Stirlitz - character biography, actors and roles, facts


Character History

In August 1973, the streets of Russian cities and villages were emptied - the people held places in front of the TV. The Military Drama "Seventeen Moments of Spring" opened the Soviet people of intelligence secrets. The main hero of the television series of the strokes conquered height, mind and impenetrable calm. Many precisely thanks to the painting of Tatiana Lioznova met with a fearless resident, and only after that they rushed to read the original source - the novels of the writer Julian Semenov.

History of creation

Invincible Scout Vsevolod Vladimirov (He is Maxim Isaev, he was the future Max Otto von Stirlitz) entered the literary arena in 1966 - Julian Semenov published the first book from the cycle about the work of the Soviet agent. In the future, the author will give another 13 volumes to the reader.

Writer Julian Semenov

Was there a Stirlitz in reality? This issue is not tired to ask the fans of the Russian James Bond. The creator of the character argued that the image was collective, but did not deny that the biographies of some quite specific people served to form it.

The researchers believe that the pedestal of Max Otto St. Stirlitsa should be put by Chekist, the Soviet intelligence officer of Jacob Blumikin, who worked under the pseudonyms of Isaev or Max, which echoes the name and name of the book Maxim Maksimovich Isaev. Plus, the first time in the chronology of the story of the book Semenov "Diamonds for the dictatorship of the proletariat" became the case when Blumkin under the guise of the jeweler found out the interaction of Russian Hochran employees with agents from abroad.

Jacob Blumkin

Probably, the characteristic of the hero was formed from the details of Willie Lehmann, Hauptsturmfürera SS, an employee of Soviet intelligence officers. Why the German switched to the category of "traitors" of the native country, it is definitely not known. But the further fate of his unquestless - spy, who has begun a state on the fees from the country's treasury, exposed and shot.

Willie Lehman.

The brother of the poet Sergey Mikhalkov - Mikhail is counted against the prototypes of the fictional character. The man was captured towards the Germans, but it turned out. It turned into an "Outside Law" agent, who merged the Red Army important information. However, at the end of the war, the Soviet counterintelligence faithfully accused Mikhalkov in espionage in favor of the Germans and sharpened in a five-year-old prison.

And finally, the elements of the biography for Stirlitz, the writer borrowed from the scout of Norman Borodin, with whom he drove friendship.

Mikhail Mikhalkov

In the circles interested in the work of Semenov, it also emerges the assumption of the customer character of books. But the writer Mikhail Lyubimov is confident that these are just speculation. Although it does not deny that Julian Semenov had a pass to the archives of the KGB - it is too realistic and historically reliable. Moreover, invented turns of the plots often suddenly appeared under the vulture "Top Secret."


Scout Biography No. 1 As the palm shows in Julian Semenov's books. Vsevolod Vladimirov - the son of political exile, founded in Transbaikalia (Father, a teacher of the St. Petersburg University, because of the ideological principles lost place in an educational institution, and at the same time living in their hometown). The boy was born on October 9, 1900. Five years later, the life of Mom fell asset. The widowed father, grabbing his son, went to emigration to Germany. Here comes from Seva's excellent knowledge of German.

Vsevolod Vladimirov

In 1917, emigrants returned to the updated Russia. By this time, in the relations of the matured Vsevolod and the Father, the crack was outlined - the young man was delighted with changes in the political arena of the Motherland and the straight line went to the ranks of the CC. Three years later, the young Vladimirov under the name of Isaev was introduced to the White Guards, who went under the flags of Kolchak, and a little later entrusted the mining of information at the headquarters of the Unger owned in Mongolia.

In Moscow, Vsevolod helped the leadership of the foreign department of the HCC, having received a serious task - to find out the circumstances of the theft of diamonds from the Hochran. The next mission was a trip to Vladivostok, again in the rows of Kolchak. Together with the White Guards, the scout was evacuated to Japan, and from there to China. In general, the hero was put in the light, away from the native land a man lived a third century.

Max Otto von Stirlitz

In 1927, the Soviet special services create the legend of the German Aristocrat of Max Otto, a background of Stirlitz, robbed in China, who is looking for support and protection in the German consulate of Australia. Six years later, the hero was in Germany, where he joined the ranks of the Nazi party. "Double life" began: he worked for German intelligence, and in parallel found valuable information for the Soviet government. By the end of the war, he was sent to the high rank of Standardfürera.

The most famous task of Stirlitz received from Joseph Stalin in 1945 - from the scouting it was necessary to disrupt the negotiations of the tops of the German government about the conclusion of the Separate world with the West, the organization of which was played by Reichsführer SS Henry Himmler. For the brilliant performance of the task of Stirlitz received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. But at the same time, the resident waited for the exposure - the head of the secret police Reich Heinrich Muller guess that there was a "Seredan Cossack" in the ranks of Nazis. However, the hero was in no hurry to remove the hero on clean water.

Stirlitz and Muller

During the storming of the Berlin of the famous intelligence officer, the Soviet soldiers were injured, and the Germans brought him first to Spain, and then to South America, where Stirlitz attacked the next Nazis headed by Muller. Information about the criminal group and the personality of the scout reached the Soviet embassy. Vsevolod Vladimirov finally found himself in Moscow, however, in the status of the prisoner - from the prison of the scout released only after Beria died.

