Louise Brilli - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Louise (LU) shape - a man with different talents. This is the actress of theater, television series and cinema, writer and journalist. He became a celebrity since 2010, playing a pathologist's doctor in the series "Sherlock".

Childhood and youth

Biography Louise Brill began in the spring, March 27, 1979. The birthplace of the future artist was the English city of Northampton, the county of Northamptonshire.

Actress Louise Brillia

Already at school, Louise wrote articles, reviews for film production and achieved recognition by several publishers.

In his youth, the girl entered the University of Cambridge to learn the story. And then went to New York.

Career actresses began not easy: from one listening to Louise ran away, but took himself in his hands and decided to go to the end. She was a competition at Li Strasberg Institute, where he studied at the famous Clown Philip Golie.


In 2001, Louise begins to play in London, having received a role in setting SlidingWith Suzanne. Other significant roles she plays in the performances "Arkady" of 2005, "after the end" (2006), depicts the mistress of Ch. Dickens in the "Little Nell".

Louise Brilli in the play

This list of challenges is not limited. Louise was able to work at once a triple role in the production of 2012 "Trojan women". Interestingly, in one of the scenes, the artist appears on the stage absolutely bare in front of the audience, so the public was able to enjoy the beauty of the miniature (height 160 cm) of the stars.

It is noteworthy that I played the actress and in the play on the Chekhov play "Uncle Vanya".


The first role of the actress received a "catastrophe" television series, having visited Roxanian nurse. The roles of doctors succeeded. In the next TV series, the "Cold House" was able to play Judy. In 2005, there was already a television film "English Harem" with the participation of Shall.

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The first big role Louise Brilli - Molly Hooper's pathologist in Sherlock on the motives of Konan Doyle's favorite books. Initially, it was planned that Louise would play only in the first series, but the audience made the authors change the plans, continuing to cooperate with the actress.

The girl's heroine is very in love with Sherlock Holmes, whose role was performed by Benedict Cumberbatch. Another actress managed to work on the set with Martin Fremen, Andrew Scott and others.

2013 gave a new job Louise - this time in the series "Father Brown". The latter became the remake of the old British series from the 1950s. In the same year a touching romantic film "Delicious" (Delicious) was released, in which the actress showed itself perfectly in one of the main roles.

In 2015, Louise again turns out to be among the main characters in the film "Quarantine". The director of a fantastic picture was made by Neil Makinery-West.

By the plot without warning, the city area is closed on quarantine. People remain without electricity and water. Sefered from civilization, they begin to be nervous and eventually decide to combine efforts and escape.

On the shooting area, Louise worked with Tire Reed, Lee Ross, Billy postlotaite and others.

Louise Brilli in the film

Then the artist falls into the cast of the bestseller "Viktor Frankenstein", where he gets to the famous "Harry Potter" by Daniel Radcliffe and "Professor X" James McEevoy.

Personal life

The former partner Lou is Brian Dick. They have friendly relations today, although they broke up. A couple met in 2001 at the play "Slidingwith Suzanne", had common work in the short ribbon "I Want You" and the TV series "Cold House".

Together with LU at events, Ferdinand Kingsley was noticed many times. There is quite a few relationship with Ferdinand, but in one of the sources it is said: they will last since 2013. In addition to joint pastime, the actors are rewritten in social networks. Louise and Ferdinanda have both shared works, this is the series "Street of the Ripper" and the Short Motor "Heard".

Sometimes network users can meet information that Share is pregnant. But these are only rumors. At the moment, the actress has no husband and children.

Louise loves letters. She was engaged in a correspondence with one French acquaintance in college. Among their favorite roles, she celebrates Sonya in the play on Chekhov "Uncle Vanya." She would like to become a cosmonaut or diplomat, but notes that he had no sufficient skills for this.

Louise is actively "Twitter", posts photos and records, loves to answer questions. After one of the scenes in Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbetch, in which the audience saw a kiss and slap from Molly Hooper, Louise Bril received thousands of tweets. The actress leads "Instagram" and is seen in VKontakte (informal page).

