Sergey Yesenin - biography, photos, women, poems and latest news



Sergey Aleksandrovich Yesenin is a great Russian poet-lyrics. Most of his works are Novokrestendian poetry, lyrics. Later, creativity relates to medicalism, since it traces a lot of images used, metaphor.

The date of birth of literary genius is September 21, 1895. He comes from Ryazan province, Konstantinovka village (Kuzminskaya parish). Therefore, many works are devoted to love for Russia, there are many new Novokrestendi lyrics. The financial condition of the family of the future poet could not be called even tolerant, since his parents were quite poor.

Sergey Yesenin in childhood

They all belonged to the peasant race, and therefore were forced to work a lot of physical labor. Sergey's father, Alexander Nikitich, also passed a long labor path. As a child, he was fond of singing in the church church, had good voice data. When he grew up, he moved to work in the shop selling meat.

The case helped him get a good position in Moscow. It was there that he became a crawler, and family's income became higher. But this did not serve as joy for spouse, Mother Yesenin. She was still less likely to see her husband, which could not not affect their relationship.

Sergey Yesenin with family

Another reason for the disclaimer in the family was the fact that after moving the Father in Moscow, the boy began to live at his native grandfather's grandfather, father of his mother. It was there that he received male education, which three His uncle was engaged at his own way. Since they did not have time to acquire their families, they tried to pay a lot of attention to the boy.

All the uncle were unfulfilled sons of grandmother Grandfather Yesenin, who differed in a cheerful temper and partly with youthful mischief. They taught the boy to ride a horse at a very unusual way: put him on the horse, which rushed with a gallop. Also, the training of swimming in the river was also taking place when Little Yesenin just threw naked from the boat directly into the water.

Sergey Yesenin in his youth

As for the mother of the poet, he was influenced by parting with her husband when he was in a long service in Moscow. She got a job in Ryazan, where they fell in love with Ivan Razguleeva. The woman left Alexander Nikitich and even gave birth to a second child from the new cohabitant. Sergey's consolidated brother called Alexander. Later, the parents still come together again, Sergey had two sisters: Katya and Alexander.


After such a home education, the family was decided to send Seryo to training to Konstantinovskaya Zemstvo school. He studied there from nine to fourteen years and was distinguished not only by his abilities, but also bad behavior. Therefore, in one year of study, by decision of the school manager, he was left for the second year. But still graduation rates were extremely high.

At this time, the parents of the future genius decided to live together again. The boy began to come to his native home on vacation. Here he went to the local priest, who had impressive libraries with books of different authors. He carefully studied many volumes, which could not not affect his creative formation.

Sergey Yesenin in the village

After graduating from the Zemskaya school, he switched to the church-parish, located in the village of Spare-riveting. Already in 1909, after five years of study, Yesenin graduated from the Zemstvo School in Konstantinovka. The dream of his family was that grandson became a teacher. He was able to implement it after training in Savior Klepika.

It was there that he graduated from a second-class teacher school. She also worked at the arrival of the church, as was headed in those times. Now there is a museum dedicated to the work of this great poet. But after receiving the teaching education, Yesenin decided to go to Moscow.

Poet Sergey Yesenin

In a crowded Moscow, he had to work in a meat shop, and in the printing house. In the shopkee, his father was arranged, since the young man had to ask for help in his employment. Then he arranged him in the office, in which Esenin quickly encouraged a monotonous job.

When he served in the printing house as an assistant corrector, quickly made friends with poets belonging to the Surikov literary and musical circle. Perhaps this was affected by the fact that in 1913 he did not do, but it became a free listener of the Moscow City University of People's University. There he visited the lectures of the historical and philosophical faculty.


The thrust for writing poems was born at Yesenin still in Savior Klepika, where he studied at the teacher's parish school. Naturally, the works had a spiritual orientation, not yet penetrated by notching lyrics. Such work can be attributed to: "Stars", "My Life". When the poet was in Moscow (1912-1915), then it was there who began his more confident samples of the pen.

It is very important that during this period in his works:

  1. Used poetic use of imagery. Proceedings of the napli skillful metaphors, straight or portable images.
  2. During this period, the Novokrestest imagery was traced.
  3. It was possible to notice the Russian symbolism, as the genius loved the work of Alexander Blok.

