David Rockefeller - biography, photos, personal life, condition and cause of death



The figure of this person still was shrouded in the halo of secrets and legends. In some circles, he was not called anything else as "director of the world." David Rockefeller is considered one of the main ideologues of globalization, an adherent of neoconservatism, a participant and, according to many of the initiates, the founder of several elite, including the secret, communities, among which the Chief Bilderberg Club. The right-wing is called the club "World Government", and the left says that this is "just" a collection of the richest people of the planet, which does not obey anyone.

The figure of David Rockefeller is extremely contradictory: Some call him a man demonstrate because of the appeal to restriction and fertility control on a global scale - Rockefeller believed that the growing humanity was the main reason for the pollution of the atmosphere. Others admire them as one of the most generous philanthropists and benefactors - New York Times appreciated the size of donations made by David Rockefeller almost billion dollars.

Family Rockefeller

David Rockefeller Senior was born in June of the distant 1915. It seems that fate did not just kissed, but he wrap this infant, because he was born in the family, where Grandfather John D. Rockefeller was the first in the history of mankind by dollar billionaire and oil tycoon.

The biography of the famous banker David Rockefeller is closely connected with New York, which has become his childhood city. In the early years, the heir of the Empire of Rockefeller grew in the only one in the city "Skyscraper" - a 9-storey mansion, and attended Lincoln School, which he opened and financed his legendary grandfather.

David Rockefeller in youth

Young David's upbringing can serve as an excellent example for those parents who dream of their child grown and become a banker. In the family of rockefellers, a whole system of financial incentives was established, built in strict accordance with the laws of the market. In monetary units, everything was estimated here - from the murder of Muh (2 cents per piece) before music (5 cents per hour). The first day of the refusal of children from the sweet was estimated at 2 cents, but the amount of awarding for each subsequent increased 5 times. Last breakfast expected "penalties" of 1 cent. Each of the young heirs of the richest clan led the accounting book in which he thoroughly reduced the debit with a loan.

David Rockefeller with Father

Later in his memoirs, David Rockefeller told, as his father fought for the sobriety and a healthy lifestyle of children: he suggested each of the offspring of 2.5 thousand dollars for abstaining from alcohol and tobacco over 21 years. Still as much - if you drink and smoking, children will not be up to 25 years. Only David's older sister shoved for money: Babs defiantly smoked a cigarette right before the eyes of the parents.

After graduation, David Rockefeller decided to continue his education at Harvard, where he chose the Humanitarian Faculty. But after the end of the famous University, the future banker realized that without economic education he could not do. Therefore, David entered the famous London Economic School. But after the excellent basic education received here, the young Rockefeller did not stop: he improved his knowledge of the economy in the University of Chicago. Here in 1940, he brilliantly defended his doctoral dissertation and began his work path.


Oddly, David Rockefeller did not seek to immediately take the highest step in the hierarchical staircase and after the protection of Doctochnaya he entered the rather modest secretary of the New York Mayor of Phyorhello La Guardia, famous for the struggle with mafia clans, as well as with corruption and poverty. But in the public service, a young financier stayed for a long time: the war was all the war.

David Rockefeller in youth

In the spring of 1942, David Rockefeller went to military service. He came to the Army series, and in 1945 he already wore the captain's rank. During the war years, the future financial genius carried in North Africa and France: he worked for military intelligence.

After the defeat of the fascist Germany, David Rockefeller returned home in 1946 and actively "joined" in a family business. And again started from the bottom step - an assistant manager of one of the departments of the bank Chase National Bank. It is noteworthy that most of the shares of this bank belonged to Rockefelleram, and David could take any of the top positions, but he understood that to achieve success should thoroughly examine each "link" of a complex mechanism.

David Rockefeller - Coreweet of Banking Business

In 1949, David Rockefeller was already a vice director, and a year later, he sat down in the chair of the Vice-President of the Council of Chase National Bank, which was conducted by international affairs. All this time, the financial rarely launched himself in surprise modestly: he traveled to the subway, holding a portfolio with papers between the legs and reading the newspaper.

In January 1961, the banker becomes president of Chase Manhattan Bank and remains in this responsible position until April 1981. The resignation of 66-year-old David Rocfell left only because it reached the maximum admissible charter of the financial institution of age.

Innovation Rockefeller was revolutionary at that time: for example, in Panama he managed to persuade the bank's leadership as a collateral to take livestock.


The state of the Rockefeller is estimated at $ 3.3 billion. Perhaps it is not the greatest (in the Forbes rating only 581 place), but the level of influence of the head of the clan, which in terms of mysteryness is equated to the Masonic Order, it is difficult to overestimate.


The influence of the father and grandfather had a huge impact on the views of Rockefeller: he becomes an ideologist of globalization and neoconservatism. David Rockefeller ratified for restriction and control over the birth rate. He first voiced this idea at the UN conference in 2008, having encouraged the United Nations to "find satisfactory ways to stabilize the population of the Earth." David Rockefeller is confident that "excessive" fertility can deepen the already sharp problems of the ecology and the exhaustability of the resources of the globe.

