Seraphim Sarovsky (Rev.) - biography, photo, history, predictions, quotes



Announted at birth to the name Prokhor, who became in the future Jeromonom Seraphim Sarovsky, was born on July 19, 1759 (or 1754) in the city of Kursk of the Belogorod province. There is no reliable information on this score. Prokhor was born in the secured family of moshnin. His father was called Isidore, mother - Agaphia. In addition to Prokhor, the sown son named Alexey was already in the family of Mosnins.

Seraphim Sarovsky

Father Prokhor - the merchant - owned several small brick plants of Kursk and was engaged in the construction of various kinds of buildings. At that time he built both ordinary residential buildings and churches. So, he began the construction of the temple in honor of the St. Sergius of Radonezh, but did not have time to finish his work. When Prokhorova was no more than three years, Isidor Moshlin died. All the remaining cases associated with the construction of the temple continued his spouse.

Since childhood, the boy has for all church, so he often asked with his mother when she went to the temple. So, at the age of seven, he climbed to the bell tower of the temple under construction, from where he fell from a high height. However, it remained intact and unharmed.

Seraphim Sarov in childhood

Later, Prokhor defeated the strongest illness. One morning, the son told his mother that the Virgin Mary was in a dream, who gave a promise to heal from the ailment. Then the church procession took place near their house, headed by the icon of the sign of the Most Holy Mother of God. The woman carried a son in forgetting to the street and attached it to the face of the Virgin. The disease retreated. Since then, the Prokhor firmly decided that he would serve God.


At 17, the young man journey to Kiev-Pechersk Lavra as a pilgrim. There he learned the place where he was tonsured in the monks. Mother did not resist his son's choice, realizing that he was really somehow connected with God. Two years later, the young man is already preparing to become a monk in the monastery for men Sarov desert.

Seraphim Sarovsky

In 1786, a young man replaced the name at Seraphim and replenished the monastic rows. He was dedicated to the Ierodicon, and seven years later - to Hieromonahi.

Seraphim was close to a ascetic lifestyle, as well as most of those who chose the ministry. For unity with himself, he settled in the cell that was in the forest. To get to the monastery, Seraphim overcame a walk distance equal to five kilometers.

Hieromonah wore the same clothing items in winter and summer, independently found food in the forest, slept shortly, held the strictest post, re-read the Holy Scripture, often indulged in prayers. Seraphim broke the garden and equipped an apiary next to his cells.

Monk Seraphim Sarovsky

For many years, Seraphim eating only the grass sick. In addition, he chose a special appearance of the feat - a prisoner, at which a thousand days and nights continuously prayed on a boulder from stone. So Seraphim became referring to the reverend, which means the lifestyle seemingly becoming like God. The laity, going to him, often seen as the reverend feeding of a big bear.

The case describes the case as one day the robbers, finding out that Seraphim came to be provided guests, counted that he had time to get rich, and it can be robbed. While Hieromon prayed, they beat him. Seraphim did not have any resistance, despite its strength, power and youth. But in the axet of the criminals did not find any wealth. Rev. survived. The misunderstanding was the reason that he remained snagged for life. Later, the criminals were caught, and Father Seraphim gave them forgiveness, and they were not punished.

Older Seraphim Sarovsky

Since 1807, Seraphim tried to meet as little as possible and talk with people. He began a new feat - silence. Three years later, he returned to the monastery, but went to the gate for 15 years, finding privacy in prayers. At the end of the recovery lifestyle, he resumed acceptors. Seraphim began to take not only laity, but also the monks, gaining, as described in the book about his life, the gift of prophecy and healing. Tsar himself Alexander I was among his visitors.

Hieromona Seraphi died on January 2, 1833 in his cell. It happened on the 79th year of life when he was committed by the crankshadic prayer.


To describe the life of Serafima, Ieromona Sergius took four years after his death. It became the main source written about Sarov. However, it was edited many times.

Seraphima Sarovsky

So, in 1841, lives rewrote Metropolitan Filaret himself. The desire to make lithuage in line with the requirements of the censorship of that time.

The editor of the next edition was the rector of one of the deserts of George. He supplemented the book with details about the beasts that the reverend fed, about the increase in the food and the phenomena of the Virgin Mary.

Folk reverence and canonization

To read Seraphim began even during life. However, he was canonized after death at the request of Nikolai II spouse - Alexandra Fedorovna. It happened on July 19, 1902. Nicholas II and Alexander Fedorovna believed that it was thanks to the prayers of Father Seraphim in the royal family a heir appeared in the royal family.

Icons Seraphim Sarovsky

Such a development of events caused a whole scandal, headed by Konstantin Victorious, who held the post of the representative of the emperor in the Holy Synod. The latter did not consider the order of the king, corresponding to church canons.


Orthodox and today are praying Seraphim Sarovsky. The press many times wrote about healing from various ailments of people who came to the relics of the saint, and other wonders associated with Him.

Until this day, the most famous icon has reached, on which the reverend is depicted. The source code for writing the Icon Seraphim Sarovsky served as a portrait that was made five years before the death of Hieromonach by the artist on the name of Serebryakov.

Lifting portrait of Seraphim of Sarov (left) and icon, written on its basis (right)

To this day, Orthodox knows a single prayer of Seraphim Sarovsky. What helps this saint: believers are asking him to pacify and ending suffering, healing from illness, harmony and spiritual resistance. Often to the icon with a prayer come so that the saint instructs the true path. Young girls ask the messages of the satellite. Often, businessmen pray to Seraphim, wanting to get success in affairs and trade.

Today, the temple of Seraphim Sarovsky is almost every city of Russia. Among them are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan. There are parishes in honor of the presence and in small villages. This suggests that the saint and now read among believers.


If you believe the sources that have come down to this day, Alexander I predicted that the genus Romanov takes its beginning and end in the house of Ipatiev. So it happened. The first king named Mikhail was elected in the Ipatiev Monastery. And in the Yekaterinburg House of Ipatiev, the entire royal family died.

Prophet Seraphim Sarovsky

Among the predictions of Saint Seraphim, such events such as:

  • Decembrist uprising,
  • Crimean war 1853-1855,
  • The law on the abolition of serfdom,
  • War between Russia and Japan,
  • World Wars
  • The Great October Socialist Revolution.
  • Seraphim believed that before the advent of the Antichrist, the world was left six hundred years.


  • Also reached us and famous quotes, once said by Sarovsky. Here are some of them:
  • No worse than sin, and there is nothing terrible and the spirit of the spirit of despondency.
  • True faith can not be without affairs: who truly believes, he certainly has things.
  • From joy, a person can accomplish anything from the inner Natuchi - nothing.
  • Let those living with you in the world be thousands, but they will open their mystery from a thousand one.
  • No one has complained about bread and water.
  • Who tolerates the disease with patience and thanksgiving, it is imputed instead of a feat or even more.

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