Chelsea Clinton - biography, photo, personal life and last news 2021



On January 27, 1980, a daughter was born in the family of Governor of Arkansas, who received the name of Chelsea Victoria. Her parents called Bill and Hillary Clinton. The biography of a small daughter, such a famous American family, was already doomed to constant lighting in the press. The girl grew up obedient and hardworking child. She liked to learn, while Chelsea always remained friendly to people. At an early age, in addition to learning at school, Clinton Junior has mastered sewing and basics of cooking.

Chelsea Clinton with parents

At the age of 12 Chelsea, together with his family moved to the White House. Parents identified daughter in the capital's lyceum. Chelsea, despite his position, never stand out among the peers. She had a lot of friends, and once she decided to make a surprise class. During the passage of lectures on acquaintance with Islam, Chelsea invited all the guys to their home, where at that time the ruler of the Moroccan Republic was.

Chelsea Clinton in childhood

In 17, Chelsea Clinton successfully entered the historical faculty of Stanford. Having studied the following 4 years, she finished him with a bachelor's degree. For round-the-clock security, more than 20 bodyguards were attached to her during his studies of the president, and before her arrival in the hostel in the girl's room, bulletproof glasses were inserted.

Chelsea Clinton at University

At the beginning of his career Chelsea managed to show himself in public positions at the Hedging Foundation "Avenue Capital" and McKinsey and Company. A few years later, Clinton decided to change the profession and became a children's cardiologist. For this, she studied at the School of Health of the Columbia University. She began to teach in 2012.

Bill Clinton with his wife and daughter

Chelsea's life was constantly covered in the press: since childhood, during the presidential period of her father and ending with the Mother in a political career, which the beginning with the departure of Bill Clinton's retired. The daughter of Hillary Clinton worked in the pre-election headquarters of the mother both during her first company and during her second attempt to become president. Chelsea has always expressed her admiration for mother and her abilities.

Personal life

While studying in Stanford University, the daughter of Klintonov had met with her classmate Matthew Pierce. But in 1999, the couple broke up. And only after 10 years Chelsea married. Its chosen was the banker Mark Mezinski, with whom she was familiar with the student bench. Father financier - a well-known US politician, for a long time was a representative in Congress from Iowa. Young people before the conclusion of official marriage lived together for 5 years.

Chelsea Clinton with her husband

Despite the fact that the husband adheres to the Jewish faith, Chelsea remains a parishion bowl of the Methodist Church. The wedding, which took place on July 31, 2010, was carried out on two rites: Protestant pastor and rabbi were attended at the solemn ceremony. For a closed event, the estate on the coast of Hudson was chosen. Over 500 guests were present at the celebration, among whom were American stars: Madeleine Albright, Oprah Winfrey, Stephen Spielberg and Barbara Streisand.

Chelsea's parents were glad to such an important event in his daughter's personal life, because they had long dreamed of the grandchildren who Chelsea did not hurry to please them. Finally, the long-awaited event occurred - in September 2014, Charlotte daughter appeared in the Meswinsky family. And two years later, June 18, 2016, Chelsea gave birth to a second child - a boy who received the name Aidan. Hillary and Bill are happy to help nursing children, which can be seen by their happy eyes and smiles captured on joint photos.

Chelsea Clinton now

Chelsea Clinton has been friends for more than 10 years with the older daughter of Donald Trump, Ivankaya. Girls have a small difference in age (now Chelsea - 37 years old, and Ivanka - 35) and growth (Chelsea - 175 cm, and Ivanka - 180 cm). Both of themselves did not shine in beauty, but over time Ivanka strongly looked through the work of plastic surgeons. Chelsea remains true to his own style and retains the appearance given by nature.

Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump

Both girls are married to influential bankers, which at one time brought them closer even more. Even the presidential election campaign of 2016 did not make them enemies, although for some time Chelsea and Ivanka were forced to interrupt communication. Today, girlfriends continue to meet families for joyful family picnics.

Chelsea Clinton now

Despite the fact that Mother Chelsea is a political opponent of Donald Trump, the girl largely supports the family of the current president. So, on January 23, 2017, in his Facebook Chelsea, the ten-year-old Barron Trump was defended, which many accused of excessive drowsiness at the official inauguration ceremony of his father. Chelsea, as a children's medic, rightly noticed that each child has the right to the free manifestation of his feelings due to age. But at the same time she did not miss the opportunity to criticize the political steps of Trump.

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