Ksenia Sukhinova - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



Ksenia Sukhinova - Russian Beauty, "Miss Russia 2007", "Miss World 2008", TV presenter, model. Today, the charming smile of Ksenia decorates glossy pages, the girl leads a personal blog in "Instagram".

Childhood and youth

Ksenia Vladimirovna Sukhinova was born on August 26, 1987 (zodiac sign - Virgin) in Northern Nizhnevartovsk. Dad and mom of the future model worked in the oil and gas sphere, continue their career to this day. Subsequently, daughter decided to go in the footsteps of the parents.

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Ksyusha's mother, Natalia Aleksandrovna Sukhinova, tried to motivate the daughter for new accomplishments, then and then giving a girl in professional sports: ballroom dancing, running, classic ballet, rhythmic gymnastics. And the result of the occupation of the biathlon was to obtain the first discharge in this sport.

Successes in such different areas of Ksenia itself connects with wise upbringing in the family. In an interview, the girl recalls that parents sent their efforts to form a firm character. They did not make her daughter to deal with anything against her will, but if the daughter chose a direction, demanded an adult and meaningful approach.

Ksenia Sukhinova - certified engineer
"Mom has always worried and rejoiced for me. Brought up a sense of responsibility to parents, "recalls Ksyusha.

After graduating from High School, Ksenia entered the Tyumen Oil and Gas University. She became a graduate engineer in the field of technological informatics.


Of course, the dazzling beauty of Sukhinova could not be noted. Possessing ideal parameters (height 1.78 m, weight 50 kg, 84-60-91), Youth Sukhinova repeatedly received suggestions for work model, participation in beauty contests. Each time the girl answered in polite refusal, choosing her studies as a priority until he received a proposal to participate in the contest of the beauties "Miss Neftegaz". At this competition, Ksyusha took second place. Victory became a start in the creative biography of the model.

From that moment on, the girl dropped doubts that it was possible to combine study at the Institute and preparation for serious contests. Parents also did not object. At 18, Suchinova first won the title of the winner in Tyumen Miss Image 2005. This victory inspired Ksenia, moreover, during the competition, she was surrounded by the ministers of the beauty industry, who convinced Sukhinov in the ability to build a career model.

Ksenia Sukhinova today

The will of the fate of Ksenia fell into the Point Model Agency, in which a beginner model soon received a proposal to participate in the show at a high fashion week in Milan. The start of the international career was rapid: shortly after Italy, Sukhinov was invited to the French capital, but the circumstances were different.

At this time, preparation began on the main holiday of the beauty of the country - "Miss Russia 2007". Risching to lose successes in Europe, Ksenia still decides to participate in the competition. As a result, Ksyusha received a victory, which he dreamed of, because this title was a clavicle for the competition of the planet.

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The victory in the All-Russian competition was only the beginning of a challenging path to the cherished goal. Preparation for the Miss World Contest - the hardest time for each participant, the representative of Russia approached this issue with full responsibility and rigor to himself.

Each morning of the most beautiful girl in the world of 2008 began at 5-6 in the morning. Training in the gym, choreography, defile. But the most difficult for Russians were English lessons. The fact is that participation in the competition involves a large number of interviews in the international language, including performances on complete improvisation. Daily Multi-Operate Training of Ksenia achieved free ownership of fluent speech in English for the year.

Ksenia Sukhinova on Miss World 2008

Work was done on improving himself. The hardest loads were not in vain: the girl managed to re-glorify the beauty of Russian women to the whole world. Russia won the international competition. Photo of Russian beauty a few weeks did not go with the covers of the world press. Formerly to conquer such impressive peaks, only Yulia Khurochny was managed in 1992. Another Russian, beauty Oksana Fedorova, received the title "Miss Universe" in 2002.

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The new title obliges: under the terms of the contract, the winner during the year should participate in charitable and promotional events. But this crazy schedule did not prevent Ksenia Sukhinova to become the face of the Moscow Eurovision in 2009, within which work was recorded in 42 images of all European countries. In the same year, Sukhinova once again went to the podium of the Miss Russia contest, handing the crown of the 2009 winner of Sofia Rudeva. The girl won by decision of the members of the jury of Olga Slucker, Valentina Yudashkin, Dmitry Malikova, Arkady Novikova.

