Alexander III (emperor) - biography, photos, family, board and politics



All-Russian Emperor Alexander Aleksandrovich Romanov was born on February 26 (according to the old style) of 1845 in St. Petersburg in Anichkov Palace. His father was Emperor-reformer Alexander II, and Mother - Queen Maria Alexandrovna. The boy was on the third child in the family, in which five other children were also born. His older brother Nicholas was preparing for the reign, and Alexander was prepared by the fate of the military.

In childhood, Cesarevich was engaged without much zeal, and the teacher was undemanding for him. In the memoirs of contemporaries, young Alexander was not too smart, but possessed the sound mind and the gift of reasoning.

Tsarist family Romanovs

Nerav Alexander was kind and shy a bit, although the figure was notable: when he was height in 193 cm, its weight reached 120 kg. Despite his stern look, the young man loved art. He took the lessons of painting Professor Tikhodova and was engaged in music. Alexander mastered the game on copper and wooden wind instruments. Subsequently, he will strongly support domestic art and with sufficient unpretentiousness in everyday life will collect a good collection of works by Russian artists. And in the opera theaters with his light hand, Russian operas and ballets will begin to put much more often than European.

Cesarevichi Nikolai and Alexander were very close to each other. The younger brother even argued that there was no one closer and loved by him, except Nicholas. Therefore, when in 1865, the heir to the throne during the trip in Italy suddenly felt badly and suddenly died from the spinal tuberculosis, Alexander could not take this loss for a long time. In addition, it turned out that it was he who became the applicant for the throne, which Alexander was completely not ready.

Future emperor Alexander III with brother Nikolai

Boarders of young men at some point came to horror. A young man was urgently appointed a course of special lectures that Konstantin Victorian mentor read him. After the addession of the kingdom, Alexander will make his teacher advisor and will contact him until the end of his life. Another assistant Zesarevich was appointed Nikolay Alexandrovich Kachalov, with whom the young man made a trip to Russia.

Wedding on the throne

In early March 1881, after another assassination, Emperor Alexander II, the Emperor Alexander II died, and urgently asked his son to the throne. Two months later, the new emperor made public "Manifesto on the inviolability of autocracy", which the presets all liberal changes in the state established by his father.

Emperor Alexander III

The mystery of the wedding for the kingdom occurred later - on May 15, 1883 in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. During the reign, the royal family moved to the palace in Gatchina.

Internal Policy Alexander III

Alexander III adhered to pronounced monarchical and nationalist principles, its actions in domestic politics could be called counterfeit. The emperor first signed decrees that sent on peace of Liberal Ministers. Among them were Prince Konstantin Nikolaevich, M. T. Loris-Melikova, D. A. Milyutin, A. A. Abaza. He made K. P. Victoronezzhev, N. Ignatieva, D. A. Tolstoy, M. N. Katkova by key figures of their environment.

Alexander III

In 1889, a talented politician and financier S. Yu. Witte, who Alexander Alexandrovich soon appointed the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Communications Soon. Sergey Yulievich made a lot for the Great Russia. He introduced the ruble with a gold reserve of the country, which contributed to the strengthening of the Russian currency in the international market. This led to the fact that the flow of foreign capital into the Russian empire increased, and the economy began to develop in reinforced pace. In addition, he made a lot for the development and construction of the Trans-Siberian Highway, which is still the only way to connect Vladivostok with Moscow.

Alexander III struggled with corruption

Despite the fact that for the peasants Alexander III tightened the right to receive education and vote in the Zemstvo election, he presented them with the opportunity to take loans for low interest in order to expand their farm and strengthening its position on Earth. For the nobles, the emperor also introduced restrictions. Already in the first year of the Board, he canceled all additional payments from the royal treasury approximate, and also made a lot to eradicate corruption.

Alexander III strengthened the monitoring of students, established a limit on the number of Jewish students in all educational institutions, tightened censorship. His slogan became the phrase: "Russia for Russians." On the outskirts of the empire, he proclaimed active Russification.

Alexander III proclaimed active Russification

Alexander III did a lot for the metallurgical industry and the development of oil and gas mining. With it, a real boom began to improve the welfare of the people, and terrorist threats have completely stopped. I made a lot of autocrats and for Orthodoxy. With its board, the number of dioceses increased, new monasteries and temples were built. In 1883, one of the most magnificent structures was erected - the Church of Christ the Savior.

In the legacy, after his reign, Alexander III left the country with a strong economy.

