Jacques Fresco - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Venus Project and Latest News 2021



Futurist, author of the Venus project, the purpose of which is to install a world order, Jacques Fresco was born in the United States in the family of emigrants of Jewish origin. The date of birth of a scientist - March 13, 1916. The parents of the boy were exit from the Middle East: Father Isaac - from Istanbul, and Mother Lena is from Jerusalem. In the family, in addition to Jacques, two more children were brought up - senior David and younger Fred.

In many ways, his grandfather has influenced his grandfather, who lived with Fresco in Brooklyn, the New York area. Head's elder brother at one time has explained the boy the theory of evolution available to the boy than the critical attitude towards religion in it. During the Great Depression, the Father, who worked before this, was forced to quit. And at the time of the sole feed of the family, the mother remained, who worked as seamstress.

Scientist Jacques Fresco

In school, a small fresco behaved in an unusual way. Once he did not agree to swear the flag of the United States, explaining it with his love for all mankind. He caused his resentment from teachers. But unexpectedly, the director supported the boy and gave him the opportunity to learn everything he wants. Two years of Jacques visited the library, read scientific literature, made experiments in a small laboratory, which was organized at home.

Two years later, the director of the school died, and Fresco left the educational institution. He became more active in self-education, and at the age of 13 for the first time he hit the local airport, where he began to study the design of aircraft.


This activity is so interested in the boy that he decided to become a airliner. In 1930, the Great Depression came, and Jacques left the house. He began to travel around the country on the travelers. At this time, the teenager was interested in economic processes that caused such a decline. Jacques made for himself the findings that money is not needed to achieve a developed society. He shared his ideas with Albert Einstein, who once visited at home. The conversation made a big impression on the Fresco and put a certain imprint on the development of his ideas.

Jacques Fresco in childhood and youth

At 18 years old, Fresco begins to professionally engage in design, and the first significant work of the aircraft fastening system and a new chassis type were developed. In 1939, he is arranged in the airline Douglas Aircraft, from which he soon quit due to a number of disagreements with the bosses.

Jacques other than scientific activities were interested in social ministry, and he worked for some time at the center of the rehabilitation of disadvantaged segments of the population. Speaking all the futility of temporary assistance to alcoholics and drug addicts, Jacques quit. He came to the conclusion that it was necessary to eliminate the cause, and not a consequence. At the end of the 30th Fresco goes to the island of Tuamot to study the life of aborigines.

Jacques Fresco - Air Inventor

During World War II, Jacques Fresco was called to the service in the army. He was instructed by the development of air carriers for the military needs of the state. Having made a number of promising discoveries, with the end of hostilities, the scientist resigned to the reserve. Work in the militarist industry contradicted its internal installations. He already began to think about changing the world order and eliminate any wars.

Jacques wondered: if the state spends 500 times more funds for militarization than the national economy, then this society can be called reasonable? The first tests of the nuclear bomb confirmed the absurdity of modern civilization in the eyes of Futurist.

Primary activity

More and more he began to come to the idea of ​​creating a symbiotic public order, which will organically include the coexistence of man and nature. Jacqua Engineer interested in creating fully paid housing, which can function autonomously, without consumption of external power sources.

Engineer Jacques Fresco

The first such project, which was created in the Commonwealth with Erl Munits, was the construction of a building from a special aluminum design. The show of the first EcoDom was held at the studio of Hollywood and brought a great revenue to his creators they spent on charity. But the US budget refused to provide financial support for the construction of such buildings, and the project remained unrealized.

Soon Jacques is solved on the creation of a research center, the main laboratories of which are located in Los Angeles. Fresco starts active teaching and inventive activity. After 5 years, his brainchild was declared bankrupt, and he went on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in Miami.

His sphere of Jacques has chosen sales psychology, on this topic he began to lecture. But the lack of higher education in this area of ​​knowledge outwritten the local intelligentsia, and Fresco was forced to stop the genus. He was actively involved in social work on studying from the inside of racist organizations.

Jacques Fresco read lectures in Miami

Jacques Fresco does not cease to engage in its developments of environmental housing, which was called the name "American Project". For the first time, the idea of ​​a circular city, as well as new projects of prefabricated houses-sandwiches, photos and a description of which were published in leading scientific publications of North America. Fresco performed its inventive activity on the basis of the company's own company Jacque Fresco Enterprises, which was engaged in design work, in particular, the development of modern building structures from aluminum.

