Boldachev.

Since March 1, the designer began to maintain a program of the first channel "Fashion sentence", in which he replaced Alexander Vasilyeva for a while. Fans of the Fashion Historian wondered with which there could be sharp changes in the program. Vasilyev hurried to reassure the public, saying that Bartenev will be leading several issues until he is busy with his third-party projects. Andrei appeared in the TV shows "Comedy Club", "Evening Urgant".


As an artist Bartenev creates paintings made in mixed techniques: decoupage, pastel painting, graphics, collage. The most famous works are the "Girl with two fireworks", "Self-portrait in the wedding dress of the paradise bird", "Portrait in boots", "Calm of two Cloanese", "Fay, I am fair", "Self-portrait in the role of Arnold Nizhinsky."

Stylistically paintings are an extreme degree of abstraction. In addition to art works, Andrei Dmitrievich recreates spectacular views. These are such shares as "Sleeping Beauties", "Snow Queen", "Faust", "Underwear for Africa", Festival Illustration "Institute of Smile", the exhibition "Love Couture!".

Theatre of Drama

Andrei Bartenev tried himself as a theater actor. In the early 2000s, he played in at the work of Viktor Pelevin. An experimental performance in which the authors tried to combine the presentation, video projects and communication of the audience in the Internet space, participated in the festival of modern art NET, but the action did not impress the critics. But this experience characterizes Bartenez as an artist who is in finding new forms.

Andrei Dmitrievich worked in Europe. He taught in the Norwegian Academy of Theater Art. In the West, performing performances are allocated to an independent type of art, and such a discipline is taught separately. The Russian designer communicated with the representatives of the Western Art Elert Andrew Logan, Paco Raban, Kelvin Klein, Jean-Paul Gauthier, Robert Wilson, Zandra Rose.

Bartenev developed the design of theatrical costumes for performances "Blue Bird" (New York), "Cinderella" (Hamburg), "Three sisters" (Moscow). In 2019, the artist became the author of scenic clothes for the "Nutcracker" project, set in the capital cultural complex "Charity".

Fashion designer

Andrei Dmitrievich is a regular participant in secular events. At various meetings, the Master of Podatage appears in the most unusual costumes. Slim artist with an increase of 184 cm, which looks much younger than his years, is a model for its own experiments. In the photo in "Instagram" Bartenev can be seen in fantastic outfits resembling aliens and mysterious cosmic creatures. Especially remembered by the public model in Malinka costume.


A lot of scandals are connected with the name Bartenez, although, in essence, he is a harmless painter painter. So, at one particular party for the rich client, the conceptualist ordered the evening. What was the surprise of representatives of the highest society, when they were presented as a entertainment show from several dozen cats and dogs, which were engaged in the process of reproduction.

In 2011, an unusual release was released on the first channel in the program "Let's get married", dedicated to the celebration of Halloween. Bartenev spoke as a groom, who came to the studio in the original image - in a suit of inflatable corn. The conceptual outfit turned out to be too uncomfortable for filming, chucks the scenery, which caused anger from Larisa Guzeyeva. However, the designer managed to negotiate with the TV host and make one of the bright and unforgettable issues of the project.

In 2019, the audience shocked the shocking wedding of Ksenia Sobchak and Konstantin Bogomolov. The couple went to the registry office in the open orcap - who wished could see a pair, comfortably organized in such an "original" vehicle. But on this "scandalous" celebration events did not end. Bartenev appeared in front of the guests of the bride's girlfriend. For this honorary mission, the designer created a suit with 19 inflatable balls with images of a female face. In the registry office, the artist performed the dance than he led to the delight of the guests.

Personal life

About the personal life of Bartenev knows little. In an interview, the artist joking or seriously said that he had a family in a parallel reality, which consists of three husbands and one wife. But there are no children from the eccentric even there. It is known that Andrei Dmitrievich lost his mother who was the closest man for him.

Andrei Bartenev now

In 2020, the designer continued creative activities. His shocking outbacks did not stop. So, in September, the artist was not allowed on board the aircraft of Aeroflot, flying to Barcelon, than Bartenev shared with the subscribers of social networks. Conceptualist refused to skip with manual loop, the weight of which exceeded the parameters. Andrei Dmitrievich considered himself a victim of a scheme for luring money.

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