Andrei Danilko - Biography, Personal Life, News, Photo, Verka Serduchka, Songs, Age 2021



His name is familiar not to all, unlike creative role. Verka Serduchka - This creative alias of the actor, the artist and the composer, the scenario and producer, singer and the showman, the People's Artist of Ukraine Andrei Danilko, who has long become a nominal one. Today, Serduchka is also in demand, her image easily arises in memory, and even people know the songs from love for pop music.

Childhood and youth

Andrei was born on October 2, 1973 in Poltava (Ukrainian SSR). His date of birth fell on the zodiac scale. The parents of the boy were low-income. Father Mikhail Semenovich Danilko, Ukrainian by nationality, worked as a driver and went away from life because of the oncological disease of the lungs, the son was 7 years old. Then all the burden of responsibility for the upbringing and the content of the family fell on the fragile shoulders of mom. It was forced to work in 2-3 shifts to reduce the ends meet. Elder Galya sister for 10 years old Andrei. Apparently, therefore their relationship in childhood was not close.

Andrei received education at the local school number 27. There he met Anne Serdyuk, meeting with which he became in a sense of fateful. Anya is a pretty, with a modest character of an intelligent family, studied exclusively on the "five" and was an example for imitation. In addition, they were planted for one desk, because Andrei could not not pay attention to her.

The girl with warmth belonged to a new friend, but no more. For many years, Andrei suffered reflections on social inequality: what could be interested in the beauty of the poor boy, who was discounted on the graduation outline of the whole class.

He studied badly, but he participated in creative amateur, attended an art school on a par with general educational. It from childhood pulled to the art and scene: "artist", theatrical circle, music. Without Andrei Danilko, no school party did not affect, and later - and the speech of the local KVN team.

Soon he headed the team, and then the idea of ​​conquering the hearts of Ani Serdyuk came to Andrei - he promised that one day his name would glorify. Then a classmate did not perceive the words seriously. At the end of the school, their path was separated, and Anna's biography was prospeted: I got married, gave birth to a daughter, works by a school teacher. It is possible that this is only a beautiful story, one day born from the mouth of Andrei.

Humor and creativity

At the end of the school in 1991, Andrei entered the Poltava vocational school, where he continued the undertaking as an artist-humorist. He constantly performed on stage, inventing the original numbers in search of himself.

In 1993, on the day of the fool, on "Yumorina", a student of Ptu first presented a new character - Verka Serdyuchku, a rude, never-dull and bright star on the head. When heighting 175 cm "Woman" has impressive forms, while the weight of the artist itself remained within a reasonable - 69 kg. The heroine is endowed with sarcastic and sometimes even mockery, lack of restraint and modesty, but at the same time it has an excellent sense of humor and ridicules familiar women's disadvantages.

This image immediately fell in love with the members of the jury, which gave the honorable 2 place in an extraordinary student. Next year, he returned to the competition, taking the Grand Prix of the Festival. Soon he was invited to television shows, advertising campaigns and pop concerts.

Pickless and acute to the tongue, Verka Serduchka found a response in the hearts of the public, and already in 1997, a "SV-show" comes out on Ukrainian television, where the main role went to the Verka wiring. Other characters show - Mother Serdyuchka (Inna Belokon) and silent gel (Olga Lijkevich and Radmila Shchegolev). In the hope of improving its professional level, Andrei entered the Kiev pop-circus school, from where it was soon expensive for abuse and complex character. Yes, and there was no time to study: Soon we bought the program on Russian television.

Celebrity of all post-Soviet space came to visit the car: Lyudmila Gurchenko, Ilya Lagutenko, Philip Kirkorov and others. The artist's career demonstrates rapid growth, and Serdyuchka becomes a popular artist in the CIS. She plays comic roles, filmed in the musicals, sings perky songs instantly became hits, and shoots clips on them, beat all imaginable records of popularity.

In 2005, Andrei produces an experimental lyrical album "after you." Fans seem to have could not break the Association between actor and his heroine. Yes, and the commercial success of Verka made him return to the usual way.

A year later, the artist starred in the New Year's Music Music "1st Eight" in the form of Serdyuchka Verka. Spectators appreciated the picture. They especially liked the episode, where Serdyuchka performed the passionate number "Farewell Tango".

In 2007, Serdyuchka goes to Finland to conquer the main European scene - Eurovision, where she performs the song Dancing Lasha Tumbai in Russian, English and Ukrainian. The European public gave the second place to the bright cross-artist, and the Ukrainian skeptics and fans have applauded success. The British authoritative edition called this song "The best of those not won by Eurovision.

