Robocop - Character Biography, Actors and Roles, Interesting Facts


Character History

The main character of a series of fantastic films "Robocop", which came out from 1987 to 1993, as well as a remake released in 2014. A robot police officer created by the OCP Corporation as part of a project to replace live polyses cyborgs. The combination of the mechanical body and the living human brain. In the past - a policeman named Alex Murphy.

History of creation

For the first time, the hero appears in the film Floor Verveovna Robocop 1987. The script to the tape wrote Edward Neumayer and Michael Mainer, they came up with Robocopa himself. After the first success and premiums, the theme of Robocopa developed many teams and directors. The hero moved to television series, computer games, animated series and comics. The image of a police robot was born in the head of the Edward Neumayer's scenario, when he passed past the site, where the filming of the film "Running on the blade" was shot (1982).

Neumayer wrote forty pages script and fell into a stupor. The script lay down in the box and lay there it is unknown for a long time, if Neumayer did not meet the cameraman Michael Mainer. Mainer shot music clips and told Nemaire that the image of a robot wants to use the new video. At lunch, Neumayer showed a new familiar script. Mainer called the idea of ​​magnificent and said that he had long dreamed of removing the film with a hero, which would like simultaneously on an iron man and Captain America. Combining the effort, Neumayer and Mainer created the classic image of the robocop and the script to the first film.

Biography and plot

Alex Murphy works by a simple cop in Detroit, a loving wife and a little son at the hero. One day, fate turns to Alex's back - he dies in the performance of official duties. In 1987, the hero is shooting a gang. In the 2014 remake in the car, the hero put a bomb, and he explodes. One way or another, Alex receives damage incompatible with life. Save the hero can not, but you can use the body for experiments. The wife depressed by grief signs consent, and the brain, face, lungs and heart (as well as a couple of other parts of the body) Hero is used to create a cyborg. Robocop is called upon to fulfill the duties of a policeman on the streets of Detroit.

Alex Murphy

Alex is the first removed sample of a police robot, published from the OCP laboratories. The rest of the "models" were either failed to adapt to the new Being as a robot and ended with them, or were not flexible enough to adapt and adequately act in the urban environment.

The brain and the nervous system of Alex continue to exist in this mechanical framework, nevertheless, the corporation insists that Robobop is exclusively a robot and does not have consciousness, and therefore is considered to be the property of the company. Alex actions in the "skull" of the robot are really limited to four directives. The hero is obliged to serve society, to comply with the law and protect innocent.


At the same time, another, a secret directive, which does not allow Robocop to perform actions that are directed against the leadership of the Corporation Hero. But the hero remains man and "mechanical", the "program" part is not able to completely suppress the will of Alex.

In each film, Robocop turns out to be in a situation where directives have to violate. It becomes possible because the human essence of Alex is manifested during the transformation into a robot.

After the events of the first film it became clear that Robocop had freedom of will. The corporation tried to limit these manifestations by the introduction of a heap of new directives, which turned out to be formulated too abstractly and often contradicted each other. To curb Robocop, this did not help, but violated the adequate work of the cyborg. As a result, the hero again demonstrated independence, unauthorizedly damaged the memory site where directives contained. For this, Robocop had to provoke a high-voltage blow to the current.

"Robocop" (1987)

The classic story of Robocopa is told in the films of the original trilogy. In the first film (1987), the role of Robocop played actor Peter Weller. After the resurrection in the new titanium case with kevlar prostheses, the Hero Waller is able to break up concrete walls. Robocop shows awesome results in training and later, patrolling the city and struggling with bandits. The management of the Corporation is building big plans in which the project "Robocop" occupies a central place, however, Alex Murphy's memory wakes up over time.

Peter Weller as Roboc

The hero remembers his wife and son and strives for personal revenge. Robocop finds the underground plant for the production of cocaine and is placed there with members of the gang shot. And at the same time he learns that the gang is associated with the highest leadership of the Corporation Hero. Cyborg goes to the Tower of "OSR" to arrest the perpetrators, but here the secret fourth directive is triggered, because of which the hero cannot oppose the employees of the OSR. After the shootout and severe injury, the hero saves the former partner Alex Murphy, in the role of which actress Nancy Allen acts. Ultimately a gang, and the criminal vice-president of the corporation is destroyed by the hero.

"Robocop 2" (1990)

The second film (1990) begins with mightwith in the streets and strikes of the police who are unhappy with the introduction of the Robocop program. Robocop is looking for a drug trap, because of which the city is flooded with new drugs. In the course of the action, the corporation is trying to create a new, more manageable model of a police robot.

Paige Fletcher as Robocop

Robobop himself struggles with excessive directives embedded in it, and ordinary policemen turn to the side of the hero and together with him go to the battle with the whims of drug trap. The brain of the victim during an accident drug trap falls into the hands of the corporation, which uses this "biomaterial" to create a new model that will be easier to control. At first, drug-robocop kills everyone who will indicate, but then it comes out of control and stop it is still a member of the same Alex.

"Robocop 3" (1993)

In the third film (1993), the OSR Corporation is trying to drive out the inhabitants of Detroit from their homes to send a new utopian city on this territory to their own taste.

Robert John Brick as Robocop

Corruption and crime in Zenith. Robocop, which is thrown to suppress the rebel movement itself joins the rebels, and from Japan to help the corporations are kyborg-samurai.

Series "Robocop" (1994)

The third film became the last in the original trilogy, but the plot developed and continued in the framework of the four-ranhine mini-series about Robocope ("Dark Justice", "Swarve", "Resurrection", "Circle and Burn").

Richard Eden as Robocop

In the series, new enemies and friends appear at Robocop. Among them are John Cable, the best friend of the hero, the commander of the special forces squad. Robocopa forced to kill Keibla, and then use to create another robot killer. The purpose of this new robot is to destroy Robocop.

"Robocop against the Terminator" (2006)

In 2006, a six-minute French short film "Robocop against the Terminator" appears.

The idea to push the two iron guys in the epic battle could not but come to someone in the head!

"Robocop" (2014)

In 2014, Robocop finally returns to the audience in a full-fledged remorse.

Yuel Kinnaman as Robocop

The new Robocop is much more emotioned than the old, strongerly tied to the "human" past, lightningly moves, jumps above human growth and wears a modern black "suit."

Interesting Facts

  • The suitably recognizable suit of Robocopa is taken from the Japanese television series "Space Sheriff Gavan" (1982). Of course, the costume was creatively reworked, but not to notice the similarity is impossible.
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  • The image of the robocop could easily merge in the mass consciousness with the image of the Terminator, since the role of a police robot was offered Arnold Schwarzenegger. The transformation of Schwarzenegger in the robocop in the end did not take place due to the type of actor. It was considered that in a costume of a robot-police Arnold will look too cumbersome.
  • The costume of a policeman turned out to be so hard and it turned out so hot that the actor Peter Weller began to lose weight in weight during filming. I had to embed an air conditioner in a suit so that the actor in it was comfortable.

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