Frank Sinatra - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Songs and Latest News



Frank Sinatra - a popular American pop singer, artist Hits "New York, New York" ("New York, New York"), "My Way" ("My Way"), "Love Story" ("Love Story") , "Over and Over" ("Peace with You"). During the heyday of its activities, the artist starred in the cinema, spoke on the radio, produced movies, led his own television show. Sinatra is the owner of the eleven grammy premiums and two Oscars.

The singer known as Frank Sinatra appeared in 1915 in the family of Italian emigrants. He celebrated his birthday on December 12th. If the child appears, the child weighed more than 6 kg. The full name given to the boy at birth, sounded like Francis Albert Sinatra.

Frank Sinatra in childhood

In childhood, the child was often left with her grandmother and aunt. Mom Frank has long been a lot of time, and his father was a dock worker. Martin and Dolly Sinatra were typical representatives of the working class of America of the beginning of the twentieth century.

In the youthful age, Frank became interested in music. He used his skills in the game on a small Hawaiian guitar to earn pocket money. Because of the skills and bad performance, the young synatra was expelled from high school. He developed his abilities, being gifted by nature. The synatra was not familiar with Solfeggio and sang on his rumor.

Best songs and albums

Sinatru consider the only singer who in old age could repeat the success of his young years. One of the most famous songs "New York, New York" ("New York, New York") Master recorded in 1979. The singer was already 64 for this moment. The song has become a business card of New York and is still used as one of the unwashed hymns of the city.

Frank Sinatra in youth

For half a century, the singer recorded more than hundreds of hit compositions. Frank performed George Gershwin's songs, Cola Porter, Irving Berring and other famous composers of their time. During the lifetime of the singer, about 60 albums with his vocals were released. Collections with Christmas songs performed by Sinatra are still very popular in America.

The most famous songs of the artist in the world: "Strangers in the night" ("Wanderers in Night"), "New York, New York" ("New York, New York"), "My Way" ("My Way") , "Fly Me to The Moon" ("Bring me to the moon"), "Jingle Bells" ("Bells") and "Let It Snow" ("Let the snow goes").

Personal life

The singer was four times officially married. His personal life was a long time as an object of close attention of journalists, which led to Frank's divorce with his first wife. The singer hated the press representatives all his remaining life.

Frank Sinaratra and Nancy Barbato

The first love of the artist was the girl named Nancy Barbato. They and Frank got married in the winter of 1939. The wife gave Sinatra three wonderful children. The eldest daughter was born in 1940. She was called in honor of the mother. When Nancy Sinatra has grown, she informed her life with music. In 1944, Frank Sinatra was born - the younger, who also became a musician. He led the orchestra of the Father. The youngest child in this marriage became daughter of singer Tina. Frank's children and Nancy tied their lives with show business. The eldest daughter and the Middle Son became musicians, and Tina found himself in the movie business.

Frank Sinatra with children

After the divorce from Nancy Sinatra quickly found a consolation in the arms of Avy Gardner. Lovers got married a few years after the start of their novel. For Au, marriage with Sinatre was the third in the account.

Frank Sinaratra and Ava Gardner

During the start of family life with Gardner, Frank had a heavy creative crisis. The singer pursued a series of failures, as a result of which he was unclaimed in the profession. After losing a voice because of complications after a cold, Frank decided to reduce the scores with life. The wife turned out to be near the singer and supported him in a difficult moment, the synatra recovered and returned to the scene. In 1952, his concerts began to be accompanied by ancholate again. With the second wife, Sinatra lived for about six years.

Frank Sinaratra and Mia Farrow

The third time the singer married at the age of 51. Marriage of Sinatra and his 21-year-old chief of Mia Farrow took place in 1966. In the press on this account there are many devastating articles. Thanks to the last name, the spouse Mia did a good actress career. The young wife helped the singer to overcome the next creative crisis. A year after the wedding, Mia Farrow and Frank Sinatra divorced.

Barbara Marx became the fourth spouse singer in 1976. She was the last official satellite of the Sinatra's life, with whom he lived to his very death. Biographers often criticize Barbara, calling her inheritance hunter. Spouses lived together for 22 years.

Frank Sinatra and Barbara Marx

Frank Sinarta was not only a talented singer and actor, but also known to the ladies. His women were unusually beautiful and talented. Among the beloved Sinatters there were a lot of famous actresses, singers and mannequins. And in his youth, and in old age Frank could charm the woman's "velvet" voice and galant manners liked him.

In addition to four official marriages, the singer had two terminated engagement. The engagement with the widow Humphrey Bogart Lauren Bacolal was broken by the synatrum due to early publicity. Friends actresses told reporters about the upcoming wedding, and representatives of the press occupied the housing of the singer. Sinatra considered that Loren betrayed him, and broke their connection.

