Salvador Dali - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, paintings



On May 11, 1904, in the family of the wealthy notary-Catalan Salvador Dali-I-Kusi appears on the son of the Son. A married couple by that time already experienced the loss of the beloved firstborn of El Salvador, who died at a two-year-old from the inflammation of the brain, so it was decided to give the same name to the second child. Translated from Spanish, it means the Savior.

Childhood and youth

The mother of the baby Felipe Domasene immediately began to patronize and pampering his son, while the father remained strict to his offspring. The boy has grew a capricious and very wayward child. Having learned the truth about his elder brother in 5 years, he began to be in this fact that he had even more influenced his rapid psyche.

In 1908, the daughter of Ana Maria Dali appeared in the family of Dali, who later became a close friend of her brother. The boy from an early childhood was carried away with drawing, and it turned out well. In the utility room, El Salvador has built a workshop where he retired for hours to creativity.

Personal life

1929 brought change in the personal life of Salvador Dali and his relatives. He met the only love of the whole life - Elena Ivanovna Dyakonov, an emigrant from Russia, who at that time was the wife of the poet of the Eloara field. She called himself Gala Elur and was older than the artist for 10 years.

After the first meeting, Dali and Gala never parted again, and his father and sister came from this union to horror. Salvador-Sr. deprived of his son of all financial subsidies for his part, and Ana Maria ruined creative relationships with him. The newly minted lovers settle on the sandy shore in the cadakes in a small shack without amenities, where Salvador begins to create his immortal creations.

After three years, they officially sign, and in 1958 their wedding took place. For a long time, the couple lived happily, while in the early 1960s, the disorder did not begin in their relationship. The elderly gala craved the carnal jellies with young boys, and Dali began to find a consolation in the circle of young Favorite. For his wife, he buys a castle in Polela, where can come only with the consent of Gang.

About 8 years of his Museum was the British model of Amanda Lir, with which El Salvador was associated with only Platonic relations, he was enough to watch his passion for hours and enjoy her beauty. Career Amanda destroyed their relationship, and they gave without regret broke up with her.


Despite the fact that in school he behaved defiantly and did not study himself, his father gave him to the lessons of painting to the local artist Ramon Piccot. In 1918, the first exhibition of the work of the young man took place in Native Figueras. Landscapes were presented on it, the design of which was given inspired the picturesque neighborhood of the city. Until recent years, Salvador will remain a big patriot of Catalonia.

Already in the first works of the young artist, it can be seen that he with special dirtiffs is developing the techniques of letters of impressionists, cubists and poentelists. Under the leadership of Professor's art arts, Nunhens Dali creates paintings "Tetushka Anna for sewing in Kadaques", "Twilight old man" and others. At this time, a young artist is fond of European avant-garde, he reads Freud, Nietzsche. Salvador writes and illustrates small stories for the local magazine. In Figueres, it acquires certain fame.

When the young man turns 17, his family is experiencing a greater loss: Mother dies from breast cancer for 47 year. The father was given to the end of his life will not remove the mourning on his wife, and the character of El Salvador himself will become completely unquest. Having barely enrolled in the same year in the Madrid Academy of Arts, he will immediately begin to behave defiantly towards teachers and students. The trick of arrogant France was indignant among the professors of the academy, and were given twice expelled from an educational institution. However, the stay in the capital of Spain allowed the young gave the necessary acquaintances.

Federico Garcia Lorca, Pablo Picasso and Luis Bunuel become his friends, they significantly affected the artistic growth of El Salvador. But not only creativity tied young people. It is known that Garcia Lorca was not hesitating his unconventional orientation, and contemporaries even argued about his relationships with Dali. But Salvador did not have a homosexual, even despite his strangeness in sexual behavior.

The scandalous behavior and the lack of academic art education did not prevent Salvador gave already a few years later to receive world fame. His works of this period were: "Port-Alger", "Young woman seen from the back", "Women's figure at the window", "Self-portrait", "Portrait of the Father". And the work of "basket with bread" even hits the international exhibition in the United States. The main model, which constantly posed the artist to create female images at this time, becomes his native sister Ana Maria.

The best paintings

The first famous work of the artist is considered a web "constancy of memory", which depicts flowing from the table with a liquid clock against the background of a sandy beach. Now the picture is located in the United States at the Museum of Modern Art and is considered the most famous work of the master. With the assistance of the beloved Galym, the expositions are beginning to be held in various cities of Spain, as well as in London and New York.

Geniya notices the patron of Viscount Charles de Noeil, which at a high price bursts his paintings. For this money, lovers acquire a decent house near the town of Port Lygata, which is located on the seafront.

