Margarita Abroskin - biography, personal life, photos, news, films, actress, TV series, "Instagram", height 2021



Young actress Margarita Abroskin for the first time loudly declared itself in 2017 and since then regularly pleases the audience with new on-screen work. In the star filmography, there are both memorable paintings and sensational television series.

Childhood and youth

Margarita Sergeevna Abroskin was born on June 25, 1994 in Moscow. She is not the only child in the family, the girl grew up with the older sister of Julia.

The future star from childhood was creative, loved to speak in front of the public. When Rita was 3 years old, the parents took it to the rhythmic gymnastics, which was fascinated by the girl. She gladly went to workout and tried not to miss a single tournament. Once Abroskin fell ill, but still decided to speak at competitions and eventually became the winner.

In the future, Margarita regularly climbed the pedestal, visited the Moscow Championship and Championship of Russia. Reminders about the period of biography are numerous letters and rewards that the star carefully stores so far.

Margarita Abroskin and Samara Wiving are similar

But in adolescence, Abroskin decided to leave gymnastics classes and go to ballet. She studied at the Academy at the Bolshoi Theater, where he had in practice. It was not destined to become a great ballerina: its growth, which eventually reached 174 cm turned out to be unsuitable for this type of art.

I had to go away, but the girl was not used to stay without a business, so I began to look for a new passion. As a result, the parents transferred it to school with an acting bias, where they were engaged in the program of theatrical universities.

During this period, Margarita finally realized that he would like to become an actress. In this, her mother supported her, which the star considers the closest girlfriend. She found for the daughter of the best teacher who prepared Abroskin to enter the institute.

After graduating from the school, Rita became a student of the Higher Theater School named after Mikhail Semenovich Shchepkin. She studied at the course of Yuri and Olga Solominy and in 2015 defended her diploma.


Play on the stage of Margarita began, while still a student. Teachers acquired her to participate in such performances as "barbarians" and "Sunday". In the production of "Thousand Days and Nights Anna Bolein" actress performed a major role.

When years of study were behind, Abroskin was accepted into the proud of the Alexandrinsky Theater. There she quickly became a demanded actress, played noticeable roles in the "Crime and Punishment" and "Three Sisters".

At that time, the performer was not easy, because the theater is located in St. Petersburg, and shooting was carried out mainly in Moscow. Sometimes I had to sacrifice sleep so that everyone had to do, but such a schedule had a negative impact on the health and performance of the star.

Since the on-screen career of Margarita developed rapidly and invitations to the site became more and more, eventually had to make a choice. The actress decided to leave the troupe to completely devote himself a movie.


The on-screen debut of the performer also took place shortly after the release from the university. In 2015, it appeared in the painting "Love wanted" Anario Mamedov, where he performed a small role of saleswomen. Then her filmography was replenished with episodes of the series "Wings of the Empire" and "Countdown".

But for the first time, the artist paid attention to when she starred in the film "Save Pushkin". The role of the great Russian poet was performed by Konstantin Kryukov, and Margarita played his beloved Natalie Goncharov. The actress appeared in front of the audience in the wedding scene, which was filmed with the participation of the real father.

In the same 2017, a detective drama "His" was published on the screens, telling about the work of experts in the resolution of complex criminalistic mysteries. Abroskina got the main role of Lisina's magnitude.

Margarita Abroskin - biography, personal life, photos, news, films, actress, TV series,

In the future, the piggy bank of the performer has been replenished with the heroines of popular Russian TV series, among whom "Policeman from Rublevka". But the star Margarita made a role in the TNT "Togol-Robot" project about a man with bionic prostheses.

In Drama, the actress embodied Masha - a girl in love with Alexander Pal's character. Her heroine has grown in the province, but dreams to move to Moscow and become famous. She tries to look at the world positively, but it cannot cope with the complexes and internal obstacles that prevent to follow the dream.

A feature that brings together Masha with the role of the role is creative giftedness. Only the heroine wants to become not an actress, and the singer, so during the filming, Margarita had to demonstrate the vocal talent. For this, the artist was engaged in a teacher.

2020 was marked by the yield of a thriller "Spays Boys", the plot of which is based on the real events that occurred in Belarus. In the film Abroskin played the main role of the girl named Vasilis, and Alexander Golovin, Anna Andrinshenko and Vladimir Sychev became its colleagues around the court.

Personal life

The performer prefers not to disclose personal life information, because it believes that this should remain behind the scenes. Describing the perfect man during an interview, Margarita told that he should be self-sufficient, sincere, kind and possess a good sense of humor.

In his instagram account, the star willingly shares frames from the set and a photo with friends. Among her close friends, actress Anastasia Ukolov and Anastasia Akatova. There is on the page and snapshots in a swimsuit, on which the actress demonstrates a slim figure.

Margarita Abroskin now

Now for the work of Margarita with interest the audience is observed. In the spring of 2021, the premiere of the "Rugby" series was held at STS, in which the actress played the main role of Nastya. Her heroine is a former gymnast, the will of fate who joined the female rugby team. Simultaneously with it, an ex-boxer Max is performed by Oleg Gaas in this difficult sport.

According to the performer, the work on the project was not easy for her. She was engaged in sports gymnastics and attended training sessions of the women's team of CSKA on rugby. Although there were Dubls on the site, the actors did not manage to avoid bruises and abrasions during the shooting of scenes of games. Abroskin even earned the scar, because many times fell on the same place.

Later on TNT, the comedy series "Nastya, gather!". The main role was performed by Lyubov Aksenov, and Margarita fell to play her screen friend ingu. The artist described his heroine as a fun and cheerful, but a little crazy. She admitted that in this project first starred in a bed scene.

Another summer premiere with the participation of the star was the series "Documentalist. Hunter for ghosts. " In it, she played a young Writer Dasha, who agrees the help of a former guy in creating a movie, but turns out to be drawn into a chain of dangerous events. The on-screen partner of Abroskin became Aristarh Venez.

Work on this project was for the performer memorable, as well as participation in the creation of the Drama "USSR", where she not only managed to immerse themselves in the era of the Soviet Union, but also to live a little life. After all, the events shown on the screens cover the period for more than 10 years, and during this time the heroine of the star from the young girl turns into a consistent woman.


  • 2015 - "Love wanted"
  • 2016 - "This Scenario"
  • 2017 - "Save Pushkin"
  • 2017 - "His"
  • 2017 - "Countdown"
  • 2018 - "Mishura"
  • 2018 - "Implementation"
  • 2018 - "One Day Summer"
  • 2018 - "Alarm"
  • 2019 - Tiona Robot
  • 2019 - "Podkinysh"
  • 2019 - "Defense Avenue"
  • 2019 - Tiona Robot
  • 2020 - "Burning bridges"
  • 2021 - "Nastya, Gather!"
  • 2021 - Rugby
  • 2021 - "USSR"

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