The performance of the artist at the international competition with the song Dancing Lasha Tumbai has caused indignation on Russian TV. Many were heard in the words of the composition of the phrase "Rasha, Hood Bai". Since then, touring in Russia has almost ceased.

After the "Silver" conquest at Eurovision-2007, Andrei Danilko's tour was only tightly, and the fees are higher. At each concert there was an allchelage. If, in the youth, the actor feared experiments in the image, making a bet on a loud woman, then on the wave of popularity, he is no longer afraid to try on himself and other roles.

Fans and today are reviewing sparkling monologues as a policeman, a soldier or the Cossack. All his roles are unique, no matter how similar and so remind us of familiar and neighbors on the staircase, because they find a response in the hearts of millions of people. The popularity of the character affected the income of the artist. On the informal website of Verki Serdyuchka reported that in 2009 Danilko earned $ 150 thousand and hit the top ten rating of the richest representatives of the Ukrainian show business.

By this time, the Discography of the artist was already 11 albums, and the songs "and I am doing this all" were extremely popular, "I need your love so much.", "Christmas trees", "I did not understand", "everything will be fine."

During the creative career, Danilko his filmography was replenished with more than 20 jobs. "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka", "Sorochinskaya Fair", "Morozko", "Cinderella" are the most significant of them. Also, the audience was remembered by the New Year's musical "for two hares." As part of the project, Andrei worked with Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin.

Interestingly, most filmmaster Danilko repeats the character of Serdyuchka. He is distinguished by the roles of bright, strong heroines with character, funny and ridiculous, rude and passionate. One thing remains unchanged: the love of viewers to the ridiculous and ridiculous conductor faith. Therefore, today there is a rare wedding or corporate party without sanguers sermachka, and the words of songs are familiar with even Yarym opponents of his creativity.

In 2016, the artist was invited to the role of a mentor of the Ukrainian show "X Factor": he chose and helped the novice artists to break into a large scene. At the "x factor", Andrei was delayed for several seasons. Konstantin Meladze, Nastya Kamensky, Anton Sawlepov, Nastya Sanina, Oleg Vinnik, Dmitry Shurov, and others were among the judges.

In addition, the artist was attracted to the preparation of Eurovision-2017, which "brought" a singer Jamala to Kiev.

Danylko believed that the image of Serdyuchka Verka is irrelevant in recent years due to the tragic events in Ukraine. Not speaking at official events, the artist gave only private concerts for representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora, mainly in Russia.

July 13, 2018, Andrei Danilko held a farewell performance of Serdyuchka Verka, and on July 20, the singer appeared on the scene of the Dzintari Concert Hall, where he arrived at the invitation of Lyma Vaikule at the Randevé festival. In parallel, Danilko held a farewell tour of Ukraine.

On September 4, 2020, Serduchka's Verka again took care of the career and released a new mini album under the loud name Sexy. It includes 4 compositions written in different music genres: make it rain champagne, Swedish Lullaby, Sexy and Disco Kicks. All songs are devoted to Eurovision and his audience. The main promise of the album is to raise the mood to all students.

In addition, the Network has acquired the informal Masha songs of Verka Serduchka "Everything will be fine" and Asap Ferg Plain Jane.


After successful at Eurovision and unsuccessful attempts to try themselves in Fresh Niva Andrei is solved on a brave and ambitious step: he goes into politics. Danilko creates a party "against all" in the Verkhovna Rada. Since then, a new stage begins in the life of the artist, full risks and nerves. Attempts to create an alternative party and the election statements of the candidate not everyone fell. The showman had to face a cruel world of politicians, who answered his attempts by threats and attempts to blackmail.

In 2014, after political events in Ukraine, the authorities of the country declared an artist with a person of non grants. At the same time, Andrei's buddy, Igor Klintov, losing to the card, decided to make a deal with unknown persons, promising to physically eliminate Danilko to pay for debt. An approximate artist became known about the preparing attempt, and an attempt to pay with bandits at the expense of the actor was not crowned with success.

For several days, the press looked through the news that Andrei Danilko was killed in the Kiev cafe while the artist did official statements. Andrei did not figure out the relationship with the "friend," but excluded him from his life. The instinct of self-preservation is the strongest feeling for a person, so after the events mentioned above, Danilko left for permanent residence in Europe, coming to Ukraine only on tour and recorded TV shows.

Health status

In February 2020, in an interview with the Ukrainian radio station "Luxury FM", Andrei told that he suffers from mysterious disease - did not call a specific diagnosis. Also admitted that I added in weight because of the ailment, although some think that these metamorphoses in appearance occurred due to the fact that the artist eats a lot.