Frank Sinatra was a favorite of women

The second engagement with Juliet PRES was terminated in 1962 after a month and a half from the day about her announcement. The bride was initiated by the bride, she decided to focus on her career. Sinatra also had a relationship with Lana Turner, Gina Lollobrigid, Shirley Macmene, a bottom Reed, Jill Saint-John. Frank and his women usually parted a lovely, without scandals and incidents. With many of their Passators, Sinatra got acquainted during filming in the cinema and supported friendly relationships after parting.


The charm of the artist helped him build a good career in the movie. Sinatra did not study at the acting school, did not take the lessons of scenic art. His game and musical skills were native. For her film, Frank fulfilled roles in 46 films.

In 1965, the artist tried to act as dire director of tape "Only brave". This experience was one, but as a producer of Sinatra released as many as six tapes. Interestingly, the artist's children chose their professions, repeating father's classes. For example, the youngest daughter Sinatra took up the movie producing.

Frank Sinatra in the film

The most famous films with the participation of the artist: "From now on and forever", "11 Friends of Owen" (film screening of 1960), "Manchurian candidate", "Man with a golden hand", "Detective", "around the world for 80 days" (film 1956). The work of Sinatra in the movie was rated high. The actor has become the owner of two statuettes "Oscar" and two Golden Globe awards.

Interesting Facts

  • In his youth, the artist almost ended up in prison because of love for a married woman. In America, the beginning of the last century, an affair with someone else was a criminal offense and could adversely affect the singer's career.
  • There is a version that Frank Sinatra was associated with Mafia. In particular, the singer did not hide what was personally familiar with some criminal authorities. According to rumors, the mafia on the order of the Sinatra was painted with his ill-wishers. And the enemies of the singer first of all considered journalists who were too interested in his personal life and affairs.
Frank Sinatra and Audrey Hepburn
  • Frank Sinatra treated very warmly to Audrey Hepburn, it was he who gave upwards a nickname "Princess". Interestingly, in 1953 the actress really played a special royal blood in the film "Roman Vacation". Sinatry Ava Gardner's wife also claimed this role, but the producers chose Audrey Hepburn.
  • Senior daughter Frank posed for the cover of Playboy magazine. At the time of holding a frank photo session, Nancy Sinatra has already noted its 54th birthday.
  • Frank was not only a singer and actor, but also a famous showman. The most popular representatives of America show business appeared on the TV show Sinatra. After demobilization, young Elvis Presley appeared on television in the Sinatra show. By the way, the relations of two great singers were not particularly warm. Frank did not like Rock and Roll and called him the music of degenerates, which did not like Elvis Presley.
Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley
  • In 1960, the singer bought a casino. When it turned out that one of the Sinatra partners is Chicago Gangster Sam Dzhankana, the artist had to abandon his share in business to keep the reputation.
  • The fake performance of the song "My Way" ("My Way") was the cause of the death of several singers in the Philippines. For 10 years, 6 people were killed in karaoke bars. As a result of these incidents in the Philippines, the song was prohibited.
  • Modern biographers, studying the archives, put forward the assumption that the singer had a novel with Marilyn Monroe. The accuracy of this statement remains in question. It is known that Frank and Marilyn became acquainted in 1954. Several biographical books based on memoirs close to Marilyn and Sinatra are controversial information about their relationships.
Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe
  • According to one version, Frank was crazy about diva, but she rejected him, on the other - Marilyn was in love with the singer, but he did not want to tie his life with her. There is also the opinion that Sinatra and Monroe had a secret novel. This story of love caused public resonance, interest did not weaken even after half a century after the death of the actress. Some bolts even make assumptions that Monroe could commit suicide due to unrequited love for Sinatra. The photo of the singer and actresses are not supported, but also do not refute the theory of their secret novel.


The singer announced the end of his stage career in 1971. To retire finally, it was not possible that year. In 1973, the Master recorded the new studio album "OL 'Blue Eyes Is Back", and since 1974 resumed concert activities. The last compilation with the compositions was released by the singer in 1993, and in 1995, Master last went to the scene.

Frank Sinatra in old age

In 1998, the singer died. The cause of death is a heart attack. The legendary synatry was not May 14th. At the time of death, Frank was 82 years old. The funeral was held in California in Cathedral City at the Desert Memorial Park Cemetery.


  • 1946 - The Voice of Frank Sinatra
  • 1948 - Christmas Songs by Sinatra
  • 1954 - Swing Easy!
  • 1957 - A Jolly Christmas from Frank Sinatra
  • 1958 - Come Fly With Me
  • 1960 - Nice 'N' Easy
  • 1962 - Point Of No Return
  • 1964 - Softly As I Leave You
  • 1966 - Moonlight Sinatra
  • 1966 - Strangers in the Night
  • 1969 - My Way
  • 1973 - OL 'Blue Eyes Is Back
  • 1981 - SHE SHOT ME DOWN

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