Daria Saltykova (Saltychikha) - biography, photo, personal life, Catherine II and crimes



Saltychikha's landowner is the name of the nominal in the history of Russia. A postwlock, "famous" sadism, a sophisticated killer of several dozen of his fortress, she and today hurts horror on contemporaries.

Daria Nikolaevna Saltykov was born in March 1730 in the family of the post nobleman Nikolai Avtonovich Ivanov and Anna Ivanovna Davydova. In her family, there were velmazbi with sonorous surnames - Davydov, Musyna-Pushkin, Stroganov and Tolstaya.

Daria Saltykova landowner

Young Daria Saltykov lived in luxury: her grandfather - auton Ivanov - in his time faithfully served by Peter the first and accumulated the descendants a huge legacy. Dasha grew to the joy to the parents of Merper and Beauty, standing out among other extreme piety.

Personal life

The beauty was married for a noble groom: Rothmistra Life Guard Equestrian Shelf Gleb Alekseevich Saltykov belonged to an even more well-noble family than the genus Ivanov. Life in young spouses has developed quite safely. Soon, Daria Saltykova gave her husband two sons - Fyodor and Nicholas. As it was accepted, the boys immediately recorded in the Guards Regiment.

The family dwells in a huge city house in Moscow, built near the Kuznetsky bridge in the area of ​​Big Lubyanka. Later, Torletsky-Zaharin's income-building house and other buildings in which the Federal Security Service of Russia is located today. Another huge manor is red, in which the family often had, was located on the shore of the pahra.

The Saltychikha landowner

Daria Saltykov was not only a hurried pillars, but also a very respected man in society. She regularly made a pilgrimage to the shrines, sacrificed a lot of money for the needs of the Church and generously distributed alms. The woman was distinguished by a quiet character and prudence.

The grief came to the Saltykov family, when Darius was only 26 years old: a woman was widowed. After the death of his beloved husband, she remained incredibly rich, because from Gleb Saltykov she got the estates in several provinces. The landowner was inherited about 600 serfs in Moscow, Vologda and Kostroma provinces.

Later, witnesses in the case of Saltychihi told the investigators that the young landowner in the life of the spouse was strict, but was not noticed in the manual attribution. Everything changed sharply when Daria Saltykov became a widow.


As it turned out, in seven years, the brutal widow ruined more than a hundred fortress. They call a figure of 139 people, but in accuracy to set the number of ruined saltychikhi so and failed.

The main reason for the punishment of serf peasants for Daria Saltykova was poorly washed floors or unfair, in the view of Baryni, washing. Therefore, women and girls suffered from the cruelty of the landowners. The furious Saltychikha first pounced on the objects who fell under her arm, but soon Saltykova was not enough: the unfortunate women on the orders of the Baryni Poroli, often to death, leaders and borrowings.

Saltychikha ruined over 100 people

The Saltychikha often took direct part in the tortures and torture: she poured her victims with boiling water, died or set fire to them, ordered to bind the unfortunate naked on the cold and Morious hunger.

Most of the killings of Daria Saltykov made Troitsky in the estate that in the suburbs.

One day, the grandfather of Fedor Tyutchev's famous poet, Fedor Tyutchev, was hardly killed, a nobleman and Amermer Nikolay Tyutchev. As it turned out, Nicholas with Darya had a long novel, but love relations were not crowned with marriage. For some reason, the young man decided to call under the crown is not a rich landowner, but a modest woman. Saltichiha's groaned for it almost brought the wrong lover with the light along with a young wife, having arranged at him an attempt, which was accidentally avoided.

Nikolay Tyutchev and his wife

It is noteworthy that, regularly committing murders and bloody atrocities, Daria Saltykov continued to beat the bowls in monasteries and temples, to apply to the holy relics in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, strictly observe posts, sacrifice money to churches and perform pilgrimage.

The first complaints of the victims of the peasants or relatives of the murdered serf results were not given: the influential relatives of the polushum-headed Baryn were invariably interpreted for her. Moreover, the taskful officials of generous bribes, Saltychikha not only avoided punishment, but also recognized the names of the complainants, punishing them with incredible cruelty. Therefore, the for a long time of the crime of the landowners remained unpunished, and her cruelty became more sophisticated.

