Evan Peters - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Evan Thomas Peters is an American film actor who became famous for bright roles in Hollywood blockbusters and rating televisionils. In an interview, the artist claims that his profession is largely contradictory: it is necessary to remain serious and assembled and at the same time be unpredictable, as required by the realities of show business.

Childhood and youth

Evan Peters appeared in St. Louis in 1987. He has Brother Andrew and Sister Michelle. Fil Peters was held by Vice President of the Charles Foundation Stewart Motta, who fought for the civil rights of residents of Eastern European countries. The mother of the future actor Julia was engaged in children and household. The beginning of the biography, children's and school years Evan is connected with St. Louis, later the family moved to Michigan.

As a child, the boy participated in amateur and all kinds of competitions, was a favorite of teachers and achieved considerable success. From an early age, he dreamed of the fate of the actor. Evan's parents did not obstruct and strongly supported his desire. Later, the young man came to school models and studied dramatic art.

At the competition in Florida for his skills, the guy received a number of awards. It instimed optimism and confidence in the correctness of the path chosen. During one of the photo shoots, Peters drew attention to a professional photographer and recommended his Los Angeles agent, promoting young and promising artists. So the Evan (weight of 73 kg, height is 180 cm) a chance appeared to try himself in cinema.

Personal life

Shooting in the American Horror History not only glorified the actor, but also changed his personal life. In the role of the chief of his hero, Taisa Farmyig was filmed, but the heart of the artist took a completely different actress. His girlfriend became Emma Roberts - the daughter of the famous actor, the stars of militants Erica Roberts. She played the role of a droalling starlet, which owns the gift of telekinez, and Evan reincarnated in Kaila.Embed from getty images

Evan and Emma's novel began in 2012, and in the summer of the next year, the pair so furiously found out the relationship that he had risen. The case was happening in the Montreal Hotel. Neighbors who have witnessed the scandal caused a police. As a result of loud proceedings, Evan suffered more. Emma bit his lover and broke his nose. The girl was arrested, but not long.

Before the New Year holidays, St. Petersburg suggested Roberts to marry him and gave her a ring. The girl agreed to become an Evan's wife. The engagement was in March 2013 in London, but the wedding did not take place. The couple parted several times, and then put up.

In 2017, during the filming of the film "Little Italy" Roberts twisted a fleeting novel with his partner Hayden Kristensen. The unequivocal correspondence of colleagues was the cause of the separation of Kristensen with his girlfriend. Evan Peters took risers more loyally than Hayden's beloved.

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In March 2019, Emma left Evan. A new passion for the girl was led to the pair of breakdown - Actor Garrett Hedlund. It did not prevent the former lovers to keep friendly relations.

In September of the same year, the network appeared joint photos of Evan Peters and Holmi, Pop Star Girls named Jungblud (Yungblud). The couple spent the weekend at the attractions of Disneyland.

The popularity of the actor did not affect his character. In communicating with fans, he does not show star. In "Instagram" Peters appear his children's photos, as well as favorite frames from the filmmaker.


At the age of 15, he and his mother moved to Los Angeles, one of the main centers of the cinematic world. Future celebrity participated in endless castings and shows, and in 2002 began to be filmed in the TV shows, where he had small roles. He worked a lot, learned and improved his skills.

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In 2001, the young man noticed the creators of the American Horror History. Shooting a horror show is built in such a way that the actors perform not one role, but several. Participation in the show has become a huge success for St. Petersburg. He received the first major role in the "Saving Adam" film. The picture has become one of the key moments in his career growth.

In 2004, a young actor received a confession of colleagues. At the festival in Phoenix, he won the nomination "Breakthrough of the Year" for successfully fulfilled the role of Adam Shepard's role in the film "Saving Adam" and Seta Wall in the TV series "Phil from the Future". Such dazzling success at the beginning of the career promised him a promising future.

In 2011, the project appeared in the filmography of the actor, the project for his career: Peters was approved by the series "American Horror History". The film is known for the fact that in each season one acting ensemble is preserved, while the plot and heroes are changing. Connie Britton, Sarah Paulson, Zakari Quinto, Jessica Lang and others were held in the thriller.

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For 8 years of work on the film, Evan managed to try on the images of psychopaths and murderers, young people with unconventional orientation and accidentally accused of crimes of witnesses. For all this time, the artist managed to visit the brunette and blond, reincarnate in the character of modernity and the hero from the past. The acting talent of Peterers was marked by film critics: the artist was nominated twice for the Satellite Prize.

While working on the series, Evan had in some episodes to overcome themselves. In the scenes of violence, the actor experienced discomfort, the most difficult for him were the kirt of the partner's killing during a love game. Unpleasant became for St. Petersburg and the scene in which he appeared in front of the camera absolutely naked. According to the artist, during these moments it was saved only that the film crew worked together for no first year.

In addition to the American Horror History, the actor did not miss the opportunity to shine in other projects. In 2013, St. Petersburg appeared in the leading role in the comedy "Adult World", and after 2 years he played "Safe Lighting" and the horror movie "Lazari Effect" in the drama.

In the superhero blockbuster "Daedpool-2" 2018 release, Evan embodied on the screen of the character named mercury. Earlier in this hero, Peters reincarnated in the films "X-people: the days of the last future" and "X-People: Apocalypse."

Evan Peters now

Now the artist continues to replenish his pigbasters. In 2019, the film "People of the Dark Phoenix" was released with his participation, the 12th film in the X-People series.Embed from getty images

In the Australian project "I - Woman" Peters fulfilled the main role. This is a biographical drama about the life of the singer Helen Reddi, the single of which I am Woman became a hymn feminist. Evan appeared on the screen in the form of a husband and producer vocalist.

In 2020, St. Petersburg became a member of the filming of the 10th film TV series "American Horror History".


  • 2004 - "Saving Adam"
  • 2008 - "Never give up"
  • 2009 - "Speaking with Ghosts"
  • 2011 - "American Horror History: Killer House"
  • 2014 - "X-Men: the days of the last future"
  • 2016 - "Xu People: Apocalypse"
  • 2018 - "American Animals"
  • 2018 - "Deadpool-2"
  • 2018 - "Pose"
  • 2019 - "Xu People: Dark Phoenix"
  • 2019 - "I am a woman"

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