Greta Garbo - biography, photo, personal life, movies and cause of death



Greta Garbo, actress Cinema, born in Europe and received recognition in the United States, who became an icon and a diva, entered the story as a cold, unearthly, masterful woman with an extraordinary shrill look and indescribable beauty. She was silent, preferred privacy and therefore was surrounded by an atmosphere of mysteriousness. But under the outer facade of the alienation was kept sensitive and passionate heart.

It was this woman who recently became known from the secret documents, was the secret agent of the British and saved the Jews in Denmark during the Second World War. Biography Greta is full of surprises.

Actress Greta Garbo.

A girl was born in 1905 in Sweden in a family with small prosper. Dad Greta died when the girl was 13 years old. The family consisted of mother and three children, which is why the girl abandoned the school and went to his first job. She worked in the beauty salon, in retail stores, gradually began to act as a model for photo to local promotional videos and magazines. The girl noticed agents, invited to an episodic role in the film "Peter-Tragging".

The girl decides that it will continue his career in cinema. For the realization of the conceived Greta goes to the Academy of Theatrical Arts, where in two years I master the actress profession. Here Garbo meets the director named Moritz Stiller, who thinks through the image of the Greta and removes it in several of his films.

Greta Garbo in youth

The girl's talent instantly revealed a silent movie, besides her appearance, growth (about 170 cm), glance piercing, grace and plastic looked perfectly on the big screen. The actress conquered the film critics and ordinary spectators, inspired colleagues in the workshop and attracted producers. She is offered to move to the United States that Greta is taking. Here they are waiting for films, love, success and big money.


Garbo became the highest paid actress of pre-war time, 270 thousand dollars for the film at that time were an unthinkable amount. Her best roles - in films about strong women with the character and desire to live life in the name of love and faith, most often Heroin Garbo died at the end of the film. The characters that Greta played, gave her world fame and the title of one of the best actresses in Hollywood's history. Anna Karenina (in the film "Love) and Mata Hari - the two most significant roles of the actress.

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The actress did not disappear from the screens and then when a sound came to change a mute. So, many assumed that the mysteriousness of the Greth and her unearthly image will fall asleep at the first sounds of her voice, but the timbre of the actress had a magical influence on the viewer. A languidly low voice with a light hoarse became the harbo sign.

Greta Garbo and Clark Gable

The Greta had stretched relationships with some colleagues in the cinematic workshop. For example, Garbo and Clark Gablez together starred in the film "Susan Lenox: Fall and takeoff", after which they laughed in the fluff and dust. The actor considered a woman arrogant and biased, and Greta called the result of the work of Clark "Topor".

In total, the star played 20 filmmakers. For an indisputable and invaluable contribution to the development of cinema in 1954, Garbo was handed Oscar.

Years of war

Garbo made a career break, becoming a member of the events during World War II. The fact is that Adolf Hitler was admired by the legendary actress, and therefore insisted at the meeting. And British intelligence, hearing rumors, prepared Greta, as the instrument of killing the leader of fascist Germany.

Hitler was delighted harbo

The plan collapsed, however, Greta was able to get a lot of secret information about the fascists in a number of secret operations. For many years, she was a M6 agent in Europe, and therefore after the war it was not able to make himself return to the movies. Garbo understood that after such events and shocks, she could not seriously perceive his work simple actress.

Personal life

The personal life of the kinodius was full of secrets and rumors. It is quite exactly the fact that the woman has never been married and did not discover the happiness of motherhood. The absence of children and her husband Greta always called their own conscious choice. Instead of creating a family and take care of her, Garbo chose to live an interesting and unusual life, full of love experiments.

Greta Garbo and John Gilber

Once she was almost married - after passionate novel, John Gilber called the girl under the crown. However, at the last moment Greta changed his mind.

