Damien Chasell - biography, photos, personal life, movies and latest news 2021



Demien Chasell is a real rising star among the famous directories of Hollywood. At the age of 32, in 2017, he won his first Oscar, which made him the youngest director who had ever received the title of "best" from respected film academs. Moreover, he already became a laureate of a prestigious reward as the author of the best scenario, and the two full-length films received 19 nominations for Oscar.

Demien is an American director, operator, screenwriter, producer and even a little actor. The cinematic talent of Chasello highlights the originality of the supply of material, the integrity of the plot, the dedication of dialogs and the atmospheric of the film.

Damien Chasell

The biography of Demien Chasell is a path of a person who always follows a dream, not paying attention to the skepticism of others and does not give up to public trends. He was born in 1985, the boy has a very intelligent family - the marriage of teachers, and American and Frenchman. Damienne has a sister. Higher education Future "Oscar-" director and screenwriter received at Harvard on the profile of director and film production.


As a child, the boy just delirmed by cinema, but dreamed of becoming a professional musician. The absence of any outstanding abilities he replaced hardworking and purposefulness. However, attempts were in vain, after working with demanding and honest teachers, Demien realized that he would not be successful on the musical field, therefore he devoted all the forces of his second passion - movies. It is the personal story of a student relationship with music teacher, pushing a person beyond its capabilities, formed the basis of the cult film "Obsession".

Director Demien Chasell

From the very beginning, the career in the cinema Chasell was not afraid to take responsibility for major projects. At first he worked on a pair of films as a screenwriter, but rather quickly realized that he wanted to create his stories, and not to prescribe strangers. In addition, the professional flair suggested Damienu that the stories over which he worked as a screenwriter had to write and shoot differently.

As an experiment, he wrote a script for the film "Obsession", but he turned out to be too personal. The project was removed from the eyes, but afterwards Demien spoke about his idea to producers. He was allocated a tiny budget for which Chasell took off a short film. The producers after viewing instantly gave the launch of the high-budget full-length film "Obsession", which in 2013 deserved 5 nominations for Oscar. So, in the blink of an eye, Demien became famous.

Demien Chaselli's filmography, at first glance, is very short, but every film in it is masterpiece. Creativity Chasell is, first of all, two of his brilliant films "Obsession" and "La La Land", plus several independent paintings.

In numerous interviews, Demien told that the idea of ​​creating a musical in the spirit of the "classic 50s" came to him and his neighbor for the university dormitory from the Music faculty at the age of 17. Together they extended photos of actors and actresses of "Old Hollywood", their costumes, shooting places, religious frames. In fact, young people were collected, analyzed and creatively transformed into a modern product a number of legendary musicals of old times. And the resulting picture surpassed all expectations.

Musical La La Land, released in 2016, immediately won the view of the viewer worldwide with his brightness, kindness and inspirational content. It was all - both love, and fearless dreams, and anticipation of the future, and parting, and failures with the ways to overcome them. Photo from posters, on which the main actors dance against the background of a lilac sunset, foreshadowed a magical and romantic film content.

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To see how Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone dance and sing and sing the actors, wanted the whole world - the cash collections of the film were incredibly large, and the high assessment by critics brought the film numerous "gold globes" and 14 nominations for Oscar-2017. In February 2017, La La Land took home 6 gold statuettes, including the nominations "Best Actress" (Emma Stone), "Best Soundtrack" and "Best Song".

The triumph of the paintings was overshadowed by an annoying incident - at the end of the evening the creators of the musical was mistakenly a statuette for the "best film", which was actually awarded the film "Moonlight". Confuez was quickly resolved, the reward found a true winner, but the whole group of representatives of the musical led by Chasell was extremely disappointed.

Currently, Damien Chasell is busy work on the project "First Man", which will actually be a screening of the book on Astronaut Nile Armstrong. The main role in this picture will play Canadian actor Ryan Gosling. The date of the film premiere remains unknown.

Personal life

Demien was married to his university beloved Jasmine McGlade, the wife was next to him for 4 years. Then the couple was divorced.

Damien Chasell with his girlfriend

A year later, Shazella had a stormy affair with a cute girl - actress and business woman Olivia Hamilton. Together with Olivia, Demien is in relationships for two years.



  • La La Land (2016)
  • Obsession (2013)
  • Obsession (2012)


  • La La Land (2016)
  • Kloverefield, 10 (2016)
  • Obsession (2013)
  • Last expulsion of the devil: The Second Coming (2013)
  • Guy and Madeline on the park bench (2009)

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