Marquis de Pompadur - biography, photo, personal life, Louis XV and husband



Fashion legislature Rococo era, first woman Prime Minister - Marquis de Pompadour was born in France at the end of 1721. Little girl at birth received the name of Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson. The origin she was low: her father Francois Poisson served as a lacker, and when it was broken, it was forced to flee to Germany, so as not to be hanged. The mother of the girl Louise Madeleine, who heard his beauty and female charm, quickly found the trustee to children in the face of Sindica Lenorman de Tourneman.

Zhanna-Antoinetta Poisson

The financier was so carefully applied to the adoptive daughter that surrounding doubts about the true origin of the genress. He provided a great education to the girl at the time: she studied singing, drawing, dancing and manners. At nineteenth age, Journalue was taken to the salon to the fortuneteller Mrs. Lebrone, who uttered the prophecy, which influenced the girl's biography. Madame Le Bon announced that Jeanne was destined to become a favorite of the king. Since then, this purpose has become a dream girl.

Personal life

At the age of 19, Zhanna-Antoinetta married at the insistence of his stepfather for his nephew Charles Gioma. He was not much older than the girl, but he inherited a decent state. After the wedding in the church of St. Eustafia, the newlyweds moved to Ethol, the family castle of her husband, who was near Versailles. Three years later, the firstborn was appeared in the family - Alexandrin's daughter, who soon died. The same fate waited for all other children's children: they died in infancy. It is not known whether this fact was frustrated or not - she was all absorbed in the performance of his dreams.

Zhanna-Antoinette Poisson and her daughter Alexander

The successful location of the estate Madame D'Ethole played her hand in achieving his goal. Often, Louis XV drove by their home, and young Jeanneta tried to go closer to the road in these moments so that the king could admire her beauty. Once during a thunderstorm, the returning throne even visited the castle of the Castle D'Ethole. As a sign of gratitude for the hospitality provided by the owner of the house, Louis gave him the horns of the only killed deer, which turned out to be very symbolic.

King Louis XV.

But all attempts to dating Zhanna ended in failure. Even her daily promenade in charming outfits in the Senaric Forest, which she arranged in the hope of seeing the king behind the hunt, ended with the failure: she was noticed by a permanent favorite of Louis Duchess de Chateaura. The lady possessed a steep temper and mercilessly dismissed with all the rivals. Therefore, Jeannete had to stop his attempts so that any trouble did not happen.

Tice ball

But luck ultimately turned out to be on the side of Madame d'Ethole. The previous mistress died suddenly from the complication of the inflammation of the lungs, and her place was vacant. Presented and the case personally to see the king. A tice masquerade was announced, which took place in the Parisian town hall in connection with the wedding of the heir and the Spanish princess of Mary Teresia. Jeanneta, taking advantage of his status, boldly went to the meeting of fate.

Tice ball

Masked had all participants in the event, including Louis. Jeanneta chose Diana-hunter costume. A talented girl adjusts everything in such a way that as often as possible to be opposite the king and thereby intrigue him. He tried to see her face several times, but Zhanna pulled the time until the last moment. When, finally, the mask was removed, the dismissed Louis was admired by the beauty of the stranger. On the same evening their first joint dinner took place. In the morning, the king said goodbye to his mistress, considering that it was an intrigue for one night. Beauty, obstaciously obeying, left the royal chambers.

Such behavior intrigued Louis: before that none of the girls did that. And he decided to continue the novel. The next visit to the royal orders of Zhanneta played with all her inherent acting talent. She presented her visit, as escape from the hands of an angry husband-jealousness, and asked for an adorable king protection. Discouraged Louis XV, seeing genuine suffering of a woman, provided it with protection. After a while, he bought her the title of Marquis de Pompadur and the castle near Versailles. After that, Zhannet became the official royal favorite.

Louis XV.

Louis XV walked a bored throne, who did not like to engage in state affairs, so infrequently present at ministerial meetings. His wife was the former princess Polish Maria Leshchinskaya. Parents married Doughne when he was only 15, and the bride 22. For many years of marriage in the royal family, there were about 10 children in the royal family, and then doctors banned the queen to enter intimate closeness with his spouse. And Louis XV drew his eyes on pretty Frein. Only with women, the king felt truly freely. His pious spouse, showing prudence, did not interfere in his husband's personal life. With her dignity inherent, she continued to reign on the throne.

