Igor Gordin - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, husband of Julia Menshova, filmography, films 2021



Igor Gordin has not yet been told about the husband of Julia, alone, although it was time - he was joking with a fraction of sadness, as the grave monument will first indicate this status. Saita Actor is confident that a popular wife is not the most entertaining point of biography.

Childhood and youth

Igor Gordin was born on May 6, 1965 in Leningrad in the family of an engineer and translator. Parents of the future actor were not fond of art and did not doubt that the Son would choose something technical, so they did not assume that Igor would devote the life of theater and cinema.

However, the boy showed a tendency to reincarnation already in school years, secretly from his father with his mother in high schools, with pleasure, went to the scene of the theater of youth creativity. These were the first tried attempts to feel the actor and decide on a future profession.

After school, Igor did not decide to follow the dream, but went to the Polytechnic Institute. Not showing special enthusiasm, he studied 3 courses. However, the guy was constantly drawn to the artistic path, so he tried to enter the Ligitmik. Gordin overcame the interview and qualifying tours, but the general education exams did not pass, since it did not submit the necessary documents on time.

At the end of the Institute, Igor worked as a physician-nuclear physicist, and in 1989 came to the capital and entered Gitis. The course of study Gordin was held at Professor the Department of Directuring Irina Sudakov.


The first roles Igor Gordin played, while still a student. At that time, the guy fell in love with the theater of the young spectator and hesitated by his leaders - Ginks and Henrietta Yanovskaya. They revealed the talent of a young actor and skillfully contributed to further professional development.

After the end of the guitis in 1993, Gordin served one theatrical season in the "contemporary" and returned to the Tyuz, who became his second home. Once the actor said that under the guidance of Ginkas and Yanovskaya he was ready to play anyone. And from under the wing of Galina, the Volckek left, because I realized that with such the number of stars, it risks for a long time to stay in the crowd, when a person is already under 30, I don't want to start again.

In 1994, Igor Gordin played in the production of "Romance" (based on the play Edmon Rostan), next year he was adequately noted in the play of Kama Ginkas called the "execution of the Decembrists", and in 1996 showed all his abilities in the play "Pena Day" According to Boris Vian's novel.

In the theater world, Gordin managed to distinguish between bright roles, proving a genuine talent. The most spectacular work of the artist belongs to the role of SOLOGUB in the play "Pushkin. Duel. Death, "and also in the exciting representation of the" prosecution "

In 2001, the actor fulfilled the role of Gurova in the play "Lady with a dog", created on the basis of the work of Anton Chekhov's named. He conquered the spectators with the game in the plays "meek" and "Medea". Demonstrated amazing skill, fulfilling the role of Helikon in the play "Caligula", and in the image of George in the production under the intriguing name "Who is afraid of Virginia Wolfe?" Gordin surpassed himself.

Periodically, the famous actor was invited to other theaters: "Practice", "Theater of Nations", "Peter Fomenko's workshop". So, in 2010, Igor Gennadyevich played brilliantly in the play "Grenholm Method", which went on the walls of the institution headed by Evgeny Mironov.

Gordin is the owner of the theater awards "Seagull" and "Golden Mask", two awards who are the name of the Matraine scene of Konstantin Stanislavsky, brilliantly performs on several sites and at the same time over a quarter of a century keeps the loyalty to the Moscow Thau.


In the filmography of Gonde - paintings that like completely different generations of viewers. Nevertheless, Igor is not chasing fame and seeks to decorate the cover of the magazine. The purpose of all the lives of the well-deserved artist of Russia remains the game sincere and memorable.

In 2000, Igor decided to declare himself in the world of cinema, and prompted the following motifs for it. First, it is a chance to meet with great masters, which heard in childhood. Secondly, that no longer a secret, they pay well on the set. In 2002, he made his debut in the militant "Trio", the director of whom Alexander Pokhkin spoke. Mikhail Porechenkov and Andrei Panin were fulfilled the main roles.

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After 2 years, Gordin appeared in the Master Series of Andrei Eshpay called "Children of Arbat", in which the time of repression in the Soviet Union was realistic. Chulpha Hamatov, Daniel of Strakhov, Evgeny Tsyganov, Evgenia Simonova were fulfilled the main roles.

Only in 2005, Igor Gordin starred immediately in 5 diverse paintings, among which the TV series "Heavenly Life", "Charm of Evil" and "The Death of the Empire". In 2006, a talented actor performed one of the key roles - Peter Smirnov in the adventure television series "Schedule".

Igor Gennadyevich is regularly removed in the series, plays predominantly minor roles. For example, checking in the heroic drama "Diversian: End of War", the investigator in the "crime will be disclosed", Bogdan Belsky in the historical picture of Ivan Grozny, official in Sklifosovsky. Directors put a variety of tasks before proudness, and he managed to worryly reincarnate in the most unexpected heroes, surprising realism and emotionality.

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In 2010, the actor appeared in a detective entitled "Diamond Hunters" in the role of Lieutenant Colonel KGB. Then I reincarnated in a person in a series of short films "Dance Delhi" Ivan Vyrypayev. Soon Gordin got the main role in the dramatic series "Who, if not me?". In this project, Igor was filmed on the same platform with Maria Shukshina, Alena Khmelnitsky, Konstantin Yushkevich.

The 2013 was extremely saturated, which brought the actor 5 fascinating film projects. Optional success used melodrama "Moscow Twilight", which became a favorite at the "Window to Europe" festival.