The aged character of the book Semenov leaned into science, writing the dissertation entitled "National Socialism, Neofashism; Modifications of totalitarianism. " But on this the adventures of the scout did not end: in 1967, Vladimirov again found himself in Berlin, where he managed to stop theft of nuclear technology.

The personal life of the hero did not work out. Leaving their homeland in the 20s, Vsevolod said goodbye to his beloved woman Alexander Gavrilina, who a little later gave birth to a child. The agent did not even guess his son, the rumors reached him only in 1941, and in three years Vladimirov accidentally met with the heir in Krakow. Son Alexander under the fictional name worked as a scout in the Red Army.

The family never reunited - the wife of Stirlitz, together with his son, was shot by order of Stalin.


The adventures of the Soviet scout, described in Julian Semenov's books, formed the basis of several films. The first picture, removed by Boris Grigoriev in the novel of the novel "Password is not needed", was shown in the cinemas of the USSR in 1967. The character of the young Chekist Vsevolod Vladimirov passed the actor Rodion Nakapetov.

Rodion Nakhapetov as Stirlitz

Later, Vladimir Ivashov, Vsevolod Safonov and Uldis Dumpis (in 1980, the film on the Spanish version "presented the Latvian director Eric Latsis in 1980). Sergey Ursulak shared a modern look at the history of the long-lasting years, putting the TV series "Isaev" in 2009. The role of the Soviet intelligence officer has deployed Daniel Strahov.

Vladimir Ivashov as Stirlitz

And yet the most famous Stirlitz in Russia and abroad is Vyacheslav Tikhonov. Director Tatiana Lozinova, who gave the world of "17 moments of spring", managed to show so close to Soviet intelligence. A woman gathered on the set of Russian cinema stars, making a picture of the leader in the number of actors who wore the title "People's Artist of the USSR".

Vsevolod Safonov as Stirlitz

Together with Tikhonov, Leonid Armored (Mr. Henry Müller) is shone on the screen, Yuri Vizbor (Reichslight Martin Borman), Mikhail Zharkovsky (Obergrupenführer MOP Ernst Kaltenbrunner), Konstantin Jellylm (Obursbrummbannfürer SS Wilhelm Holtoff), Lev Durov (Agent Claus), Leonid Kuravlev (Obersturmbanfürer SS Kurt Aisman).

Daniel fears in the role of Stirlitz

But the work on the 12-serial art film began not easy, and just because of the choice of the actor to the main role. Stirlitz could well become Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Oleg Strizhenov, Yuri Solomin, and even Archil Gomiashvili, who will play the Osta Bender in the future, "the director first examined these candidates. However, men were engaged in other productions.

Vyacheslav Tikhonov as Stirlitz

In the field of view of the author of the TV series, finally, Tikhonov. Thanks to his external data and a magnificent acting, Stirlitz turned out not only beautiful, but discreet, sensitive and wise. In addition, Vyacheslav Vasilyevich should be thanked that a touching episode of the Soviet Resident meeting with his wife in the cafe "Elefant" appeared in the picture, whose script was deprived.

Interesting Facts

  • Strokes together with the guarantor Rzhevsky and Chapaev firmly settled in folk creativity. Soviet citizens composed a lot of jokes, where the intelligence officer appears, and not all of humorous history - within the framework of decency. In the world there is an axampy of short jokes with a drop of hero from a high-altitude house, for example: "Stirlitz fell from the balcony of the 13th floor and miraculously clung to the 9th balcony. The next day miracle swollen. "
  • In various quiz, the question of whether the strokes decrypt the messages from the center with the help of a book in the Seventeen Moments of Spring. Only the most attentive viewers of the picture are able to answer him: Character Tikhonov takes a modest Tomik Friedrich Schiller 1883 of the publication from the shelf.
  • Tatyana Lioznova gave a picture for several years of life, and the victims were not in vain. After the release of the film, the audience turned the director with letters - in one of the interviews she told that he received 12 bags of messages and read everything honestly.
Lion Durov in the film
  • The shooting process should have started on the GDR sites. Lioznova was going to follow the scene of Stirlitz's stay in Berlin, as well as an episode in which the scout killed Claus. As a result, this moment had to be filmed in the forest of the Moscow region, because Lev Durov was not released in the GDR for an unsuccessful joke. At the Commission, which makes a decision on issuing permits for departure from the USSR, the actor asked about the appearance of the flag of the Soviet Union. Lev Konstantinovich without rear thought joked:
"It looks very simple: black background, on it white skull and two crossed berty bones. Called the flag "Jolly Roger". Colleagues on the workshop jokingly dubbed the Durov "Main Bandit of the Republic".


Bright phrases from the film "17 Moments of Spring" The audience after the show of each series was recorded in notebooks and then competed with each other in knowledge of the picture, inserting quotes into speech in the case without.

"And I will ask you to stay." "Ordinary propaganda hype. You can not continue. "" Stirlitz goes on the corridor. "" Do not faint, but we are all under the cap from Muller. "" Humanity loves other people's secrets. "" Gabi, like a chess partner you are not interested in. "" Just Of all people on Earth, I love old men and children. "

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