The first printed work was the poem "Bereza". Historians note that when writing Yesenin was inspired by A.Feta's works. Then he took a pseudonym ariston, without deciding to send a poem under his own name to print. He was published in 1914 the Magazine Magazine.

Young Sergey Yesenin

The first book "Radunitsa" was released in 1916. It also traced Russian modernism, since the young man moved to Petrograd and began to communicate with famous writers and poets:

  • CM. Gorodetsky.
  • Z.N. Hippius.
  • D.V. Philosophers.
  • A. A. Block.

In "Radunice" there are both dialectic notes, and numerous parallels between natural and spiritual, since the title of the book serves the day when they honor the dead. Then the arrival of spring is happening, in honor of which the peasants sing traditional songs. This is a connection with nature, its update and reverence of those who left.

Sergey Yesenin has always been Elegance

The style of the poet is changing, as he begins to dress a little fabulous and more elegant. His guardian of Klyov, who oversaw it from 1915 to 1917, could affect it. The poem of a young genius then listened to the attention and S.M. Gorodetsky, and the great Alexander Blok.

In 1915, the poem of the "cherry" was written, in which he gives nature and this tree by human qualities. The cherry as if comes to life and manifests his feelings. After calling for a war in 1916, Sergey began to communicate with the group of Novokrestest poets.

Because of the released collection, including the "Radunitsa", Yesenin received wider fame. She reached the very empress Alexandra Fedorovna. She often called Yesenin to the royal village so that he could read his works to her and her daughters.

In 1917, a revolution happened, which was reflected in the works of genius. He received a "second breath" and, inspired, decided to release the poem of 1917 called "Transfiguration". She caused a big resonance and even criticism, since there were many unimagon slogans in it. All of them were filed in a completely different way, in the stylistic of the Old Testament.

Tsarist family

The perception of the world was changed, commitment to the church. The poet even declared this in the open in one of his poems. Then he began to navigate both Andrei White, began to communicate with the poetic group "Scythians". The work of the end of the twenties belongs:

  • Petrograd book "Doveless" (1918).
  • The second edition of the "Radunitsa" (1918).
  • A series of collections of 1918-1920: transformation and rural hour.

The IMAZHINISM period began in 1919. Under it implies the use of a large number of images, metaphors. Sergey is enabled with support for V.G. Shershevich and bases his group that absorbed and the tradition of futurism, the style of Boris Pasternak. An important difference was the fact that the works were set in nature, assumed an open reading in front of the viewer.

Sergey Yesenin and Boris Pasternak

This attached a group of great fame against the background of bright performances with application. Then they were written:

  • "Sorokoust" (1920).
  • Pugachev's poem (1921).
  • Treatise "Mary's keys" (1919).

It is also known that at the beginning of the twenties Sergey began to engage in the implementation of books, rented a shop for selling printed publications. She was on Big Nikitskaya. This occupation brought him an income and distract a little from creativity.

Poet Sergey Yesenin

After communication and exchange of views, stylistic techniques with A. Mariengoof, Yesenin were written:

  • "Confession of Huligan" (1921), dedicated to Actress Augustus Miklashevskaya. In her honor, seven poems from one cycle were written.
  • "TRERADNIK" (1921).
  • "I do not regret it, I do not cry" (1924).
  • "Skandalist poems" (1923).
  • "Moscow Kabatskaya" (1924).
  • "Letter to a woman" (1924).
  • "Letter of Mother" (1924), which is one of the best lyrical poems. It was written before the arrival of Yesenin to his native village and dedicated to his mother.
  • "Persian motifs" (1924). In the collection you can see the famous poem "Shagana you, Shagana".
Sergey Yesenin loved to travel

After that, the poet began to travel often. His geography of trips was not limited to one Orenburg and the Urals, he even visited Central Asia, Tashkent, and even Samarkand. In Urdah, he often went to local institutions (teahouse), traveled through the old town, started new acquaintances. It was inspired by Uzbek poetry, oriental music, as well as the architecture of local streets.

After marriage, numerous trips to Europe followed: Italy, France, Germany and other countries. Yesenin lived even a few months in America (1922-1923), after which records were made with impressions of living in this country. They were printed in Izvestia and are named Iron Mirgorod.