The long period of time the singer was depressed. In April, Andrei in the program "Neimovіran True about Zirok" said that after endless touring, his moral state worsened. Therefore, he decided to temporarily stop his career to give himself a rest and collect his thoughts. The image of eccentric travelers-diva takes a lot of strength and energy.

In the spring of 2021, the media quoted the words of Yuri Nikitina on the health of the artist. So, the Ukrainian producer reported that Danilko is incurably sick. After that, a new wave of rumors about the serious condition of the singer rose. Nikitin again turned to the press, explaining that his phrase simply was pulled out from context and improperly interpreted.

The final point in this matter was the manager of Andrei. It turned out that the musician really has problems with sleep, but he does not have any deadly diagnoses.

Personal life

Unlike a bright character, in the life of Danilko there is a few and lonely. The actor admits that a few years ago he dreamed of family happiness, wife and children - like everyone else. He has repeatedly regretted out loud that for money it is impossible to buy the most important thing - the love and joy of life. However, in recent interviews, Showman says that loneliness is his harmonious state.

Celebrities more than once attributed novels with Olga Lijkevich, then with Radmila Schegolev. Some media spread rumors about the unconventional orientation of the artist, others - information that Danylko will grow up two sons - Mikhail and Ivan. In the period of mad popularity of the "Sv-show" Danilko did not hurry to dispel the speculation. Perhaps this was done, considering justifying things unworthy, or deliberately the incinerate atmosphere of mystery around his personality.

In 2015-2016, the yellow presses pledged the headlines "Inna Belokon threw her husband for the sake of Danilko." Even the photos appeared on which Inna and Andrei spend a vacation, hugging and kissing. In photographs it is difficult to accurately determine which nature is this relationship. The actor never hid themselves that they are close friends. It is known for certain that Inna is married, engaged in a family business and raises his daughter.

Running forward, in February 2020 Danilko visited the show "Glory +", where he gave a frank interview. In the heading "Sovie Glava", where it was necessary to lie, to the question of whether Andrei relations with Belokon were, he replied "no", thereby indirectly confirming the novel

In early 2018, the Ukrainian media expressed concern about the state of health of Andrei Danilko. The artist did not hit the scene of the "Song of the Year" because of the high pressure, which chained him to bed. Nevertheless, Danilko refused medical care, preferring to be treated at home.

For a long time, the humorist lived alone, as it considers loneliness for himself with a comfortable state. TV viewers even recorded Andrei Danilko into alleged candidates for the role of the main character in the program "Bachelor". Commenting on this news in an interview, Danilko was mentioned that he did not exclude dating a girl on the stage platform, since he had almost no time to communicate and searches for the second half. According to the singer, his previous relations began.

As it often happens, under the mask of the glistening clownessee hides the waters of the soul. He does not like his birthday for excessive attention, trying to avoid issues relating to personal life. He does not come to his native farm, because there it was treated on his work and perceived his image as vulgarity and madness.

Danilko notes a certain sense of awkwardness in front of countrymen for a bright success and security, and the view of the village Tlen will imperts it in despondency. He will not meet in the parties of Ceboribriti (unless in the image, of course): the glitter of fake gems is enough on stage. Making charity acts, Andrei does not advertise it, preferring to remain in the shadows.

Andrei Danilko now

In the spring of 2021, Andrei took part in the filming of the next episode of the Trevel show "Eagle and Rushka". Also, his scenic mother Inna Belokon was also involved in the project. In addition, Danilko tried on the role of judges in the Ukrainian version of the "mask."

The musician rarely goes to a big scene and does not write new tracks. Fans understand that the depressive state of the idol requires a detailed study, and hope to hear the new heads of Serdyuchka Verka soon.


  • 2001 - "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka"
  • 2002 - Cinderella
  • 2003 - "Mad Day, or Marriage Figaro"
  • 2003 - "Snow Queen"
  • 2003 - "For two hares"
  • 2004 - "Sorochinsky Fair"
  • 2004 - "Three Musketeers"
  • 2010 - "Morozko"
  • 2012 - "Red Cap"
  • 2017 - "Server of the People - 2"
  • 2018 - "Sex and nothing personal"


  • 1998 - "I was born for love"
  • 2001 - "Pie"
  • 2002 - "Unfinished"
  • 2003 - "Ha-Ra-sho!"
  • 2003 - "Chita Drita"
  • 2004 - "The groom wanted. Uneasy
  • 2005 - "After you"
  • 2006 - Trali-Vali
  • 2008 - Doremi Dorado
  • 2008 - The Best
  • 2015 - "Hydropark (best)"
  • 2017 - "Everything will be fine (The Best of Verka Serduchka)"
  • 2020 - Sexy

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