Marlene Dietrich for many years considered Garbo's main rival for the title of "Queen Hollywood." Moreover, the actress was jealous of his rival to a prominent writer - Erich Maria Remark supported his close relationship with Greta and was delighted with this talented unusual woman. Marlene could not recognize that she was inferior to Greten at least something, and therefore he was much climbed on Garbo for the "stolen heart" Erich.

Greta Garbo and Marlene Dietrich

It is well known that Greta Garbo in different years was in serious relationships with both men and women. Her beloved is invariably successful people, as a rule, representatives of creative professions, those who divided the passion of the Greta to work and art. From men, these were most often actors, directors or representatives of the elite. From women - scriptwriter or photographer.

Greta Garbo and George Schale

One of the most famous people who had a connection with the actress - a successful businessman George Schale, who was officially married for many years of Roman with Greta. The reasons for such a strange, almost painful love attachment of the actress to a not attractive clever man are still unknown. However, the novel defined almost 20 years, as a result of which a man helped actress to multiply her wealth.

A very close friend of the actress in recent years was the photographer Cecil Biton, who later admitted in homosexuality.

Style icon

Garbo treated the category of women who, in principle, it was not worth their efforts in order to look great and attract admiring views with each appearance. The Greta Style struck the public during the years of her triumph in cinema and unequivocally continued its existence and after her death.

Unique Greet Greety Style

The main elements of the actress - red lipstick, the marble color of the face, subtle eyebrows and bright eye makeup; Simple cut of things, closed dresses, shirts and men's polo. And, of course, a male costume - the actress has become a mod lawmaker, coming to the public in black pants and jacket.

Greta Garbo in a male suit

Greta loved comfort and solitude in ordinary life, and then preferred to hide her figure, and not emphasize the shapes. She adored black and a variety of hats - could wear a hat, a handkerchief or chalm.

Fashion did not greatly worrying the actress, she preferred to follow the inner sense of style.

Beauty Greta Garboy

The Russian emigrant Valentina Schale was his favorite fashion designer, in the American fashionable house, which dressed the whole Hollywood. It was Schale who created a simple elegant outfits for harbo, in which the Japanese simplicity of lines clearly looked. They were close friends, but the originating relationship of Greta and her husband Valentina George changed his friendship on hatred. Valentine until the end of his days could not forgive the grull of her grazed act.

Greta Garbo and Renata Litvinova

Garbo style is relevant and in our time. For example, the star of Russian cinema Renata Litvinova created its image, based on the image of Greta.

Last years and death

After completing the career in 1941, Greta Garbo never returned to a big movie, only sometimes playing the episodic roles "herself" in small paintings. After the war, she returned to America and began to live in solitude.

Greta Garbo in old age

Woman pursued representatives of the media and simple fans - the legendary actress was of interest to one appearance in public. It so happened that for the sake of privacy and personal life, Garbo went into voluntary imprisonment, spending a lot of time in his apartment. In public places, she appeared in unchanged black glasses.

Grave Greet Garboy

The woman died at the age of 84, the cause of the death of Greet Garbo - complications after serious pneumonia. The grave of the actress, which is located on the Stockholm cemetery, has become a mandatory place to visit for all Fans of Creativity Garbo.


  • Two-mounted woman (1941)
  • Ninochka (1939)
  • Conquest (1937)
  • Lady with camellias (1936)
  • Painted veil (1934)
  • Queen of Christina (1933)
  • What you want me (1932)
  • Grand Hotel (1932)
  • Mata Hari (1931)
  • Susanna Lenox (1931)
  • Inspiration (1931)
  • Anna Christie (1930)
  • Roman (1930)
  • Kiss (1929)
  • Unified Standard (1929)
  • Wild Orchid (1929)
  • Business woman (1928)
  • Mysterious lady (1928)
  • Divine woman (1928)
  • Love (1927)
  • Flesh and Devil (1926)
  • Seducer (1926)
  • Stream (1926)
  • Joyless Alley (1925)
  • Saga about Yöstie Berling (1924)
  • Mr. and Mrs. Stockholm (1920)

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