Andy Warhol - photos, biography, paintings, work, personal life, cause of death



Andy (Andrew) Warholl was born in American Pittsburgh on August 6, 1928. Warhol family (real surname - Varchol moved to the States of Slovakia, so by the nationality of Andy - Rusin. First, the Father of the family, Andrei, was moved to America in search of work, and 1921 the wife of Julia joined him.

Endrew's elder sister, Justina, was born and died in infancy, at the motherland of the parents. In addition to Justin, the boy had two more older brothers and one younger. Father worked at the mine, mother was a housewife and worked, my floors, windows and masses artificial flowers from girlfriend.

After moving to Auckland (Pittsburgh suburb), Andy went to the most ordinary school. The boy grew up cheerful, high guy (in adulthood, the growth of Warhol was 180 cm), until he was having sick. In the third grade, Andrew sick choreas Sidengama, which became a consequence of the suffered scarletna. In this case, the disease is mascotted by muscle cramps, which he is not able to control.

From the usual playful boy, Andy VMIG worked in a small sufferer, chained to bed. He could not walk to school, besides, former comrades teased him. The boy began to panic hospitals, doctors, injections and everything connected with diseases.

To entertain and cheer up the son, Julia begins to draw him different pictures, buys magazines, newspapers. It was then that the little Andrew addicted to drawing: he painted light bulbs, handles, keys, trying to find something new in everyday things and creating their first artwork. The boy loved to make collages from newspaper clippings, and after - watch stories in moving pictures with the help of the projector.

From 9 years, Andrew began to attend free arts skills and even planned to enter the local university, to then teach drawing. The real tragedy for the whole family was the death of Father Andrei Varchol, who died as a result of an accident in the mine.

After graduating from High School, Warholl entered the Carnegie Institute of Technology, planning to operate illustrator in the field of advertising. In 1949, the future king of Pop Art received a bachelor's degree in a specialty graphic design and went to conquer New York, replacing the name from Warhol on Warhol, and the name with Andrew on Andy.

Carier start

Andy's talent was not to occupy: already in his youth, at the dawn career he managed to achieve attention of large corporations. And he started, like many advertiser artists, from the design of shop windows. Also at the dawn of his career, a young man drew postcards and posters, decorated stands. At this time, Warhol's cooperation with Fashion Magazines Harper's Bazaar and Vogue.

The real success of the artist came after the creation of the original advertising of the shoe brand "I. Miller. " Andy drew the shoes in ink and decorated with bliss. Glory brought a decent income to a young man, the famous brands began to enter into contracts. However, the master himself considered his success only step towards "high art", which he had a very peculiar representation.

In 1952, the first exhibition of Warhol works is held in New York, and after another four years he is taken to the "Club of Art Editors". This period refers to the artist's passion by the method of screen printing, which he used to create and subsequent reproduction of its works. With the help of matrices based on the personally made photos and newspaper pictures, Andy created its most famous paintings, monochrome and colored collages with the image of Marilyn Monroe, Mika Jagger, Mao Zedong, Liz Taylor, Elvis Presley, Audrey Hepburn, who later became symbols of pop art.


In 1960, Andy began to develop the design of Coca-Cola banks, after - to graphic work, drawing money banknotes. Then began the stage of "cans", which were depicted by a picturesque way and methods of screening silk screen. Soup Campbell and other utilitarian items got to the artistic lens Urholl.

In 1962, there was an exhibition of the best works of Warhol, after which the critics were attributed to Andy to the leading masters of Pop Art. His creativity was contradictory opinions: some argued that Warhol - satir, emphasizing the consumer nature of the life of the Americans, others believed that all his "masterpieces" was exclusively a commercial project, a competently organized self-organized for income.

The artist himself, being a brilliant Master of Podatage and Samoironia, promoted artistic art not as something extraordinary and deserving worship, but as creativity, oriented on broad masses. Warhol is considered the most commercially popular artist of the last century. He ordered portraits Mick Jagger, Lisa Minhelli, John Lennon, Brigal Bardo, a family of Iranian Shah and other celebrities, and his most expensive picture, "Silver car accident (double distress)" was sold in 2013 for $ 1054,000.

In 1963, Andy Warhol bought an abandoned building in Manhattan, where he opened the studio, calling it the "factory". It was here that the team of assistants Andy spread his masterpieces by the Suskography method, here he filmed his films, which, however, few people watched. In the building "Factory" constantly held parties, people and journalists, models and other representatives of Bohemia gathered.

In 1964, another exhibition of its host works were held in the factory, where installations from the used container and other utilitarian items were presented. Warhol received not only the title of King Pop Art, but also the leading representative of modern conceptual art.


In June 1968, an attempt was made at Andy Warhol: a famous feminist and model shot him, Valerie Solanas, who starred in one of his films. Having received three bullets in the belly, Andy miraculously survived. He suffered a clinical death and a heavy operation, and the consequences of this incident pursued him the rest of his life.

Warhol did not apply to the girl to the girl, however, Valery, without that, he received three and a half years in prison. As for Andy, he had a long-term treatment and wearing a corset, and his fear of doctors, diseases and death was only intensified. Also in memory of the attempted and operation, Andy remained terrible scars that the artist, not embarrassed, demonstrated before the cameras.

In spite of everything, the artist will continue to create. In 1979, he took up the painting of the car, and in 1983, at the request of the defenders of wild animals, created a series of silkographs called "Mailing Species". This includes images of the Amur Tiger, wood frog, black rhino, zebras of the Grevy, a giant panda and other disappearing animals. These works will be exhibited in the Darwin Museum of Moscow in March 2017.

Personal life

Andy Warhol has never advertised his personal life, but also did not hide his connections, both friendly and love. For a long time, Warhol was attributed to the novel with his muse and girlfriend, Edid Sedgevik model. They were inseparable, the hair was equally dressed, painted their hair, nails, wearing similar hairstyles, Eddi was filmed from Andy in films and posed for paintings.

When the couple broke up, there were rumors about the drug addiction both representatives of pop culture, but official confirmations of what Warholl was a drug addict, no. Either Andy is unlikely and his mind tied something except for creativity, because the great artist of modernity was a lot of lovers.


What did Andy Warhol died from? This question worries many fans of his work. The artist died at the age of 58 in the Manhattan Hospital, after the operation to remove the gallbladder. The official cause of death is a heart stop. It happened on February 22, 1987.

Heritage Andy Warhol

The philosophy of Warhol was in his closer look at life, self-irony and the ability to see the world at a different angle. All this artist put on canvases, sincerely consider that commercial painting has the right to exist, and there is nothing gallopy.

Sticky Sticks Andy can be described as a naturalistic pop art, although he often used generalizing visual funds. So, portraits of celebrities have idealized features and resemble a stingy sketch, squeezing from the individuality of a particular character. Bright paints convey the mood of the artist, and neon tones used by him at the end of the end screaming about unspoken thoughts and feelings.

Description of the paintings of the Master is an ungrateful matter. It is better to see his canvas once and feel that informational promise that Andy wanted to convey to the public, rather than soaring the encyclopedia devoted to his work.

By the way, the artist is the author not only an underground cinema, but also (in absentia) co-author of several books, including:

  • "America";
  • "Andy Warhol Diaries";
  • "Andy Warhol's philosophy (from a to b and vice versa)."

Andy's ideas and talent continue to inspire artists, advertisers, people of creativity and businessmen. Thus, the sketch of glasses found in the archival papers of Warholl pushed the RetrosuperFuture brand for the idea of ​​creating a collection of sunscreen accessories. Many fashion brands use various work wizard to create prints for collections of clothing, wallpapers, bags and other designer things.

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