Billionaire David Rocfell

Many consider Rockefeller the founder of the influential and mysterious Bilderberg club, which is attributing hardly the management of the world. David began its activities in the club in 1954: it was then that the first - Dutch was a meeting. For decades, David Rocfell was a permanent participant in meetings and a member of the so-called "Committee of the Governors". It was the Committee that was a list of invited to future meetings, which included only chosen, world elite.

Perhaps the meaning of this elite assembly is exaggerated and even is demonized, but some experts and politicians are convinced that it is the Bilderberg Club that defines the national leaders who subsequently win the elections in the relevant country. In any case, this example was the example of Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, invited to the BC meeting in 1991: Soon Clinton became president of the United States.

David Rocfell.

The three-sided commission founded by David Rocfell in the summer of 1973 is also attributed to the same impact.

In 2008, the billionaire sacrificed the Harvard University in which he studied in his youth, 100 million dollars. The magnitude of this donation turned out to be the largest in the entire history of the famous educational institution.


David Rockefeller attributed to the phrase, which he allegedly said at a meeting of the Bilderberg Club in German Baden-Baden in 1991:

"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other outstanding publications, whose leaders of almost forty years have visited our meetings and followed their confidentiality. We would not be able to develop our plan of the world order if all these years were addressed to the lights of the spotlights. But in our time the world is tempted and ready to walk towards the world government. The proper sovereignty of the intellectual elite and world bankers is undoubtedly preferable to national self-determination practiced in the former centuries. "
David Rockefeller wrote a book

In 2002, David Rocfell presented his autobiographical book "Banker in the twentieth century. Memoirs, "in which the veil of some secrets was opened. On the 405 page "Memoirov" posted another "loud" quote Rockefeller:

"For more than a hundred years, ideological extremists at all ends of the political spectrum with enthusiasm refer to some known events, such as my unsuccessful experience with Castro, in order to blame the family of Rockefellers in a comprehensive threatening effect, which, how they declare, we provide on American political and economic institutions. Some even believe that we are part of the secret political group, working against the interests of the United States, and characterize my family and me as "internationalists" who have entered into collusion with other groups around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - a unified world world , if you want. If the charge is this, then I recognize myself guilty, and I am proud of it. "

Personal life

A supporter of the restriction and control of fertility on a global scale at all did not spread this restriction on himself: David Rockefeller and his wife Margaret "Peggy" McGraft was born six heirs.

Father Margaret was an influential financier, partner of a well-known law firm with Wall Street. Spouses signed in September 1940 and created a strong family. Their firstborn David Rocfell-ml. It was born in July 1941. The second son - Richard Rockefeller - was born in 1949.

The four daughters of the magnate is called Abby, Neva, Peggy and Eileen.

David Rockefeller with his wife

Personal life of the billionaire has happened happily: with his second half he lived in marriage for 56 years. David Rockefeller became a widow in 1996. He never married.

As of 2002, Rockefeller had 10 grandchildren.

Children of David Rockefeller

A huge blow for a businessman, banker and philantopropa was the death of the son of Richard: he was not in the summer of 2014. 65-year-old Dr. Richard Rockefeller flew to New York on the 99th anniversary of the Father. June 13, he hurried home. Richard was a long-standing and experienced pilot: he sat down at the steering wheel of a single-engine aircraft, but the ship, barely climbed away from the ground, collapsed, clinging to the trees.

Then many started talking about the incomasure of the tragedy, seeing her powerful competing clan Jacob Rothschild, whom conspiraologists call the "secret doll of the planet." They argue that it is difficult to call the death rate of the chief heir of the Klan Rockefellers, the empire should go to whose hands. It is said that the death of Richard Rockefeller put a cross on the truce of the two main clans.

David Rockefeller with Son Richard

Lovers of the theory of conspiracy believe that these two clan secretly manage the world, they are behind the organization of wars and all conflicts. Rockefelleram and Rothschilds also "attribute" the global financial crisis and even the departure of the Pope.

The famous financial grinding had an unusual hobby - collecting beetles. The billionaire was proud to be a rare scarab, which was able to find in the mountains of Mexico, was named after His honor - Diplotaxis Rockefelleri.


The oldest billionaire of the planet died in the morning of March 20, 2017. He died at the age of 101 in a dream, at sunrise, in his estate Pantry Hills in the state of New York.

David Rockefeller suffered a few heart transfers

David Rocfell - record holder in the number of heart transfers. He was made first transplant in 1976 after provoking the heart attack of the car accident. Then the billionaire was 61 years old. They say, a week after surgery, the banker went on a jog.

In the next 40 years, David suffered six more operations, so in total, the number of heart transfers is seven operations, but it is difficult to judge the accuracy of the data. The last operation of Rockefeller was allegedly made in 2016.

David Rockefeller died on March 20, 2017

David Rockefeller did not tell David Rockefeller about her either in his memoirs: the negative reaction of society could follow, because it is possible to get a new heart only in turn on transplantation. But the leading transplantologists denied the relationship between the patient's wealth and the obtained bodies.

According to other information in the chest David Rockefeller, there was no living, but a mechanical "heart". In addition, the banker twice did kidney transplant.

The cause of the death of David Rockefeller was the stop of his seventh (or sixth) heart.

The Billion Funeral Details are not disclosed.

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