Alexander III Foreign Policy

Emperor Alexander III with his wisdom in foreign policy acts and the prevention of wars entered the story as a peacekeeper. But at the same time he did not forget to strengthen the power of the army. Under Alexandra III, the Russian fleet became the third after Flotily France and the UK.

Alexandra III called the king of the peacemaker

The emperor managed to keep quiet relationships with all the main rivals. He signed peace agreements with Germany, England, and also reinforced Franco-Russian friendship on the world stage.

During his reign, the practice of open negotiations was established, and the rulers of European powers began to trust the Russian king, as a wise arbitrator, in resolving all the controversial issues between states.

Personal life

After the death of the heir of Nicholas, he had a bride, Danish Princess Maria Dagmar. Suddenly it turned out that young Alexander was also in love with her. And even though some time he cared for Freilina, Prince Maria Meshcherskaya, Alexander at the age of 21 makes the offer of Maria Sophia Frederic. So in a short time, Alexander's personal life changed, what he did not regret it later.

Tsar Alexander III and Maria Fedorovna

After the mystery of the wedding, which was held in a large church of the Winter Palace, young spouses moved to Anichkov Palace, where they lived before the accession of Alexander for the throne.

In the family of Alexander Alexandrovich and his wife, Mary Fedorovna, who, like all the overseas princesses, accepted Orthodoxy before Marriage, was born six children, five of them lived before adult.

Alexander III with children and wife

Senior Nikolai will become the last Russian king Nikolai II from the Romanov dynasty. From younger children - Alexander, George, Ksenia, Mikhail, Olga - only sisters will live to old age. Alexander will die at the age of one year, Georgy will die in his youth from tuberculosis, and Mikhail will divide the fate of Brother - the Bolsheviks will be shot.

The emperor brought up his children in rigor. Their clothes and nutrition were the most simple. The royal siblings were engaged in physical exercises, and received a good education. The family reigned peace and consent, the spouses with children often leveled to Denmark to relatives.

Unsuccessful attempt

On March 1, 1887, an unsuccessful attempt was held on the life of the emperor. Students of Vasily Osipanov became participants in the conspiracy, Vasily General, Pakhomy Andreyushkin and Alexander Ulyanov. Despite the multi-month training of a terrorist act under the guidance of Peter Shevyreva, young people failed to make a conceived to the end. All four were captured by the police and two months after the trial, executed through hanging in the fortress of Shlisselburg.

Participants in the conspiracy on Alexander III

Several participants of the revolutionary circle, which were also arrested following terrorists, were sent to a long time reference.


A year after the attempt in the life of the royal family, an unpleasant event occurred: the train in which Alexander traveled and his relatives was crashed under Kharkov. The part of the composition turned over, people died. The roof of the wagon in which there was a royal personnel, the mighty emperor held for a long time with his own for 30 minutes. By this he saved all those located next to him. But such overstrain undermined the health of the king. Alexander Alexandrovich began a kidney disease, which slowly progressed.

In the early winter months of 1894, the emperor was very cold and he felt very bad after six months. A professor of medicine from Germany Ernst Leiden, who diagnosed Nephropathy from Alexander Alexandrovich, was called. On the recommendation of the doctor, the emperor was sent to Greece, but on the way he became worse, and his relatives decided to stay in Livadia to Crimea.

Death of Alexander III

During the month of the Bogati Bodybody, the king of UGAS in all in front of the eyes and due to the complete failure of the kidney died on November 1, 1894. Within the last month, his confessor John (Yanishev), as well as Archpriest John Sergiev, in the future, in the future, was undergrowned.

After a half hours after the death of Alexander III, his son Nicholas swore for the kingdom. The coffin with the body of the emperor was delivered to Petersburg and solemnly buried in the Petropavlovsky Cathedral.

The image of the emperor in art

About Alexandra III is not so much written books as other emperors-conquerors. This happened because of his peace and not conflict. His person is mentioned in some historical books dedicated to the family of Romanov.

In documentary, information about it is presented in several ribbons of journalists Gleb Panfilov and Leonid Parfenov. Art films in which Alexander III character was attended, began to appear since 1925. In total, 5 paintings were published, including the "Coast of Life", in which the Emperor-peacekeeper played Lion Zolotukhin, as well as the "Siberian Barber", where Nikita Mikhalkov was performed by Nikita Mikhalkov.

The last film, in which the hero of Alexander III appears, was the picture of 2017 by Alexey Teacher Matilda. In her, the king played Sergey Garmash.

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