Valeria Novodvorskaya - biography, photo, personal life and cause of death



Novodvorskaya Valery Ilinichna is a whole epoch in the development of dissident thought in Russia. The activities of the Novodvorskaya - political activist, a successful journalist, publicist, polyglot, dissident and even blogger - was a full-scale and noticeable at all levels of life in the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation. It is an example of faith in the truth of their business and following its principles and views, contrary to persecutions and other difficult circumstances.

Acts of this pillar and ambiguous sharp statements in the public can be evaluated completely differently, but the long productive activity of Novodvorskaya made it a famous worldwide and gave wide coverage of her thoughts and judgments.

Valeria Novodvorskaya in childhood

"Grandma" of the Soviet revolution, as contemporaries and followers called it, founded a political organization, wrote a number of books and repeatedly performed in the means of information on the most relevant issues.

The life of Valeria Novodvorskaya is the history of the confrontation of a "little man" and the institution of statehood, the history of overcoming and ideological struggle.

A girl in 1950 was born in Belarus, her parents were representatives of the working intelligentsia - Mom worked as a doctor, and dad engineer. In the family, Valeria, according to her own words, there were revolutionaries, and nobles, and representatives of royal blood.

Valeria Novodvorskaya in his youth

In childhood, Valeria Ilinichna her family moved to Russia and settled in Moscow. All childhood, Novodvorskaya often sick enough, she suffered from asthma, and therefore he constantly attended the sanatorium and strengthened the body. A year before the adulthood, her mother and dad decided to divorce her mother, Valeria remained living with her mother. He graduated from school, after which Novodvorskaya entered the university to learn foreign languages.

Public and political activities

In the youth, Valery Novodvorskaya found enough unpleasant facts about the country in which he lived. Stories about the existing gulag and process against writers of 1965, as well as after entering the troops in Czechoslovakia, Valery began sharply negatively to the existing construction and Soviet government as a whole.

Valeria Novodvorskaya in youth

The actions of the young activist were not forced to wait for a long time - she forms a secret group of like-minded people, who put their task immediate overthrowing of the ruling party and a cardinal change of political system in the country. Note that it was planned to be planned with young people with weapons, and therefore nothing excluded possible violence.

As part of the creation of anti-Soviet propaganda, Valery distributes leaflets with verses, full of perturbations and malice towards the ruling circles. For this, she is first given to court and plant in Lefortovo, then transported to Kazan to treat the diagnosis of sluggish paranoid schizophrenia. A woman came out to the will of only a few years later, in 1972, without a delay, she again returned to social activities, starting working in Samizdat.

Valeria Novodvorskaya - biography, photo, personal life and cause of death 17857_4

From 1975 to 1990, Novodvorskaya worked as a translator at a medical university in Moscow, here she also received a higher education by the profession of "teacher".

During this period, the woman was repeatedly convicted as a dissident, for organizing unauthorized rallies and processions for anti-Soviet statements and other anti-Soviet activities. Also in her apartment was constantly searched, and Valery Ilinnu himself was regularly called for interrogations. Several times it was forcibly sent for treatment in a psychic chain on fabricated diagnoses.

Valeria Novodvorskaya criticized Russian power

Before the collapse of the USSR, Valery Novodvorskaya stood up at the origins of the creation of the first anti-government political party in the country, besides, Valery Ilinichna actively printed non-identity articles about Gorbachev. In 1990, her first book was published - a collection of articles Novodvorskaya from magazines and newspapers. This publication has prepared for the basic literary work of women.


Numerous books of Novodvorskaya became an example of the fruitful work of the dissident, which is what to tell this world. Bibliography Valeria Ilinichny has 5 books. All the books of the author reflect its position in many relevant public and political issues.

Valery Novodvorskaya - author of five books

"My Carthage must be destroyed", "on the other side of despair", "over the abyss in lies", "Farewell to Slavs", "Poets and Tsari" - these books reflect the author's historical slaughter, its luggage of unique knowledge and amazing analytical abilities of the author. Photo by the author on the cover of each book promised successful sales and elevated interest from the audience to each work.

Novodvorskaya and modern politics

The new stage of the Novodvorskaya activity fell for the period after the collapse of the USSR and to the present day. In the conditions of freedom and lack of censorship, a woman could reach a completely new level of activity than she did.

Valeria Novodvorskaya supported Yeltsin

Novodvorskaya by the beginning of 1993 became part of the Democratic Union of Russia party, then she actively maintained the political actions of B. Helzin. A year ago, a criminal case was initiated against the activist on the fact of the existence of extremist (inciting hatred) of thoughts and appeals in copyright articles for the socio-political newspaper; A year later, this case was closed. Quite often Novodvorskaya was judged by the article on the incitement of interethnic retail and hatred.

Novodvorskaya took part in the elections to the State Duma of the second convocation, but she failed to win. In the following decades, she actively participated in all sorts of promotions and rallies, acted in support of Saakashvili and criticized VV Putin's activities. In 2012, she became one of the leaders of the "For Honest Elections" movement.