Daria Saltykova

To interrupt the chain of atrocities of high-ranking sadisti managed to two peasants: Yermolai Ilyin and Savely Martynov in 1762 were able to break through to the young Empress Catherine II, which only entered into the rights of the preclusion. Tsarina complainly reviewed and ordered to hold a honest investigation.

Having learned the true state of things, Catherine Great arranged an indicative process. Since Saltychikha belonged to the nobility, the case marked a new era of legality. Moscow Justice College conducted an investigation of six years. The investigation was entrusted to a rooted official Stepan Volkov and his assistant - the survival adviser to the prince Dmitry Tsizianov. When investigators examined the countable books of the landowners, they were able to establish a circle of officials, whom Saltychikha bribed. After analyzing the records in the books about the movement of fortress peasants, wolves and cycianov identified which of them were sold, and who died.

Ekaterina II and Saltychikha

The investigators were alarmed by the record like the one in which the girl of the twenty years, who entered the service for the landowner, died a few weeks after the start of work. There were many such records. As Ermolai Ilyin installed, one of the complainants - a groom - the three wives of a contract passed away. In many cases, Saltychikha declared that she had released girls home, bother from relatives, but neither at home nor in other places of these girls were no longer seen.

Some murders, the terrible details of which surfaced during the investigation, chopped the blood with their depository cruelty. For example, Saltychikha, who was famous for rapid power, killed the fortress Lariona with his own hands. She broke her hair on his head and made her accomplices to set a coffin with the body of a killed young woman on the frost. On her body was laid in a breast baby Larionova, which is frozen.

Torture Saltychikhi

According to the testimony of the peasants, Daria Saltykov has enjoyed torture and the torment of their victims. She entertained, Taste unfortunate for the ears of hot hair tongs. Among the killed landlords turned out to be a few young girls who were preparing for a crown, pregnant women and two 12-year-old girls.

After carefully examining the archives of the stationery of the Moscow governor, police officer and a rapid order, investigators found more than twenty complaints on the landowner who served serfs. But the names of them all the bribed officials told Saltychikha, who led his own trial over the unfortunate challengers.

Daria Saltykova

Daria Saltykov was taken into custody and interrogated with the use of torture, although no one given permissions on them. But the sweep of the lady did not confess anything. Didnubitsa Dwyubitsa and Dmitry Vasilyeva's priests were not refused: the accused never facilitated the soul with repentance.

In 1768, Saltychikha was sentenced to death: investigators managed to prove 38 killings. But soon the execution was replaced by the deprivation of noble title and lifelong imprisonment. In the text of the sentence, it was indicated to refer to the "this monster of torment".

Before imprisonment of the Ivanovsky Decoration Monastery, Saltychikha for one hour was chained to a shameful post installed on Red Square. At the same time, there was a sign with the inscription "Foreignant and Solubitsa" on her.

Alexander Ursulak as Saltychihi

Modern criminologists and psychiatrists claim that Daria Saltykov was a mentally sick person - she suffered epileptoid psychopathy. Some historians, referring to the text of the sentence ("this monster to call a torment") and on the evidence of the peasants interviewed by investigators, argue that Saltychikha was a latent homosexual.

In February 2017, compatriots again remembered the terrible landowner after entering the screens of the historic tape "Catherine. It takes up "Director Dmitry Josephov, in which the role of Saltychikha got Alexandra Ursulak.

Julia Snigir as Saltychikhi

A year later, in February 2018, the series "Bloody Baryna" was released on the screens, in which actress Julia Snigir played the main role.


Daria Saltykov was kept in a single camera-dugout without windows: she saw the candle light only when it was swaying. In prison, Saltychikha spent 33 years, the first 11 - in the chamber without light. The rest of the years she was kept in a chamber with a tiny window, and on a killer, as on a rare and terrible animal, they allowed to see the people. According to some evidence, in the conclusion of Saltychikha, pregnant from the guard and gave birth to a child.

Grave Daria Saltykova

Daria Saltykov died in December (according to the old style of November) 1801. Death came to the serial killer at the age of 71. I buried her on the cemetery of the Don Monastery, where the whole relatives Saltykova had previously restored. The tombstone has survived to this day.

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