Jacques Fresco today

At the age of 53 years, Jacques creates the first scientific work "Look forward", which summarized his experience in the study of modern society and gave a number of forecasts for the near future. Fresco very realisticly described Society of the XXI century, in which the work of cybernetic machines will come to the change of physical work. This will allow humanity to free up time for self-development and intellectual knowledge of the world. In his works, Jacques Fresco describes the ideal model of an ancient Greek society, but in the realities of the future.

Project "Venus"

In 1974, a scientist made an announcement of the establishment of a fundamentally new draft world order to create a fundamentally new draft world order. In 1975, Jacques Fresco finantly formed the ideas of the Venus project, created by the International Non-Profit Enterprise for the development of mechanisms for the implementation of a peaceful, developing civilization, which will ultimately ultimately all countries and continents. The Venus project is the main labor of the scientific biography of Jacques Fresco.

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In his opinion, the global order is called upon to provide all the peoples of the world by the benefits that will be made for everyone and issued for free. Thus will be eradicated crime: theft and murder. People will be given the opportunity to engage in creativity and sciences.

All the developments of Jacques Fresco spent in the city of Venus, which is located in Florida. There, the scientist built a large dome-shaped laboratory building, which is surrounded by a large garden of tropical plants. Jacques in his scientific works calls for the complete abolition of commodity-money relations, which, in his opinion, is the cause of all existing injustices in society.

Jacques Lab Fresco in Florida

The project "Venus" is a charitable organization. Its activity does not bring income Jacques Fresco. He lives at interest from his air-inventions and from the sale of books. In 2002, new works were published fresco "Designing the Future" and "All the best that you can not buy for money."

Since the beginning of the 2000s, documentaries about the work of the scientist appear at the box office. These are such pictures as "designed future", "Spirit of Time: Appendix", "Spirit of Time: The next step", "Paradise or oblivion" and "Future, my love".

In recent years, the project "Venus" is becoming increasingly popular in the international scientific environment. Although many famous figures critically speak out about the ideas of the main brainchild of the scientist. For example, the Russian world name television journalist Vladimir Pozner very skeptically perceived all the developments of Fresco. He spoke out about futurist, as about the talented demagogue and utopian.

In 2012, Jacques Fresco visited Moscow. He gave a big press conference on which Putin spoke positively. The scientist lay great hopes on the Russian president in the help of the implementation of the ideas of the Venus project.

Jacques Fresco turned 100 years

In 2016, in the year of celebration of his century, Jacques Fresco received a reward from the UN General Assembly, which recognized his scientific activity to the development of the Society of the Future. In the same year, the film "Choice for Us" was released, where once again, a futurist shares with the audience with their ideas for the development of civilization.

Now Jacques Fresco is increasingly in his videos about love. He refers to this concept, as the project "Venus" is based on the universal love for humanity, freedom and land.

In 2017, a new picture "Future, my love was released on YouTube Channel.

Personal life

Jacques Fresco consisted of official relations twice. His first wife remained in Los Angeles after moving Jacques in Florida. With the second spouse Patricia, the scientist lived several years on the coast of the Atlantic. In marriage, two children were born - son Richard and Bambubi's daughter.

Jacques Fresco and Rocksana Medos

After the second divorce Jacques Fresco never married again. Since 1976, Roxana Hercuz became his assistant and comrades, which continues to be near his idol and to this day.

Quotes Jacques Fresco

About God and its possibilities:

"When the Red Sea met on the way of the Jews, Moses raised his staff, and the water was parted so that they could go to the other side. In fact, God could transfer them there and not separating the water. "

About religion:

"Most churches are inspired by people a sense of guilt for natural human inclinations, putting them dependent on church abuse of sins. Religion focuses on unresolved human problems, namely: insecurity, shame, fear and offers hope for the wonderful fulfillment of desires and for the best life in the world in the world. "

About the sense of life:

"There is no point in life. It is difficult to accept. The human ego makes people believe that Fresco came to this world to make it better. Of course, I flatter it, but I do not get on it shit. I know that nature does not make sense. "

About patriotism:

"You do look like to manage you. When the war begins, you are turned into patriots. "

About rich people:

"The richest people are usually damn. One such as something asked me: "Since you are so smart, what you are not rich". I replied: "Once you are so rich, what did you not ask?"

About society consumption:

"Consumption society is a society of lonely people who have everything except that they really need."

Oh mind:

"Earthlings have no money to deliver water into the arid areas of the Earth, but there is money to look for water on Mars. After that, it is worthwhile: Is there a mind on earth? "

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