Valeria Novodvorskaya criticized Putin's president

The statements of Novodvorskaya about politics, international conflicts and about modern Russian reality are still quotes. Uncompromising and sharpness of estimates and judgments Valery Ilinichny, who were contrary to generally accepted, incredibly boring and continue to enchant the public.

Novodvorskaya boldly voiced his almost "crazy" thoughts. A vivid example of this is the words of activist about the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. Named in one of the interviews its impartial words.

His activity Valery Ilinichna also estimated extremely low, believing that the very essence of all actions is the desire to return to the country destroyed by the Soviet system.

Valeria Novodvorskaya supported Ukrainian power

In one of his newest interviews, Valery Novodvorskaya spoke a lot about the situation in Ukraine and about the Crimea. In the summer of 2014, she called on the inhabitants of this country to give Russia to repulse, "not to pretend that you gave the Crimea." She also voiced the conviction that Ukraine is destined to win the war and become a European country, and it will be strongly annoying Russia, which "will be forced to accept your existence, but will always apply the leg and everywhere."

By the way, the Novodvorskaya as a whole was an active supporter of Euromaidan, she supported the idea of ​​Ukraine's accession to the European Union, and the leaders of the country considered "real reformers."

Valeria Novodvorskaya

The situation in Crimea Valery Novodvorskaya considered "crazy", and warned that potentially established circumstances could lead to the beginning of the third World War. Russia's actions Valery Ilinichna rated as "brazen annexation without a reason," which other developed countries of Russia simply will not simulate.

In 2001, Novodvorskaya and V. Zhirinovsky took part in the political transfer "to the barrier!" on the NTV television channel. The recording of this air has become wildly popular on the Internet, it is still reviewing people interested in Russian political figures. It is an example of how the ability to blame the controversy can help win a debate. By the way, at the end of the transfer, most viewers supported V. Zhirinovsky's voice.

Valeria Ilyinichna skillfully wrote and reacted not only for purely politically events. For example, she wrote an article about E. Northushenko. The text about the poet is the interpretation of the creative and personal life of the poet, an assessment of its activities and creative heritage, as well as the admiration of Eugene's personal qualities. Of course, like all other articles of Novodvorskaya, this work was also widely discussed by readers and critics.

There are some more famous extraordinary statements of Novodvorskaya. For example, a woman believed that the concept of "human rights" was morally outdated and therefore cannot be used in modern politics. According to her, the right can be and should not be in the entire population of the planet, but only a certain circle of individuals, since "the right - the concept of elitar", and it is worthy of only the upper segments of the population.

Valeria Novodvorskaya

Also, Novodvorskaya was interested in responding to people with the "Soviet, Soviet Type of Thinking." She even called her parents with "scoops". Under this name, they mean the habit of a person to live "under the oppression", to be a victim, the "creature of trembling", unquestioning the power and not be able to fight for the "right case."

Personal life

Valery Ilyinichna still understood that she was not destined to have a husband and children, to create a cell of society in its traditional representation. Being a dissident, a woman immediately assessed his position - children and husband in such a situation would be its hostages, victims and means of manipulation.

All his life, Novodvorskaya lived outside the romantic relationship enshrined by the law, the details of her love life are unknown. Most of the life, the activist lived in the apartment along with Mom and the cat named Stasik.

Valeria Novodvorskaya with a cat

Valeria Ilinichny's companion in work and speeches for many years was a political activist Kirill Borov, but there is no accurate information whether these people were a couple in a romantic sense.

In recent years, Novodvorskaya worked on Radio "Echo Moscow", published in newspapers and magazines, was a blogger and successfully used the Internet and a LJ-platform in their propaganda purposes. He recorded together with the Borov video and laid out on the popular channels on YouTube, participated in TV shows.

Over the years, Valeria's written style has improved repeatedly, it became an example of the propaganda style of the letter.


The woman who has become a legend died in 2014, the cause of death is complications (infectious-toxic shock) due to purulent feet inflammation. Doctors save the life of Valery Ilinichny, although Sepsis could be prevented if a woman appealed to professional medical care.

The funeral was held in Moscow, to honor the memory of the left woman (she was 65 years old) many prominent public figures came: Irina Khakamad, Alexey Venediktov, Viktor Shenderovich and others.

Funeral Valeria Novodvorskaya

The grave of Novodvorskaya is unusual - the woman asked to cremate himself after death, her dust is buried at the Don Cemetery. At her funeral in 2014, many friends and colleagues Valeria Ilinichna honestly admitted that this woman remained a randomly riddle for those around people, and noted that difficult and uncompleaded nature did not prevent a woman for many years to "shine" on the political arena and successfully form a public opinion. Her strong confident, sometimes the lonely voice of protest against the existing authority will be forever stored in memory among like-minded contemporaries and subsequent generations.

It is impossible to say that together with Valery Ilinichnaya died all her work. Its business continues comrades and followers, and in public memory it will always live, as well as her ideas will be remembered. The monument will be installed in her homeland in her honor.

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