Lyudmila Maksakova - biography, personal life, photos, news, "Alone with everyone", children, in youth 2021



Lyudmila Maxakova - People's Artist of Russia, a recognized star of Soviet cinema and a devoted keeper of the tradition of the Vakhtang School. She happened to work with theatrical legends and recognized movie masters. The scenario of the Music Comedy "Bat Mouse" was created for the sake of Prognich - so exactly embody the image of the contemporary of Johann Strauss could only.

Childhood and youth

Lyudmila Vasilyevna's biography began in Moscow on September 26, 1940, she was born under the sign of the zodiac scales. Parents were people of art. Her mother was the People's Artist of the Soviet Union, the opera singer Maria Maksakova. The father of the future famous actress also belonged to the creative elite CCR - was a singer in the Bolshoi Theater. However, the daughter did not see the parent, and Alexander Volkov did not participate in the fate of the child. He refused fatherhood and soon after the war moved abroad.

Lyudmila entered the central music school. The children of famous artists learned here, so she felt comfortable, not feeling the cargo of the famous surname on their shoulders. Maksakova graduated from the Class of Cello and did not see herself as singer.

The family was only glad that Luda did not want to go in the footsteps of the mother. Maria Petrovna advised the daughter to choose a career of translator and insisted that she entered the institute. Moris Toreza. Perhaps it would have happened if the case did not intervene in fate. Maksakova saw the excerpt of the French play and turned out to be so amazed by a skillful play of the actors that he was warmly caught up with the idea of ​​going to the scene.

For this, Lyudmila Maksakova chose the famous theatrical school named after Boris Schukin. In an educational institution, a serious selection was held, but the future star managed to impress the admission committee.

Studying in the theater school has become for a macakova chance to devote himself to acting and free from numerous rules and restrictions that she had constantly presented to her before that. Therefore, in the first years of study, Luda enjoyed long-awaited freedom. She painted her hair, began to use bright cosmetics and attended all sorts of student parties. At one such meeting, the artist met Vladimir Vysotsky, friendly relations with which retained for many years.


After the completion of study, Lyudmila worked in the theater named after E. B. Vakhtangov, where the key roles played. The most important work of the actress during the formation of a creative career was reincarnation to Tatar Princess Adelmu in the famous play "Princess Turandot".

Ruben Simonov in 1963 took up the production, and it is quite reasonable to consider one of the most complex performances for artists. For Lyudmila Maksakova, just a couple of years ago who graduated from the school, this work became a test. But congenital beauty, growth (173 cm), harmony (weight was 70 kg), a wonderful sense of style, perfect plastic, a strong voice and a certain acting talent allowed her to fulfill the role as nobody could not.

Incredible transitions from irony to the tragedy pathos were embodied with glitter, and after this work about Lyudmile, the acting elite of the USSR spoke. Subsequently, Maksakova masterfully performed diverse roles in the best productions of the theater. As they grow and improving the skill of her heroine, they became increasingly deep, wise, sensual.

In 1976 she was entrusted to reincarnate in George Sand in the production of "Summer in Noana". The performance is devoted to the period of life of the writer, when she broke up with Frederick Chopin and had a lot of difficulties in communicating with children.


The actress made his debut in cinema in 1964, playing in the picture "Lived - there were an old man with an old woman." In the process of filming, it turned out that the camera loves Lyudmila. She looked perfectly on the screen and harmoniously reincarnated in the character. Soon after that, she was invited to the films of the famous Soviet directions.

The filmography of Artists replenished the picture "Tatiana Day", where Maksakova played Tatyana Fire. To this day, Lyudmila Vasilyevna calls this role the most beloved. She also decorated with her workshop films "Bad good man", "nearby" and others.

Maksakova's career takeoff in cinema fell at the end of the 70s. Then she played in the painting "Father Sergius" and the film-operetta "Bat". The role of Rosalind was allotted with nationwide love.

In the period from 2012 to 2016, the celebrity played in the popular TV series "Kitchen". In the project, she appeared a despotic mother of Su-Chef Leva, who controls the adult son and does not give him freedom. But in the end, the parent accepts the choice of a young man and allows him to leave with his beloved.

In January 2017, the premiere of fantastic film director of the director Fyodor Bondarchuk "Attraction" started. Irina Star'shenbaum, Alexander Petrov, Rinal Mukhametov, Oleg Menshikov, were performed by the main roles in the ribbon. Lyudmila Vasilyevna reincarnated to the grandmother. The film received good reviews of the audience and the press.

In 2018, the biographical picture of Vamikovsky was published on the screens. The creators of Bayopic introduced the audience to the world of Vladimir Mayakovsky, introduced fans with friends and loved women of the famous writer. The role of Mayakovsky played by Yuri Kolokolnikov, Chulpan Hamatov reincarnated to Lilib Brick, and Maksakova showed the image of the beloved woman of the poet in old age.

Lyudmila Vasilyevna received a number of prestigious titles and awards: in 1971 she was assigned the status of the Honored Artist of the RSFSR, in the 1980s - folk. In addition, in 1996, the actress was awarded the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree. Maksakova is also a professor of the Schukin Theater Institute.