Actress Louise Brillia

Lou knows French, and Daniel Redcliff on the set of "Viktor Frankenstein" gave her the lessons of German. Louisa is watching football, the girl's favorite team is "Arsenal". In addition, the actress is fond of badminton, tennis, cricket, cycling and boxing.

Blila fans are monitored by every step of the actress, catch at conferences, meetings, performances, where literary works are reading aloud. Discussion of events in Sherlock is especially sharp, cling to each word.

Actress, Producer and Writer Louise Tryli

In 2007, Louise was the editor of the book "Anarchy and Alchemy: Films Alejandro Hodorovski". Even before 2009, Brill was held by the post of deputy editor-in-chief of Wonderland magazine. For the publication, Lu took an interview with other celebrities, for example, Liv Tyler.

Louise Brill is interested in documentary. In 2012, the girl released on the BBC channel the series about the writer Charleze Dickens. Lu performed the producer and screenwriter of the project and played one of the roles. In Ribe, the artist involved a colleague on Sherlock - actor Rupert Graves.

Louise Brilli now

In early 2017, after the release of the final series of 4 seasons "Sherlock" there was a small scandal. The incident is connected with an interview, which gave a screenwriter of the project Stephen Moffat. The audience were unhappy that after the ticks stretched out of ticks in the love of Molly Sherlock, the Heroes did not receive development. Stephen answered it that in life it happens. According to a man, Molly feels vulnerable, but then, most likely, will drink and take off with someone in an intimate relationship.

Louise Share in the series

I did not like these words and Louise Brilli, who performed the role of the pathologist. Previously, the girl shared with fans touching a message in which he admitted that Molly was valued. After the words of Moffat, the artist wrote an angry tweet in Twitter, where he advised the scriptman to read Anton Chekhov.

In the spring of the same year, Louise Blila lit up in a secondary role in the Clique Multi-Series.

One of the leading roles performed the actress in the series "appeared." On the set, the girl was able to work with David Mitchell, Robert Webb, Penny Downey and others.

Actress Louise Brillia

According to the plot after the death of the father, 42-year-old Stephen heads the family business - the Pub "John Yachmen grain". The male plans affect the arrival of the adopted brother Andrew. A young man returns to the city to restore relations with his family. Andrew quickly fascinates all relatives, but not Stephen. He sees in the brother of a dangerous sociopath, going to take away his business, family and life.

Another actress starred in a central role in a short picture in Wonderland.

Louise Shalli on the set

In 2018, the series "Manuscript Vsevlasty" started, where Teresa Palmer and Matthew Hood were performed by the main characters. Brilli involved in the form of a secondary heroine.

The picture has turned in Oxford University. Diana girl is a talented scientist. Once in the archive, it finds an old manuscript, from which makes magic. Then the life of Diana turns into a nightmare, but at the same time, the girl meets Matthew Clermont genetic. The problem of their relationship is that Diana is a hereditary witch, and Matthew is a vampire.

Louise Shalli with tag of the series

In winter, the creators of the series "Sherlock" Stephen Moffat and Mark Gethiss, together with the actresses Louise Brill and Siana Brooke performed at a press conference. Stephen and Mark stated that they were not going to stop working on the favorite viewers of the project, but in the near future there will be no shooting. According to the creators, today they work on the series "Dracula", and "Sherlock" is such a project that does not require a constant return to the screen. The resumption of work on history about the famous detective will happen as a team reunion.


  • 2002-2004 - "Catastrophe"
  • 2008 - "Hotel Babylon
  • 2010-2017 - "Sherlock"
  • 2011 - "Law and Order: London"
  • 2011 - "Hotel" Marygold ". Best of Exotic »
  • 2013 - "Father Brown"
  • 2014 - "Street of the Ripper"
  • 2015 - "Viktor Frankenstein"
  • 2015 - "Quarantine"
  • 2017 - "appeared"
  • 2018 - "Manuscript Vsevlistia"

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