Sergey Yesenin in the Caucasus

In the middle of the twenties, a trip to the Caucasus was carried out. There is an assumption that it was in this area that the collection "Red East" was created. He was released in the Caucasus print, after which in 1925 the light saw the poem "Message by the Evangelist Demyan". The period of the IMAZHINISM continued until the moment until the genius quarreled with A. B. Mariengof.

Also, V. Mayakovsky was considered to be the critical and famous opponent Yesenin. But at the same time they did not show out the hostility in public, although they often encountered foreheads. Everything was criticized and even respect for each other's work.

Soviet authority

After Sergey decided to break with immudy, he began to give frequent reasons for criticizing his behavior. For example, regularly after 1924 began to emerge a variety of increasing articles that he was seen in a drunken state or arranged robs, scandals in establishments.

Drunk Sergey Yesenin arranged row

But this behavior was only a hooliganism. Due to the bonuses of ill-wishers, several criminal cases were opened immediately, which were later closed. The loudest of them is the case of four poets, in which the accusations of anti-Semitism were. At this time, the health of the literary genius was shaken.

As for the attitude of Soviet power, she was worried about the state of the poet. There are letters testifying that Dzerzhinsky is asked to help and save Yesenin. They contain that Sergey put the employee of the GPU, which would not give him to sleep. Dzerzhinsky responded to the request and attracted his subordinate, which was never able to find Sergey.

Personal life

Anna Ferezzhanova was the Civilian wife of Yesenin. He met her when he worked as an assistant corrector in the printing house. The result of this marriage was the birth of the son of Yuri. But the marriage could not have resisted for a long time, since already in 1917, Sergey married Zinaida Reich. During this time, two children were born at once - Konstantin and Tatiana. This union also turned out to be a speed.

Sergey Yesenin and Isadora Duncan

In the official marriage, the poet joined Isador Duncan, who professionally engaged in dancing. This love story was remembered to many, since their relationship was beautiful, romantic and partly public. The woman was a famous dancer in America, which heated the interest of the public to this marriage.

At the same time, Isadora was older than his spouse, but the difference at the age did not interfere.

Sergey Yesenin and Isadora Duncan

Sergey Duncan met in a private workshop in 1921. Then they began to travel along the whole of Europe together, and also lived four months in America - in the homeland of the dancers. But after returning because of the abroad, the marriage was terminated. The next wife became Sophia Tolstaya, who was a relative of the famous classic, the Union also broke up less than a year.

Also, the life of Yesenin was connected with other women. For example, Galina Benislavskaya was his personal secretary. She was always next to him, partly devoting his life to this man.

Disease and death

Yesenin had problems with alcohol, which were known not only to his acquaintances, but also Dzerzhinsky himself. In 1925, the Great Genius was hospitalized in a paid clinic of Moscow, specializing in psychoneurological disorders. But already on December 21, the treatment was completed or, possibly interrupted at the request of Sergey himself.

Sergey Yesenin had alcohol problems

He decided to temporarily move to live in Leningrad. Before that, he interrupted the work with the Gosizdat and took off all his funds who lay on government accounts. In Leningrad, he lived in a hotel and often communicated with different writers: V. I. Erlich, G. F. Ustinov, N. N. Nikitin.

Posthumous photo of Yesenin

The death of this great poet unexpectedly December 28, 1928. There is still no circumstances in which Yesenin left life, as well as the cause of death. It happened on December 28, 1925, and the funeral themselves passed in Moscow, where the grave of genius is now.

Grave of Sergey Yesenin

On the night of December 28, a practically prophetic farewell poem was written. Therefore, some historians suggest that the genius committed suicide, but this is not a proven fact.

Sergey Bezrukov in Esenin

In 2005, the Russian film "Yesenin" was lifted, in which Sergey Bezrukov played the main role. Also before this was removed the series "Poet". Both works are devoted to the Great Russian genius and received positive feedback.

Interesting Facts

  1. Little Sergey five years old was unofficially orply, as his grandfather taped his mother. The woman just sent the father to the maintenance of the son. Father at this time worked in Moscow.
  2. At the age of five, the boy was already able to read.
  3. In school, Yesenin was given a nickname "Bearless", since his grandfather once hesitated from the church craft.
  4. In 1915, the service began in the army with the subsequent delay. Then Sergey turned out to be on military lavs, but already as an Sanitary.

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