The Popular Film, in which Igor was filmed, and the Dubrovsky picture, which was based on the same name Alexander Pushkin, only the action was transferred to the 21st century. Gordin got the role of Ganin, and Danil Kozlovsky played Vladimir Dubrovsky. In the continuation of the Motheric film "Heavenly Court", which involved Konstantin Khabensky and Ingeborg Dapkunayte, Igor Gordin is assigned one of the main roles - Inquisitor Alex.

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In the TV series "Adult daughters", Igor tried the image of a large father who was held in Afghanistan, and at the homeland of forced to hide from the bandits. While the hero took the threat from the family, the wife dies, giving birth to a long-awaited son. Returning home in 17 years, the man is forced to look for a child who gave in someone else's family.

In 2016, the List of Gonde was replenished with a detective "Universal Conspiracy", shot by Vladimir Yankovsky on the book of Tatiana Ustinova. Another film for a criminal theme with the participation of the actor - "Satan Operation", continued the story of Major Cherkasov, embodied on the screen Andrei Smolyakov. Igor Character for others - Brother employees of the secret design bureau, and in fact, the CIA agent who kidnapped Soviet military developments.

In 2019, Andrei Eszpai presented to the court of the audience a melodrama "Tell the Truth", my own transformation of "Dr. Foster", the most rated film of the Air Force channel in 2015. Even the advertising poster of the Russian version with Pavel Trubiner and Victoria Isakova echoes the original. The main heroine is obsessed with idea to find out if the husband has a mistress. In addition to Igor Gordin, the director of the director Evgenia Simonov, Zoya Kaidanovskaya, was starred in the picture, Zoya Kaidanko.

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The drama "Designs" is a cinematic debut for theatrical director Konstantin Bogomolov. In the film, Gordin plays the head of the police station, investigating the murder and further reveals the unsightly secrets of the highest society.

The series "Intercessors", which started on the first channel in March 2020, immerses the viewer at times of thaw 60, when the institute of advocacy was able to actually defend citizens in court. In the center of the plot - personal and official relations between the staff of the prestigious law office. Igor Gordin in Caste Drama Vladimir Cotta amounted to Kirill Grebelchikov and Ekaterina Volkov.

Personal life

Igor is married to a successful actress and TV presenter Yulia Little, daughter of Oskarone film director Vladimir Menshov and the famous actress of faith Alentian. They became acquainted with 1995, when Julia came to the performance of the "execution of the Decembrists" in the Tyuz, where Igor was playing.

The girl was impressed with both the game of a young man and his attractive appearance (height 186 cm, weight 70 kg). After the play, colleagues met in the restaurant, where they rested in one company, and there was a novel between them.

Soon, young actors decided to live together, and 2 years later played a wedding. Two children appeared in the family - the son of Andrei and the daughter of Taisia. The young man graduated from the acting department of the MCAT Studio Studio, although his father was mentioned that neither he nor Andrei himself was confident that it would be a lot from this venture. In TASAS, parents see a journalist - in the girl is visible perseverance and ability to formulate thoughts and express them on paper.

Igor and Yulia's relations were not always smooth, periodically idyll was replaced by quarrels, who were threatened with family happiness. In 2004, the stard family scandals reached such a heat that the couple could no longer live together. The media argued that the actor threw a family, since he painfully perceived the success of his wife and felt uncomfortable in her shadow. Other sources reported on Igor's novel with an artist Ingin Ormoldina, who even threw her husband for the sake of a new chosen one.

However, in 2008, the couple decided to reunite. People close to artists claimed that Julia Menshov had every effort to preserve the marriage. Gordin later stated that personal life was improved thanks to the children, it was impossible to watch how they worry. Even before reconciliation, Igor and Julia starred in a multi-sieuled project "The crime will be disclosed" in the role of former spouses to which the former feelings returned in the final. For a star couple, this plot was prophetic.

The actor by nature is an introvert, does not like to give interviews, and the red tracks of secular events prefers rest in the forest. Perhaps the unwillingness to live a form of a modest number of photos on the Gordin page in "Instagram".

In 2021, Gore had happened to the family of Gonde - he left his father. Vladimir Menshov died on July 5: the body did not cope with the consequences of transferred coronavirus infection. By the way, at that moment Vera Aalent was also fought with COVID-19.

Igor Gordin now

In the filmography of Gonde in 2021, a fantastic painting "Ampire V" - writing of the novel Victor Pelevina with Pavel Tobacco starred in the lead role . Igor played one of the key roles. What is interesting, in this project he was lucky to work with the famous mother-in-law.

Despite employment in the filming, Igor Gennadyevich continued to delight connoisseurs of theatrical art. In June, he went to the scene in Omsk in the play "Short" in the framework of the Golden Mask Festival. This statement, according to the actor, one of the "long-life" in his repertoire.


  • 2004 - "Children of Arbat"
  • 2005 - "Large evil and smallquare"
  • 2006 - "Demes"
  • 2006 - "Schedule"
  • 2007 - "On the way to heart"
  • 2009 - "Ivan Grozny"
  • 2010 - "Seventh Sacrifice"
  • 2011 - "Diamond Hunters"
  • 2013 - "Medicine against fear"
  • 2014 - "Dubrovsky"
  • 2015 - "Adult daughters"
  • 2018 - "Trainer"
  • 2018 - "Operation" Satan ""
  • 2019 - "Tell the Truth"
  • 2020 - "Intercessors"
  • 2021 - "Ampire V"

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