Heather Neeert (US Department of State Press Secretary) - Biography, photos, Personal Life and Latest News 2021



Heather Neyert is a charming blonde, one of the brightest stars of American television. Born on January 27, 1970 in the town of Rockford State Illinois. Education was first in private women's colleges. He continued him in Pine Manor in Massachusetts and Mount Vernon (Washington state; now is part of the University of Washington), where he received a degree of bachelor of arts. Then he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Columbia University.

Heather Neuert replaced John Kirby

Heather Neertert began her career as a government consultant on social issues (Medstrashovka, tax issues, social protection).


In 1996, began to engage in journalism. Seven years, from 1998 to 2005, worked with Fox News Channel as a correspondent. In 2005, she was invited to ABC News, on which Noyert went out with reports in the "World News" transmissions, "Good Morning America", "NightLine", with reports in the programs "WORLD NEWS", "NIGHTLINE".

Heather Neyert - famous journalist

For a brilliant job received the AMMI premium (television analogue of Oscar) for the transmission cycle of the 13th Around the World.

Since 2007, it began to work on Fox News Channel again, but already as the "Good Day Early Call" and "Good Day New York Wake Up" on the New York "WNYN" company "FOX" in the Morning News Transights.

Heather Neuert worked leading to Fox News Channel

Following this, Heather Neuert became the leading news on Fox News Channel and on the "Strategy Room" on Fox News.com, as well as in the "The Big Story" news program on Fox News Channel.

Neert is a member of the Council on International Relations.

US State Department

According to Bloomberg agency, Heather Neyert should take the place of the US State Department of the US State Department. She will replace John Kirby in this post (he was a second-hand secretary at Barack Obama from 2015 to 2017). Jen Psaki (2013-2015) was also held by Jen Psaki (2013-2015), then became the director for communications to the administration of the American president. Jen became famous for "interesting" knowledge in the field of geography, as well as its sharp attacks towards Russia's policies.

John Kirby, Jen Psaka and Heather Neeert

Since the end of 2016, after the departure of the administration of Barack Obama, the permanent briefings of the State Department temporarily stopped. After the arrival at the White House, Donald Trump, they resumed, but under the leadership of the temporary acting representative of the US State Department brand Toner. He has already noted as a continuer's position of his predecessors, performing "implanting" statements about the violation of Russia of the Treaty on the elimination of rockets of medium and less distance.

Heather Neyert - New US Department of State Press Secretary

The appointment of Heather Neyert to the post of spokesman for the State Department is not surprising. As a Republican, she was always an open supporter of Donald Trump. Donald Trump, in turn, has repeatedly showed his sympathy with the authors of the transfer of "Fox & Friends", which was the lead that was Noyert.

One day the journalist supported the daughter of the President Ivanok Trump in her conflict with NordStorm stores. After the retailer refusal from the sale of goods of the Ivanka line, Heather Neyert said in his Twitter that the collection of shoes and accessories Ivanky is beautiful, and she will "even acquire several pairs of the shoes and overtake them to access the nearest televisters."

Personal life

About the personal life of Heather Neyert knows a little - a journalist is not seen in scandals and loud novels. She paid her career all his free time and did not associate themselves for marriage to 30 years.

In 2000, Heather Neyert married a banker working in Goldman Sachs, named Scott Norby. Goldman Sachs is one of the world's largest investment banks.

Heather Neyert with her husband Scott Norby

She gave birth to two boys in 2009 and 2010.

The hobbies of Heather Neyert know that her shepherd became the winner on one of the most famous American dog exhibitions.

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