For Ksenia Sukhinova sang forces

A year later, the Crown Winner was transferred to the new "Miss World" - a representative of Gibraltar. Ksenia, finally, could freely choose what to do next. Sukhunova decided to work with Valentin Yudashkin. Already in 2010, the girl entered the judiciary of the prestigious international competition "Miss World". In addition to the career of the model, Ksenia Sukhinova is engaged in charity, travels. And her personal life does not give rest to fans.

Personal life

Ksenia reluctantly answers questions relating to personal life. But if you are the most beautiful girl of the earth, it is difficult to hide from prying eyes. The family life of Ksyusha did not discuss only the lazy representative of the world of Ceboribriti.

Ksenia Sukhinova and Sergey Beevadin

Since 2008, Sushinova attributed a novel with a businessman Sergey Beef. An unfair public was in a hurry to hang labels, calling their union by Roman for the calculation. But the acquaintance of future lovers occurred at non-standard circumstances. Ksyusha needed an elegant dress for a charitable evening in the capital of Great Britain. Suitable outfit found in the collection of Valentine Yudashkin, as it turned out, a close friend of Sergei Beef. The entrepreneur volunteered himself to take a beauty dress.

Sergey Beyadin, Valentin Yudashkin and Ksenia Sukhinova

So the first meeting of Ksenia and Sergey took place. A few months after dating, the girl called Beef by another name and was sure that he was working as a driver.

However, their relationship lasted without a small 7 years. Sergey did not bother to gifts and surprises for her beloved. For a celebration on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the girl, Robbie Williams arrived, Stefano Gabbana, and the photographer on the personal photo session of Ksenia became the famous Patrick Demarevly.

Model Ksenia Sukhinova

Together, lovers rested in the azure coast, and the rest of the year lived in a country house in the suburbs. But for unknown reasons, Sergey never became Ksenia. It is possible that the reasons for the cooling of the senses became the employment of the girl in photo shoots in the USA and Europe. After parting, Sukhunova moved to the apartment in Krylatsky, which an entrepreneur presented her at the beginning of the relationship.

In one interview with 2016, Xenia admitted that the former Beloved still helps her financially, and she is not in a hurry to exclude the possibility of reconciliation. But from the new feeling of Sukhinov is also not going to refuse, as it believes that love gives new paints that make the world more beautiful. Ksenia dreams of family and children, but the events are not going to forcing.

After Eurovision, who passed in Moscow, there were rumors about the possible relations of Ksenia with Dima Bilan, allegedly they are far from friendly. Fans gathered and forgot about it for 6 years. But in 2016, young people provided the public a new reason for rapid discussions: in social networks, a party appeared on the social networks, on which the singer, fulfilling the Maze's musical composition, took Sukhinov by his hand, not noticing anyone around, sang her: "Well, why Parshivo me?! " The video in "Instagram" laid out Ksenia itself, and it seems both not at all were against contradictory sense at their own expense.

Ksenia Sukhinova now

Now "Miss World 2008" develops a television career. The girl became the TV presenter of the third season of the fashion project "in style" on the TV channel "Yu". Responsibilities Sukhinova includes an overview of the latest design collections, fashion trends and features of various styles.

Ksenia Sukhinova - Model and TV presenter

Ksenia Sukhinova pays a lot of time social life. She became a member of the Working Group of the Public Chamber on Environmental Affairs, as well as the goodwill ambassador of Abkhazia.

In 2017, Ksenia Sukhinova starred in the video of Dima Bilan on Hit "Keep", which in less than a year gathered 87 million views, and in April 2018 their new work was released - the video for the musical composition "Girl, do not cry". The plot of the roller talks about a meeting of two young people who come out of the nightclub and face a gang of criminals. The hero of Dima Bilan managed to beat off the hooligans, but at the end of the video he gets an unexpected blow from the girl - the character who performs Ksenia.

TV presenter Ksenia Sukhinova

Also Ksenia Sukhinova entered into a contract with L'Oreal Professionnel, which made a girl face advertising campaign of a new trend - a nude shade of hair. A distinctive feature of paint has become its naturalness and softness. This product came to the soul of Ksenia itself, the girl never moved away from a natural shade of hair and chose paints with gentle components. Despite the rumors about plastic, Ksenia did not resort to the services of surgeons, which can be seen by her photo, on which the girl looks natural.


  • "Miss Image 2005"
  • Miss Russia 2007
  • "Miss World 2008"

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