Mikhail Grebenshchikov - biography, photos, personal life, songs and latest news 2021



The first fame at Mikhail Grebenshchikova fell due to his participation in the project 1 channel "Star Factory". It was then, in 2002, he declared himself as a bright personality and a unique musician, having his own style and writing original songs. Then he was 25 years old.

When Mikhail was asked how he got to this project, he said that he was at the factory, not because of his vocal data, he attracted organizers and producers with their creativity, dipping and bright external data.

Musician Mikhail Grebenshchikov

The biography of Misha Grebenshchikov began on March 10 in 1976 in Voronezh. Since childhood, the boy adored music, especially overseas, he heard Heavy Metal and already at 9 years old became a member of this informal flow. Over your tenth birthday, the future singer asked his parents to give him a guitar. They realized the dream of the Son, and about from this age Misha began to study the game on the instrument.

Since childhood, the boy was fond of dancing and football. After the end of the nine classes of Grebenshchikov entered the technical school, which did not finish, as he decided that the assembly thing was not his path. In the same year, he entered the dance school, in which he had not previously taken due to small growth (now the growth of the artist is 170 cm).

Mikhail Grebenshchikov on stage

In the spring of 1991, having tried himself in the role of DJ, he decides to create a group of Creazy of Dance, and then in 1993, along with his friend and a colleague DJ Sergeyev, they begin a new DJ MMM project. The new group quickly gained popularity. Mikhail with his team broke the whole of Russia along and across. They performed on the heating of the Gaza Sector, Bogdan Titomir and the Bachelor Party.

In 1994, he went to the army to give the duty to his homeland. Misha served two years, and after decided to try himself in a new role. In 1996, Mishe Grebenshchikov was invited to the Voronezh "Russian Radio", where he becomes the leading program of the "dance floor", which existed for more than five years. But the future star becomes little radio fleets, he dreams of creating music, light and pin.

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In 2001, Mikhail leaves the Program and becomes an art director of the famous club in Voronezh. He perfectly copes with the duties, and when he informs the owner of the institution, which goes away, that lightning room offered to raise the Grebelchik wage twice, but the future popular artist was no longer stopped, as Mikhail was invited to the "Star Factory".

"Star Factory"

The producer of the project Igor Matvienko did not bother at all that this extravagant guy did not possess strong vocal data. He was hooked by how Mikhail could present himself. Each of his song while participating in the TV show was a whole action, the play, after viewing which no one remained indifferent. Grebenshchikov was so loved by the viewer, which was able to occupy the third place on the project. The most popular songs, such as "dances-hugs" and "bells", performed by the TV project, brought the musician fame and the love of the viewer.

After the end of the show together with other participants, Mikhail went to the touring tour, which took over the time more than one year. In it, he not only performed his songs, but he worked as director director. In total, visiting more than 300 cities and spent more than 500 concerts, the participants returned to Moscow, where everyone began to work independently.

Life after the factory

After the tour of the Grebenshchikov decided not to stop on the achieved, but began to work hard again. He actively wrote new musical compositions, which was filmed bright and creative, as he himself, clips, took part in various television programs, was engaged in producers.

Mikhail Grebenshchikov disappeared from screens

Since 2004, Mikhail Grebenshchikova could often be seen on different channels. He worked as a widget on MTV, was the leading various television programs and concerts, worked on the radio. He participated in the 5th season of the project "Last Hero", and also very often appeared as a guest guest or expert in popular shows, such as "style guide", "Big Wash", "Army Store" and others.

The last 5-7 years of the musician was practically not heard. His photo did not appear in magazines and tabloids, but it does not mean that the Grebenshchikov does not have a favorite thing. Currently, he works at the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, and also is engaged in producer activities at the school of creative development for children created by Alla Pugacheva.

In 2013, together with Irina Ortman, he recorded the romantic composition "Maybe something was", words and music to which wrote himself. Mikhail periodically plays his DJs in popular nightclubs of Moscow. He composes songs, and also produces several projects on television.

Personal life

Everyone who watched one of the first clips of Grebenshchikov "Bills" could not help but notice spectacular twins Katya and Dasha, who were annealed with him. Catherine at that time was already several years old with a civilian marriage. Mikhail never loved to spread about his family life, but it is known that he never decided to legitimize their relationship.

Mikhail Grebenshchikov and Katya

Grebenshchikov said that he did not have enough time for it, because in the first place there was always a favorite job, and the wife did not require marriage registration. The popularity has destroyed their relationship after 7 years of living together, Mikhail and Catherine broke up, they did not have children.

Mikhail Grebenchikov Departmental

A few years ago, the musician family was replenished with two daughters. On their mom, the girl is not public, the singer tried to tell anything. It is known that her name is Julia, and her profession is in no way connected with the show business. According to Mikhail, he is very glad that his female children, as he always loved to communicate with the beautiful half of humanity.

In 2016, Grebenshchikov ceased to his relationship with his wife, but at the same time he retained warm friendly relationships with her. Currently, his personal life flows measuringly and calmly, he is ready for new relationships.

Mikhail Grebenshchikov now

In 2016, the singer took part in the project "for 10 years younger", which, in his opinion, was supposed to turn his life. Grebenshchikov decided on a number of plastic operations, as he believed that he was very old. Grebenshchikov wanted surgery to return it for the whole ten years ago.

Mikhail made blufaroplasty, redesigned the nose and pulled the eyebrows, and cosmetologists carefully worked on the lack of skin. He courageously transferred all the trials and, indeed, it was wonderfully transformed. Now he is barely give him 35 years old. Mikhail Grebenshchikov before and after plastics - two absolutely different people.

Mikhail Grebenshchikov before and after plastic

In early 2017, together with other manufacturers, he took part in the program "Tonight", dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the project "Star Factory". He was the first manufacturer who invited the leading Andrei Malakhov to the studio. Grebenshchikov told about their plans, creative ideas and his real life.

On March 10, 2017, the age of Grebenshchikov passed abroad for 40 years, but the transfigured Mikhail does not mind at all, he is ready for new accomplishments, never sits on the spot, dreams of falling in love and once again to build a strong family.

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