Anatoly Tarasov - biography, photo, personal life, hockey and cause of death



The biography of the famous Soviet hockey player, football player and coach Tarasova Anatoly Vladimirovich is so fascinating, in each line literally saturated with love for life and the profession chosen by him, which involuntarily starts to experience genuine interest in sports. Hardworking and sincerely devoted to his work man - this is this way to characterize the great athlete.

The future famous athlete was born on December 10, 1918 in Moscow. The boy was barely turned nine when he was not his father. In connection with this terrible tragedy, Anatoly had to grow rather early, taking certain family obligations. For example, on the shoulders of the future legend, concern for the younger brother lay down.

Anatoly Tarasov in youth

Brothers Anatoly and Yuri from early childhood sought to spend free time with maximum health benefits. Enrollment to the sports school "Young Dynamo" became a happy springboard on the way to the future achievements of Tarasov. The manifestation of leadership qualities of the legend did not make himself wait a long time, and he quickly began to wear the captain's dressing of the youth hockey team "Dynamo", and even a short period of time - the Moscow national team.

Having studied 7 years in a secondary school, Anatoly Vladimirovich became a student of a professional school, at the end of which he received the qualifications of the "locksmith". On the recommendation of the leadership of its first sports alma Mater Tarasov "sat down for the party" of the highest school of coaches. It happened in 1937.

Anatoly Tarasov and Vsevolod Bobrov

Before the onset of war, Tarasov loved to chase the ball. In 1939, an athlete, together with the Dynamo team, became part of the group "A". Soon, in 1941, he temporarily changed football to the front. Home Tarasov returned to the oldest major.

In those days, Anatoly Tarasov played with Vsevolod Bobrov. They were brought about them that they are two geniuses that the country's political regime and their own ambitions put in the conditions of a tough long-term struggle. They even removed the documentary "Anatoly Tarasov. Vsevolod Bobrov. Great confrontation. "

Career coaching

From 1947 to 1975, Tarasov entered the coaching team of CSKA, although he continued to play himself. In total, the athlete has played 100 ice fights on ice, chasing to hit rivals 106 times. As a result - 18 gold medals at his wards.

Coach Anatoly Tarasov

In 1957, the Great Athlete received the title of Honored Coach. And in 1958, he began to train the team of the USSR. In this position he lasted a long 14 years. As a result - 9 victories of the Soviet national team at international competitions, 3 Olympic medals. Quote Tarasova

"Hockey - Feeling and Beauty Holiday"

Transfers the entire spectrum of Rainbow Emotions of Tarasov in relation to the main cause of all his life - sport.

Anatoly Tarasov and the USSR national team

In 1961, Tarasov did not care about the head coach, and Arkady Chernyshev took his place. The reason for the care was the fact that he did not carry out the order of the authorities of the Soviet state. From Tarasov demanded that his team in the match with Czechoslovakius allowed to play with the same score, which would provide her honorable silver medal. The final score - 5: 2, the victory remained for our, and he was fired.

"Sorry for people who are indifferent to the sport. It seems they are great to decide their lives. What about me ... To say: start life again - again choose the trainer's path. Because it is a damn interesting profession - to bring up the strengths and body and spirit of people. "

Such a quote from the mouth of the Great Athlete is not surprised. In his wards, the coach invested the whole soul.

Personal life

The Great Tarasov entered into a lawful marriage in the summer of 1939. His wife was Nina's girl - a one-line, who studied with him in the same educational institution. In the winter of 1947, a daughter was born at the family couple. Happy spouses gave her the name Tatiana.

Anatoly Tarasov and his wife and children

As you even know that not special sports lovers, now Tatyana Tarasova is the famous Russian coach for which figure skating is the matter of all of her life.

Anatoly Tarasov with daughter Tatiana

Despite the fact that the family has learned a considerable bitterness of the war years, in the 1950s, the daughter of the legend skillfully kept on the ice. Father's father was helped by her father, because children for Tarasova were one of the main values ​​in life. The spouse called his second daughter, the Spouse called Galina (died in 2009).

Books and films

In the books of the athlete "Hockey Day" and "Hockey Tactics" every future player who dreams of becoming a professional hockey player will find a lot of useful. For example, descriptions of attacks, defensive both individually and when interacting with the team. According to the great coach, a significant role, in addition to the well-known characteristics of an athlete, should be the ability of a hockey player at the same time to remember tactics and move skating.

Anatoly Tarasov wrote books about hockey

The wards of Anatoly Vladimirovich, for example, the famous athletes of Petrov, Kharlamov, Tretyak, firms have repeatedly conquered prizes at the World Championships and the Olympic Games. One of the well-known sports film entities called "Legend No. 17" tells about the beginning of the sports path of hockey player from the USSR - Valery Harlamov.

Oleg Menshikov in the role of Tarasova

Cinema begins with unforgettable memories of 1956: Spanish Corrida in the native country of the mother of the Great Athlete. Next, the viewer already sees Moscow landscapes, the plot begins to occur in 1967. The young athlete meets the famous Anatoly Tarasov. It was he who directs his ward to the Chelyabinsk region, with the aim of speaking for the club "Star".

Having finished with all the difficulties of games in this team, not distinguished by high indicators, Valery soon begins to demonstrate excellent results. Thanks to Tarasov, he pierces first to the leading position of CSKA, further - the Soviet national team.

The main roles were performed by Danil Kozlovsky, Svetlana Ivanov, Oleg Menshikov, who fulfilled the role of Tarasova, and Boris Shcherbakov.


Life Anatoly Vladimirovich tragically broke off on June 23, 1995. The fateful confluence of circumstances, the price of which is a terrible death. When surrendering analyzes, the deadly virus got into the blood of Tarasov, it was he who caused his death. Infection provoked a stroke, as a result, it only accelerated the care of an athlete.

Tomb of Anatoly Tarasova

Anatoly Tarasov died in the hospital. The grave of legends is located in Moscow, at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

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