Fraulines Louis XV.

If, with his patron, the newly new Marquis has learned to find a common language, then with the courtesy it turned out more difficult. They did not recognize any rights for her for a long time and for her eyes called a dismissive "grizzle". But kind of communication with the queen Maria unexpectedly brought the Marki-de Pompadur patronage and on its part. And such tricks as the arrangement in the Versaille of the Cabinet of Marquise, in which only one chair was stood for his mistress - taught the aristocrats to handle it.

Jeanneta immediately realized that she was for a long time for love hectares for a long time not to keep the attention of Louis. And she applied the whole arsenal of the famous methods.

Marquis the first thing organized the salon, in which he proposed to collect the highest society and invite advanced time people: scientists, poets, playwrights, artists and musicians. Louis liked such an idea, and he gladly participated in entertaining discussions held in the walls of this society. Gradually, Marquis's salons de Pompadour became interested in knowing. Many aristocrats seemed a profitable opportunity to personal acquaintance with the royal special.

Such meetings attended the progressive identities of that time. From the royal treasury, the funds for science, art, theater flowed. And in the presented Marquise de Pompadur, the chamber theater in which she herself played with pleasure, the first stage of the Comedy "Tartuf" was held. With the assistance of the genne, the French scientific encyclopedia also saw the light.


The king, seeing the enterprise and diplomacy of his girlfriend, attracts it to the decision of state issues. With a light hand, Janneet France terminated his alliance with Prussia and entered into an partnership agreement with Austria. With the assistance of the Marquise, a military school was opened for noble siblings. This institution will be "Alma Mater" for a few years for the future of Emperor Napoleon. Markiza de Pompadur was advocated his patron to a full ban on the activities of Jesuits in France.

Marquis introduced a glass tulip in everyday life

Zhanna contributed to the creation of a porcelain factory in the city of Sevre, she introduced a special cut of gems, as well as the use of glasses tulips for champagne. It is believed that the shape for these glasses served as a mustache of the breast of the French Beauty. Women still can be grateful to Marquise de Pompadour for her invention Ridiculyu - a small handbag for small ladies.


Memories of contemporaries about the appearance of Marquis de Pompadour will differ in essence. Alone was attributed only to charm and artistry, other sincerely admired her beauty. One thing is known that if there is a marquise and possessed beauty and freshness, she was obliged to hide her soreness. From an early age, the Jeannete was diagnosed with tuberculosis. But the congenital sense of taste allowed Marquise not only to look great, but also become a fashion law.

Marquis de Pompadour

She first came up with wearing heel to fill her low growth, and became the first woman who had put on stockings. Her high hairstyle for many years has become a time to be captured on many ladies portraits of that era. And photo images of the Marquis itself can now be found on the Internet in large quantities.

Last years

Of course, Marquise, like everyone's ladies, her position were ill-wishers, but she was able to competently neutralize them. Behind the outer shell of the carefree feminine person was hiding an exclusive mind and pragmatic. In addition, for many years, Jeanneta fought with his cold female temperament, absorbing for this in a large number of celery and truffles - products recognized in the XVIII century as powerful aphrodisiacs. But, having lived with Louis XV for several years in close relations, Marquis calmly lost its place with new young mistress, without losing the favor and friendship of the king.

Marquis de Pompadour sick tuberculosis

Slowly progressive disease forced Zhanna to apply extreme measures and keep all his might. But after a number of attacks, Marquis died in personal royal rest. She was 43 years old, death came on April 15, 1864.

Doctors carried the verdict that the cause of death was lung cancer. The funeral was modest. The Body of Marquise de Pompadour is now resting in the family crypt of the Kapuchin Monastery, next to the graves of mother and daughter.


The cinema truly became interested in the history of the legendary fashion lawmakers recently, in 2006. The historic series "Jeanne Poisson, Marquis de Pompadur" was removed by the French film director Robin Davis. Stars of the French screen of Elene de Fouudrol, Vensen Perez, Charlotte de Turkem, Rosemary La Wallet starred. It was the first experience of the most reliable display of the stay of Marquise de Pompadur at the courtyard of the Bourbon dynasty.

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