In the same year, Salvador Dali makes another decisive step towards the future success: he joins the Surrealist society. But here the eccentric Catalan does not fit into the framework. Even among the riots and disturbances of traditional art, such as Breton, Arp, de Kiriko, Ernst, Miro, Dali looks like a white crow. He enters the conflict with all the participants in the movement and in the end proclaims its credo - "Surrealism is me!".

After the arrival of Hitler to power in Germany, the unequivocal sexual fantasies begin with a politician, which finds their expression in artistic work, and this also outraged his colleagues. As a result, on the eve of World War II, Salvador Dali tears his relationship with a group of French artists and leaves for America.

During this time, he managed to participate in the creation of the Surrealistic film Louis Bonyuel "Andalusian Dog", which had a great success among the public, and also put his hand to the second film of his friend "Golden Age". The most famous work of the young author of this period was the "mystery of Wilhelm Telly", in which he portrayed the Soviet leader of the Communist Party with a large naked jagged muscle.

Among the few dozen canvases of this time, which was exhibited at personal exhibitions in the UK, USA, Spain and Paris, can be distinguished by a "soft design with boobs boobs, or a premonition of a civil war." The picture appeared literally before the beginning of the Civil War in Spain, along with the "starving jacket" and "Omar".

After the visit to Italy in 1936, Dali began to literally wander the art of Italian revival. The features of Academism appeared in his work, which became another contradiction with surrealists. He writes "Metamorphoz Narcissa", "Portrait of Freud", "Gala - Salvador Dali", "Autumn cannibalism", "Spain".

The last work in the style of surrealism is his "Sleep of Venus", which appeared already in New York. In the US, the artist not only engages in painting, he creates advertising posters, make up stores, works with Disney and Hitchcock, helping them with decoration of films. At the same time, he writes his famous autobiography "The Secretary Life of El Salvador Dali, written by him", which is instantly bought.

Last years

In 1948, El Salvador Dali returns to Spain, to Port Lygat, and creates an "elephant" canvas, personifying post-war pain and devastation. In addition, after a nuclear explosion in Japan, new motives appear in the work of genius, which seek the viewer to the life of molecules and atoms, which manifests itself in the pictures of "Atomic Led", "atom splitting". Critics treated these canvas to the style of mystical symbolism.

From this period, Dali begins to write the canvas on religious plots, such as Madonna Port-Lygata, "The Last Supper", "Crucifix or Hypercubic Body", some of them even got the approval of the Vatican. In the late 50s, at the suggestion of his friend, Businessman Enrik Bernata develops the Logo of the famous candy on Chup-Chupa's wand, which was the image of the chamomile. In an updated form, it is still used designers of production.

The artist is very fruit on the idea that he brings him a constant considerable income. Salvador and Gala get acquainted with the legislator of the mod Coco Chanel and be friends with her until the end of her life. Special image was given with his invariably swirling mustache, which he wore already in his youth, becomes a promising of his time. The company creates the cult of the artist.

The genius constantly raises the public with its antics. Repeatedly he is photographed with unusual animals, and once even goes for a walk around the city with an amicist, which is confirmed by numerous photos in popular publications of the time.

The sunset of the creative biography of the artist began in the 70s due to the deterioration of his state of health. But still gave continues to generate new ideas. In these years, he addresses the stereoscopic technique of the letter and creates paintings "Polygidras", "Fisherman-submariner", "Ole, Ole, Velasquez! Gabor! ". Spanish genius begins to build a large house-museum in Figuene, which was called the "Wind Palace". In it, the artist planned to place most of his paintings.

In the early 80s, El Salvador Dali receives many awards and awards from the Government of Spain, it is made by the Honorary Professor of the Academy of Arts of Paris. In his will, which was made public after death, Dali, an eccentric artist pointed out that all his condition is $ 10 million he reports Spain.


In the 70s, Salvador begins the exacerbation of his mental illness. It is extremely exhausted by hallucinations, and also suffers from an excess of psychotropic medicines that doctors prescribe him. Doctors not without reason believed that they were given by schizophrenia, which received a complication in the form of Parkinson's disease.

Gradually, the elder disorder began to take away the ability to keep the brush in his hand and write paintings. The death of his beloved wife in 1982 finally squeeed the artist, and for some time he lies in the hospital with inflammation of the lungs. After 7 years, the heart of the old genius does not withstand, and he dies from myocardial deficiency on February 23, 1989. So ended the history of the love of the artist Dali and his muse Galya.

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