Alena Vinnitskaya - biography, photo, personal life, songs, husband and last news 2021



Alena Vinnitskaya is a vivid example of how talented artists on a modern stage prefer to engage in loved things, create and play on stage as they like it, and not to producer. She became a singer, who, earned the first fame due to the performance of the famous musical team, went into free swimming.

Her biography is a story of searching yourself as artists and attempts to conquer musical Olympus. Promoting his creativity as an individual performer, Alena faces a variety of obstacles, but quite successfully proves that it has the right to be called a successful soloist.

Alena Vinnitskaya in youth and now

15 years later, from the moment the girl became famous in several countries, it practically did not change outwardly. This is all the same beautiful, charming, slim and at the same time a figured woman with a strong voice and love for rock music.

The girl was born in 1974. Place of birth - Ukraine. The family of the future singer was a worker, in general, very ordinary, with a middle taste. Dad girl died, so Mom married the second time. The family lived together, but in humble conditions. Alena has a native brother.

Together with his native dad in childhood, a girl spent a lot of time. Together with the whole family, they often walked in nature, ran down chairs, engaged in sports, caught fish and went into the forest with tents. Alena's active life position was formed precisely then - from the early years she did not like to sit without a case, preferring active activities.

Alena Vinnitskaya in childhood

Vinnitsky's school years have been successfully and not particularly eventually. It is known that she preferred humanitarian sciences and especially loved to study fiction literature. At the same time, she learns the game on the guitar and begins to compose the first poems itself. The cumier of the artist at this age was the cult performer Viktor Tsoi.

After the school release, Alena tried to take on training theatrical craft, but fell on samples. She begins to work in an insurance company, in parallel with this gets acquainted with the musical team, which spoke in the verse of rock, and begins to work together with these guys. The singer writes songs and performed them to the accompaniment of familiar musicians. Also Vinnitskaya visits the courses on stage skill, puts the plastic in the theater studio, even acts in rare productions.

Singer Alena Vinnitskaya

In 1997, the girl tries his hand at work on music television - becomes the leading secular chronicle and widget. After a couple of years, Alain is represented by the producer of Konstantin Meladze, who invites her to a new project - a female pop group that makes a bid for sexuality. The girl fits perfectly into this concept - high height (174 cm), beautiful figure, pleasant appearance, grace and talent. So Vinnitsa fell into "VIA GRU".

"VIA Gra"

Alain became a soloist in the very first composition of another vocal instrumental duet. She and her colleague Nadezhda Granovsky Days and Nights Studied to move smoothly, sing a duet, to behave on stage. The girls recorded the first song, then they released a clip.

After the first clip in the group "VIA Gra" Alena woke up by the famous. The group's popularity was incredible, their photos were everywhere - in magazines, newspapers, on billboards, posters and billboards. Later, Anna Sedokova joined the team.

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This trio was at the peak of popularity. The girls worked a lot on themselves, recorded songs, albums, filmed in the clips. Coupled around the country with tour, gathered cash concerts, were invited to television rating music and awards. He followed a huge number of rules for the behavior of the group participants. And sang popular unpaired songs.

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Alena Vinnitskaya for many three years consisted in a group. She was older than the rest of the girls in the team and was considered the most conservative. In addition, the star was married that sharply reduced the level of attractiveness of her image in the eyes of male fans. The soloists had to maintain the image of "unearthly" women-misses, but inaccessible. They were even forbidden to communicate with people on major public events, take flowers and gifts from fans, see someone in addition to the team and producers.

Alena Vinnitskaya, Nadezhda Granovskaya and Anna Sedakova

Husband Alena was not completely satisfied with such circumstances, and the personal musical addictions of the singers went beyond the limits of the genre of popular music. The executable repertoire of the girl is sometimes burned, and disassembly inside the female team took the too much time and strength. From all this, the woman began to tire, and gradually Alena and producers "VIA GRU" came to a consensus that she would better leave the team.

The Alain itself very much wanted to be closer to her husband and friends, and not drive around the country and act in the causing costumes.

By the way, there is a version that Alena simply did not leave the choice - she was already approaching the 30th anniversary, while the rest of the girls were almost 22 years old, and this was a significant difference, noticeable in the frame.

Solo career

Alena Vinnitskaya put every effort to prove his ability to solo creativity. She recorded and released difference musical albums, actively toured and performed on television, once even on heating from the cult European group The Cardigans.

Vinnitsa began to experiment with musical genres - she tried her strength and in rock music, and in electronic dance projects. Among the most famous songs of the artist - the tracks "Envelope", "Dawn", "007".

The girl is famous and its unusual duets. In 2007, Alena and singer Zhorik Deliyev removed the clip to the song "Tumba Bugi", in which the performers tried out the images of Hollywood celebrities. In 2011, the video was released on a joint song "Gulya Slavs". In 2013, the artist released the song "He", which was warmly greeted by fans.

In addition to working as singer Alain, a lot of time paid television. She was leading on popular Ukrainian channels, as well as the author of the music show on the radio.

Personal life

The personal life of the singer succeeded - for more than 20 years, it consists in strong relationships with a musician. Alena and Sergey Big got acquainted at the initial stage of the career of the artist, fell in love and began to live together, then followed the long-term currently marriage union. Husband and wife work together - while Alain sings and acts, Sergey is engaged in producing, arrangements and organizational issues.

Alena Vinnitskaya and Sergey Big

In 2013, rumors went that a serious crisis came in family relationships. There were assumptions that soon the beloved would disperse. Alena fell into a terrible depression, from which allegedly rescued with sedative pills. But the crisis passed, the couple is still together.

Alena Vinnitskaya with her husband

Children in Alena and Sergey should appear soon - according to the recognition of the singer, made in 2017, she was ready to become a mother and plans to get pregnant in the speedy time.

Alena Vinnitskaya today

Today Alena is still popular, it is actively creating - releases songs and clips, makes up new musical albums, experiments with a stage manner. In 2016, a video came out on her new track "Give me your heart", which shook the public - in it, the actress appeared before fans in a gentle image, and also demonstrated its chic figure. There is a feeling that Alena does not affect the age at all - it is still beautiful and young.

The star actively leads the page in the social network Instagram, where the fans of her creativity can see the photo from a personal archive published by an artist.

A bright actress quite often tells about his experience in "VIA Gre" in an interview with magazines and on television - especially in recent years, when a public interest in a popular team has ever erected.

Alena Vinnitskaya now

A lot of rumors and suspicions, scandals and guess, but Alena remains the first soloist of the iconic group, its basis. Her execution of a simple song "Attempt number 5", in which she actually acted, became legendary, and the song itself became almost folk - she was singing in karaoke and are still twisted on discos. That is why it can safely comment and restart the project, and remember the very first stages of the development of this team.


  • 2001 - "Attempt number 5" (as part of "VIA Gra")
  • 2004 - "Dawn"
  • 2005 - "007"
  • 2005 - "Sunrise"
  • 2006 - "Dolls"
  • 2007 - "Electro"
  • 2008 - "Envelope"
  • 2009 - "Zamixed. THE BEST AV MIXES »
  • 2010 - "Alyona Vinnitskaya. Collection of hits 2003-2010 "

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