Mikhail Filippov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Mikhail Filippov, in childhood, realized that the scene was his calling. And although after graduation, he went to study philology, fate still returned it to a creative path. Now Philipp is among those artists who manage to harmonically combine work on the set and in the theater.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Filippov was born on August 15, 1947. The actor admits that since childhood he dreamed of working in the theater, however, not in the usual, but in the puppet. However, after graduation, the young man did not file documents to theatrical, and entered Moscow State University at the Faculty of Philology.

Mikhail Filippov in youth

Classes took place in the housing located on Mokhovaya Street. Here, right across the road was located the House of Culture of Humanitarian Faculties, in which two theater coexisted side by side. The first, student, led Mark Zakharov; The steering wheel of the second theater, the studio "Our House", stood Mark Rosovsky, Ilya Rutberg and Albert Axelrod.

Filippov's classmates who worked in the "our house" costumes, persuaded the young man to go to listen. He safely passed the introductory tests and was in the circle of young talents. Many of them subsequently became nationwide pets. Semen Faraday, Alexander Filippenko, Gennady Khazanov - Here are just a few immigrants from the walls of this studio.

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Rehearsals and speeches were completely captured by Mikhail, and not only his participants of Our House were leaving home on the last train, and the day after work or studies were in a hurry to turn out to be in a circle of like-minded people. Happiness lasted until 1969, when the studio was closed due to the above-mentioned performances and satirical evenings. Of the harmless student cabbagedts, the production of "our house" has become little in the face turned into something more acute and topical, and the theater preferred to abolish.

At that time, Filippov studied at the 4th year of Philfak. He no longer thought of life without a scene, so in the next receiving campaign headed in Gitis. The young man was lucky: he was taken immediately to the second course. In 1973, the young artist released with a red diploma and immediately got into the corpse of the Moscow theater. Mayakovsky.


In 1975, Mikhail first turned out to be on the set. The debut in the Big Cinema was the role of Fucho in the screening of the Roman Standal "Red and Black". Nikolay Bondarchuk, Natalia Bondarchuk, Natalya Belokhvostikova, were the partners of a young actor, Natalia Belokhvostikova - in one word, who began to learn his creative path.

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Unfortunately, after the first appearance on the screen of Philipp, the "fell out of the climate", in subsequent years it was removed only in films and short films. Theatrical career also developed hard - the first sign role was received by the artist only in 1992 - it was work in the play "Napoleon first".

In the 80s, Mikhail starred only in several films, such as "Artist of Gribova", "Women who are lucky", "Process". But in the last decade of the XX century, the mass of work collapsed on Filippov. The creative biography of the actor was replenished with the roles of Peter Yakovlevich Chaadayev in the "Sukhovo-Koblin case", Count Panin in the historical film "Russian Bun".

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The artist remained in demand and in "zero". Among the notable projects with his participation - the series "Salome", "Children of Arbat". Also, his filmography was replenished with paintings "Jisai", "the crimson color of the snowfall", "spy" and many others.

Philippov is the owner of a variety of awards and premiums. Mostly they are theatrical - "Three sisters" (1999), "Crystal Turandot" (2010), international award. Stanislavsky (2011), "Zhzhvy Theater" (2013). Also in 2013, he was awarded the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree. In 1984, Mikhail was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. From 1996 Philippov - People's Artist of Russia.

Personal life

Irina Andropova became the first chief of the actor, the father of which was the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU Yury Vladimirovich Andropov. They and Filippov had a son who was called Dmitry. However, his appearance did not save marriage - the relationship of spouses rapidly deteriorated and eventually ended with divorce.

Mikhail Filippov and Natalia Gundarerev

In 1986, Mikhail married Actress Natalia Gundarere. They met in the theater them. Mayakovsky, and at first, the colleagues tied only friendship, but then they understood - they need to live together. The marriage turned out to be durable: Philippov and Gundareva lived together for 19 happy years. I separated their death of Natalia Georgievna.

In 2007, the artist issued a book of memoirs "Natasha". It tells the story of their relationship, full of love and bright sadness. The narrative accompanied photos and drawings, notes, poems, the author of which is Hoursea's husband himself.

Mikhail Filippov and his wife Natalia Vasilyeva

The couple did not appear their children, but in the book Philippov mentioned Irina Degteva - a long-standing fan of Natalia, who made a lot for spouses and partly replaced her daughter.

The third wife of Filippov became the actress of the theater. Mayakovsky Natalia Vasilyeva. Despite the difference in the age of spouses (Natalia's younger than her husband for two decades), the family reigns warmth and mutual understanding. Several times the press "exploded" the news that Mikhail Ivanovich will again become a father, but these rumors were false.

Mikhail Filippov Now

The actor continues to play movies and on theatrical scene. Now in production is at least one series with his participation called "Tell the Truth". This is the Russian adaptation of the British project "Dr. Foster" (2015). In the center of the plot - the story of a woman who, once suspecting her husband in treason, gradually becomes obsessed with this idea.

Mikhail Filippov in 2018

In search of evidence of the invalid of the spouse, she, herself without noticing, ruins his career and relationship with loved ones. In addition to Filippov, Victoria Isakov, Gosh Kutsenko, Aglaya Shilovskaya, Alyona Babenko are filmed in the series. On the screens "Tell the Truth" will be released in 2019.

Michael's personal life is worn safely. He lives in Moscow with Natalia's wife. Spouses work in the theater them. Mayakovsky, however, to play with each other in one play, it was still never happening.


  • 1976 - "Red and Black"
  • 1988 - "Artist of Gribova"
  • 1991 - "The case of Sukhovo-Koblin"
  • 1994 - "Petersburg Secrets"
  • 2000 - "Russian Bun"
  • 2003 - "Evlampia Romanova. The investigation leads a dilettant "
  • 2004 - "Children of Arbat"
  • 2004 - "Zeisat"
  • 2009 - "Ivan Grozny"
  • 2010 - "Bagher color of the snowfall"
  • 2019 - "Tell the Truth"

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