Hankishyev Steel - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Recipes 2021



Hankishiyev Stolik - famous author of cooking books, TV presenter and blogger. His books are not just collectors of recipes, it is a bright acquaintance with the cook art of different countries, their culture, a lightweight and cheerful adventure in the world of cooking. His performance of traditional recipes is characterized by simplicity and grace.

Childhood and youth

Stanislav Huseynovich Khankishiyev was born in the family of the teacher of the Polytechnic Institute, Azerbaijanis by nationality, and Germans on February 2, 1962 at the Uzbek SSR, in the city of Fergana. Childhood and youth lived in Uzbekistan. After the collapse of the USSR was engaged in small businesses - traded home appliances. Despite the origin, the native language for himself is Russian. Azerbaijani and Uzbek, he owns superficially.

Culinary Steel Khankisyev

The cooking is his passion, which at one time changed the biography of Khankishiyev. After the internet appearance, the START began to lay out the texts and photos of their recipes. Most often he turns to his native oriental kitchen. The most "delicious" recipes are dishes from lamb: pilaf, kebab, lagman.

Creativity and cooking

His articles were gaining popularity, and soon the stage was invited by the Moscow Publishing House "Kolibri" to publish the first book of original recipes, which came out called "Kazan, Mangal and other men's pleasures" in 2006.

Culinary, writer and photographer Stolik Khankishiyev

Presenting a book at the Moscow International Book Exhibition, Hankisheyev's START offered readers to participate in the preparation of company pylov, which immediately caused genuine interest from the public to the publication.

After the success of the book, Khankishiyev was invited to television to play in the transmission "called dinner". Then a proposal was received on the cable channel "Entertainment Park" program "Unzyateskaya case". Since 2011, he began to speak with the heading in the transfer of the "County Answer" on NTV. Among the programs in which Khankishiyev's steel participated, the show "Split personality" on the ITV channel and ethers on the "Echo of Moscow".

The stage introduces viewers with the peculiarities of the preparation of Uzbek Plov, offering two options in Fergana and Samarkand. The first option of the appetizing dish is characterized by the fact that small pieces of lamb are fought before the preparation of the hammer, whereas for the second option, large pieces of meat are selected. But according to culinary, the pilaf is preparing without anything, but not without fire. Also, the station introduced the viewers and with the preparation of Iranian pylov, whose feature is the use of milk.

Since the stage calls himself the heir of two peoples - Azerbaijani and Uzbek, he absorbed features of the Central Asian and Caucasus of the kitchens. Culinary masterfully prepares kebabs. Spectators of their television heading, he offers 15 options for making a favorite dish of the day off. These are frightened on the Mangala lamb, marble beef and even pork cervix. As an exotic recipe, the START offers to try a pre-pickled sterling, stuffed vegetables and even lamb eggs.

From pages of bright editions with colorful appetizing photos Culinary acquaintances readers with secrets of cooking bargains, bass, dovets, soup-harch with Caucasian Adzhika.

Hankishiyev Stolik - author of culinary books

In 2010, a new book "Kazan, Baran and Dastarkhan" was published (Corpus, Astrel Publishing House), which was highly appreciated by readers and the first award in the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards book contest in France as "Best Book of 2012 on National Kitchen " This time, the culinary presented the publication in the metropolitan restaurant "Szaffarano". At the meeting there were stars of show business, entrepreneurs, diplomats and reporters, which had a positive impact on the author's image.

In 2013, Astrel's publisher published a Book of Mangal, which became the winner at the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards contest in Beijing as the "Best Book of the European TV presenter."


In 2014 and 2015, the books "Kazan were published in the same publishing house. Culinary tutorial "and" pilaf. Culinary research ", respectively. They awarded the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards awards in Beijing in the nomination "The Best Book of the European TV host" and in the nomination "Great Silk Road" at the International Competition "Gourmand World Cookbook Awards".

The success of Books of Stalik Khankishiyev is impressive, although many attribute it to a successful PR promotion with the impressive efforts of AST Publishing House. It affects the popularity of books and the fact that the author announces their exit from social networking pages. Accounts at Stalik Khankishiyev act in "Instagram", "Twitter" and "Facebook", there is a personal site.