In 2015, Julia M. Meshshova conducted an actress with an actress of the "alone with everyone" with an acute actress. Interestingly, Lyudmila Vasilyevna wanted to speak only about high art, while the TV presenter tried to find out the details of the privacy of the star. People's artist was confident that this issue would not be on the air, but in the end the ratings of the show turned out to be excavating.

Network users paid attention to the difficult character of Lyudmila Vasilyevna and negatively reacted to her manner of communication. But Stas Sadalsky supported a colleague, as he wrote in the blog "LJ".

Lyudmila Maksakova - biography, personal life, photos, news,

In addition, the actress was invited to the "Evening Urgant" program. The star also did not give the descent to the lead and ran with him during the whole conversation. In 2017, the artist gave an interview with Tatiana Ustinova in the show "My hero". There, she preferably spoke of his creative biography and in general was satisfied with the questions.

For the anniversary of the actress in 2020, the program "Revealing Secrets of Stars" was released on the screens, in which many friends and colleagues of the famous performer were made.

Personal life

Maxakova could boast of beauty in the youth of Maksakov, so he was popular with representatives of the opposite sex. The first husband is the artist Lion Zbarsky - even threw a mannequin spouse Regina Zbar to be together with Lyudmila.

Outwardly, they looked happy, but inside the family she was alternating with conflicts. The lion turned out to be jealous, and although the son of Maxim Maksakov was born in marriage, the Union broke up. In Zbarsky, relations began with Mariana Vertinskaya, and then he immigrated to America. In March 2016, a man died of lung cancer.

The story of love with the actress with Composer Mikael Tariverdiev, the novel with whom it ended unpleasant. In 1967, Lyudmila and the musician rode together by car, when a drunk man ran under the wheels, unexpectedly ran. An accident was happened, a 16-year-old pedestrian died. Tariverdiev said he was behind the wheel, and served two years in the SIZO. According to rumors, he allegedly took the guilt of the actress on himself.

Maksakova's second husband - German Peter Andreas Ignarzhs, businessman, education physicist. He became an excellent spouse Lyudmila and perfectly revealed with her son from the first marriage. The family was born and a common child, a daughter Maria, who wears a double surname - Father and Mother. Even the celebrities appeared grandchildren - the three children of Maxim and Three from Mary.

The second husband Lyudmila Vasilyevna died in 2018 at the age of 80. Peter Ignabers suffered a stroke and was paralyzed. Behind the man did not care about the actress herself, but the assistant of her spouse. According to rumors, Maksakova refused to help him. The funeral was held in Munich, the star was not present on them.

In the same year, the artist has become more actively communicating with Stas Sadal. She "divides" a comrade with Tatiana Vasilyeva. Together with a friend, Lyudmila Ivanovna rested in Jurmala, from where he published in the "Instagram" photo 77-year-old movie star in a swimsuit.

On December 20, 2019, it became known that Maksakov was hospitalized. The media reported on the serious state of the artist, but Sadalsky talked to journalists and reassured the public. According to Stanislav Yurevich, with the celebrity everything was in order, but she did not want to disclose details.

A surprise for the public was the news about the upcoming stars marriage. In 2021, Stanislav Sadalsky announced that he was going to play a wedding with a famous performer. According to him, the star itself offered him to marry. He reported her daughter, Maria Maksakova, to which the opera diva responded without enthusiasm. She did not believe in the truth of the words of the actor. Lyudmila Vasilyevna itself has denied this information.

Relations with daughter

On the eve of the onset of 2017, Maria Maksakova and her spouse, a former deputy of the State Duma Denis Voronenkov, left Russia to Ukraine, where he received citizenship. Lyudmila Vasilyevna did not like to talk about his daughter's escape.

In March 2017, the son-in-law actresses were shot in the center of Kiev. The murder of Voronenkov the movie star spoke like this:

"Well, thank you, Lord. What else to do with him? Glory to you, Lord, that in the end the man who concluded so ... He was a military man, he would have been shot for a betrayal. "

The celebrity believes that this Denis has dragged her daughter to criminal and political affairs, although she had a big future. But in the current situation, the artist sorry only grandchildren. After these words, Maria Maksakova was offended by the mother, but after a time I found strength and went to reconciliation. Nevertheless, the relationship could not be established: Lyudmila Vasilyevna does not hide that the way of life chose her daughter, she does not suit her.

Lyudmila Maksakova now

Now the actress continues to serve in the theater. Evgenia Vakhtangov, in 2021 marks 60 years of her creative life in the walls of the famous institution. The performer is proud that only one entry dating from 1961 in its employment book. In total, in the repertoire of the stars, several performances delivered by Khrukuk Rimas Tuminas.

Despite the difficulties, the theater team continues to tour. May 2021 Artists spent in Barnaul. In the regional theater of Drama, Lyudmila Maksakova went on stage in the production of Evgeny Onegin, "King Edip".


  • 1967 - "Tatiana Day"
  • 1970 - "Train in Tomorrow"
  • 1973 - "Bad good man"
  • 1979 - "Bat"
  • 1985 - "Trips on the old car"
  • 1987 - "Ten Negreat"
  • 1998 - Mu Mu
  • 2007 - "Anna Karenina"
  • 2011 - "Diamond Hunters"
  • 2012-2016 - "Kitchen"
  • 2014 - "Doctor Death"
  • 2014 - "Heritage"
  • 2017 - "Attraction"
  • 2018 - "Vamikovsky"

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