Boris Mikhailov - biography, photos, personal life, hockey and last news 2021



Boris Petrovich Mikhailov - Soviet hockey player, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, Legendary striker from Troika Mikhailov-Petrov-Harlamov. Honored Coach of RSFSR, Honored Coach of Russia.

Boris Mikhailov was born on October 6, 1944 in Moscow. His father was a mechanic - a plumber, and Mom worked on the tobacco factory "Java." The family lived poorly. Father Porol Boris and his brothers for the slightest provinces, which fastened the future athlete firmly. The habit of tolerate pain and strikes helped Mikhailov to become a strong, combat hockey player.

Boris Mikhailov in his youth

At the age of 10, Boris lost his father. Mother had to work all the time to contain four children. Mikhailov's elder brother died from the hands of hooligans in the post-war Moscow, the average did not become in similar circumstances, but during the days of the nineties.

The first hockey box in the yard, where Mikhailov learned to stand on skates, was built by the hands of schoolchildren. For this, the children dragged the boards from the construction site, and Boris was no exception. In 12 years, Mikhailov began playing hockey organized. The formation of an athlete began at the Labor Reserve Stadium. In 1962, the young man went to Saratov, where he was playing for the local Avangard. The team Mikhailov dedicated for three years of his life.

Boris Mikhailov in youth

Among Saratov, a strong Moskvich stand out for his game, and he was called in the capital "Lokomotiv". Having played two years in our hometown, Boris Petrovich was called up to the army. So hockey player began to perform ice for CSKA. By then there were a wife and a little son. Trade accounted for at one level with other athletes. His weight was then equal to 60 kilograms, but the power loads were for all the same. Over time, Mikhailov scored about 15 kilograms, his weight was fixed at a mark of 74 kilograms with a height of 176 cm.

Career Hockey player

The transition to the CSKA team was a serious indicator of Mikhail's career growth. Very soon it turned out that Boris could not be shifted from the place if he does not have his own desire. The number "13", which turned out to be on the heel in front of the gate, forced many goalkeepers to become superstitious. The position in the attack was ideal for a hockey player, ignoring the strengths of the opponent and sending accurate transmissions.

Legendary Troika Mikhailov-Kharlamov-Petrov

Statistics shows that during his career player Mikhailov, 428 washers scored, setting the absolute Soviet hockey record. Most of all the heads Boris Petrovich scored in the world championships and the Olympic Games. From the words of Mikhailov, the most severe was for him four hundred and puck. For a long time an athlete was the leader of the USSR national team.

Boris Mikhailov - Two Olympic Champion

Boris Petrovich is an eight-time world champion, two-time Olympic champion, winners of the best sniper, scorer and attackers of different years, 11-fold USSR champion. In the middle of the seventies Petrov, Kharlamov and Mikhailov were the legendary link of the attackers who were the first in the domestic hockey showed a tough, power game. The Troika brought the Team of CSKA and the team many victories, including the Olympic Games in Innsbruck and Sapporo, as well as in Super Speakers with Canadians. The USSR national team has become the highest point of Career Mikhailov as a player.

Career coaching

In 1981, Boris Petrovich changed the form with the number 13 on the coach costume. After completing the player's career, the athlete became the main mentor of the SKA team. Mikhailov worked for almost twenty years by the coach in St. Petersburg.

Boris Mikhailov worked as a coach

Boris Petrovich was a member of the coaching staff of the national team who participated in the Olympic Games in Turin. Mikhailov's mentoring also helped the Russian team in 1993 to win gold medals at the World Cup.

In 2007, he accepted the proposal of HC Metallurg and moved to Novokuznetsk, where he worked for two years. In 2009, the athlete officially declared that she completed a hockey coach career.

Personal life

Hockey player married aged 22 years. Tatiana's wife for four years younger than Mikhailov. When young people signed in the Shchepkinsky Palace of Marriage, the bride was only 18 years old. Boris Petrovich loves to joke that he looks too young and eared in the photo from the wedding.

Boris Mikhailov at her wedding

A year after registration, the family became more. March 14, 1967 firstborn Mikhailov appeared. The boy called Andrey. The second son of Boris Petrovich was born on July 23, 1978. Mikhailov's children also tied their lives with hockey.

Boris Mikhailov with his wife

Boris Petrovich's family and Tatiana Egorovna turned out to be strong and withstood the test of time. In 1999, the first granddaughter appeared at the married couple. The daughter of the eldest son Andrei was called Vasilisa. In 2004, another girl appeared. Andrei Borisovich became the Father for the second time. The girl was called Elizabeth. The youngest son Mikhailov has a son Nikita, who was born in 2007. At the age of 7, the grandson of the famous striker began to engage in hockey.


In 2013, the film screen was released by the film "Legend №17", which tells about the beginning of the career of the famous hockey player Valery Harlamov. The scene was based on real events from the life of athletes of the USSR national hockey. The legendary three attacks of Mikhailov-Petrov-Kharlamov was embodied on the screen with talented actors Timur Ephrenenkov, Artem Fedotov and Danila Kozlovsky. In 2014, the film was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

For the premiere of the picture, Boris Petrovich came along with journalists, which pointed out a number of inaccuracies in the film. In general, the picture player was satisfied.

A little earlier tape "Legend №17" came out the film "Valery Kharlamov. Additional time". The premiere took place in 2007. In this film, Mikhailova played Kirill Kyaro, a famous viewer as an artist's leading role in the Nyukhach series. The tape released in 2007 was a more modest budget than the 2013 Bayopic, but she also liked the hockey player.

Boris Mikhailov today

The coaching work of Mikhailov left in 2009. Since 2011, Boris Petrovich has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the International Hockey Tournament with the ARCTIC CUP.

In 2016, the book of striker "Hockey in my heart appeared on sale. About the game, friends and enemies. " The legendary hockey player speaking at the number "13" shared memories of games with Canadians, spoke about his life to hockey and gave an assessment to his coaches.

Boris Mikhailov today

Mikhailov has a hobby: he collects plates with the views of the places where there was. For the past few years, Boris Petrovich drives in different cities of Russia, spends sports advice and meetings with fans. Also at the hockey player the richest collection of the washers, which he plans to leave the grandson.

Vladimir Petrov and Valeria Harlamova is no longer alive

At the end of February 2017, the last name Mikhailov again flew in the news. Boris Petrovich gave several interviews of various sports publications in connection with the death of his best friend and colleagues Vladimir Vladimirovich Petrova. Hockey players were friends for almost half a century. Vladimir Petrov died after a long illness on February 28, 2017. From the top of the attack, which became the legend of the Soviet hockey, only Mikhailov remained alive.

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