In addition to the release of books and participation in television programs, the Khankishiyev, a popular blogger, famous for its explosive temper. He often becomes a participant in scandalous situations. One of the most visational was a quarrel with Khakima Ganiev, the former friend of Khankishiyeva, in Fergana. In time, not given cash duty increasing the scandal discussed on the Internet is not the first year.

The writer also distinguished himself in conflict with Alexey Navalny. In his blog, he criticized Navalny for video filming with a deltaplan country houses, the power of the property, having learned the house of his friend in one of the mansions that had no relation to power.

Culinary and writer Stolik Khankishiyev

In July 2016, another scandal broke out on the Internet. This time, the Khankishiyev, the famous culinary blogger of the Oblomov (Oleg Grigorieva) criticized on YouTube. It all started after release on July 5, 2016. Lulle-Kebab video. In a blender or paint? Kurdyuk or onions? ", Where inherent in a humorous manner friendly, bugs tells about the preparation of minced mela for Lulle-kebab with an unconventional way (with a blender).

Such a "sacrence" caused indignation at the masted Culinary of the Heal, which broke up an angry withdrawal about the burning of the Canons of Central Asian cuisine on its official page "Living Magazine", where he used phrases like "to cut meat to use a blender - this is simply a dipping." It caused a storm of indignation of subscribers to the friendly Oblomov.

Stark Khankishiyev and friendly brooms (right)

It should be noted that the nice friend of the bugs in turn responded to the criticism of "Matra" respect:

"A START, you're just a holy person. If I were, from the height of your experience and your years, I saw my videos on YouTube (with all shoals, mistakes, frank profanation), I would certainly not shy in expressions. "

Personal life

The Khankishiyev Skupor's step commented on his personal life. It is known that Culinary is married. He has a karina daughter. Not so long ago, the Internet extended the frank history of the famous culinary about the tragedy in his family. Being a pregnant woman, Karina recognized that she had a breast cancer. The diagnosis was tightened, so the disease was revealed at the third stage.

Karina was cured in the 62nd oncological hospital of Moscow. The step from the bottom of my heart thanked the doctors for saving his daughter's life and grandson. The will of the fate was associated with the 62nd Hospital and, as a public person, could not pass by her problems.

Daughter, grandson and son-in-law of Stalik Khankishiyev

In 2017, Hankishiyev, a series of articles on corruption in medicine wrote a number of articles on corruption in medicine. In addition, Khankisheyev leads in his blog "War" with Moscow officials. We are talking about his suspicions against frauds related to the procurement of drugs for cancer patients and tenders for the purchase of medical equipment.

Today, Hankishiyev's steel is not just a TV host for delicious food. He, using his wide popularity, tries to convey to the public to the problem and help if he can.

Hankishiyev Stolik with wife and daughter

Most of the time the old man holds in the country mansion, where he liked to meet guests together with his wife. The kitchen that occupies the main place in the house, Culinary Lined on its own project. Here, Khankishyev is an arched type fireplace with a built-in cauldron on one side and a wood stove with another, which sometimes turns into an additional work surface. Behind the first fireplace is the second - with a mangal for kebab. The windows and the rest of the modern kitchen attributes are located here.

Stark Khankishiyev now

Now the cook holds a competition for the best preparation of Central Asian dishes. The event was initiated with the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Moscow and Uzbekiston Hoo Yullari.

Stark Khankishiyev

The competition involves not the eastern nationalities who must post a video on the Internet with a step-by-step preparation of Uzbek dishes. The stated prize is an excursion to the cities of Uzbekistan and acquaintance with local cuisine. The deadline for the event is three months since the end of June 2018.


  • 2006 - "Kazan, Mangal and other men's pleasures"
  • 2010 - "Kazan, Baran and Dastarkhan"
  • 2012 - "Bazaar, Kazan and Dastarkhan"
  • 2013 - "MANGAL"
  • 2014 - "Kazan. Culinary tutorial "
  • 2015 - "Pilaf. Culinary study »

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