Anton Ptushkin - biography, personal life, news, "eagle and rush", photo, Youtyub-channel 2021



Ptu, as calling Anton Ptushkin, who changed it in the frame of the program "Eagle and a rushk. Reboot "Evsey Kovalev, - the perfect leading for such projects: kind, erudite, witty, who knows how to keep himself in his hands.

And at the same time as the factory that, looking at him, the viewer rises from the sofa, forgets about problems and goes down. Anton himself covered travel theme began in the mid-2000s in the mid-2000s on the Internet, and the television level came out on the advice of friends who considered that the style and positive attitude of his mini-reporters are worthy of other evaluation than the delights of Follovers.

Childhood and youth

Anton's biography began in a simple family on May 22, 1984 in the Ukrainian SSR, in Lugansk. By the sign of the Zodiac TV presenter - the twin. There is no accurate information about the nationality, but individual sites write that Ptushkin is a Jew. Eight years he worked in the Jewish organization of informal education, not related to religion.

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Since childhood, the boy was fond of music, but, despite the hobby, after graduating from school number 2, he entered Severodonetsky National University at the Faculty of Sociology. Studying Ptushina was easy, he graduated from the university with honors, only in the specialty he did not work.

After the university, the young man came to the entertainment industry. For some time, he served as art director of the Kolossei concert hall, where weddings, corporate standards and presentations were held regularly.

Career and creativity

Starting a creative career, Anton Ptushkin chose a musical path for himself. He worked on the show Open Air "8" as a DJ and the organizer. Entertainment programs called Slow with his participation were popular with the youth of the native city.

At 28, Anton moves to Kiev, where it starts working on the Sun Shine project, which implements on the radio. The author's transfer entered the hundred best shows on radio according to Promo The young man successfully works by radio officers, and soon receives the position of the program director on the Lounge FM channel, then becomes the leader of several radio stations in the Lugansk region.

Anton Ptushkin hit the television in 2015. An experienced DJ decided to participate in an open competition to the TV host in the Eagle and Rusk program. The concept of the show turned out to be close to the traveler, who comes to the point of 20 countries. The first video remained without attention.

For the second time, Anton came to the casting for the company with a friend, believing what to hope not for. And here there is an operator who did not develop with time, asked to replace the report about Kiev. The result producers liked, and Ptushkin got a job, the truth is not the leading new season of "Eagle and Rushki", but the scenario of the project "Dangerous tour".

In March 2017, the transfer "Eagle and Rushka. Reboot "with new persons - Anton Ptushkaya and Nastya Ivelevieva. The meaning of the new Travel Show was that the guys repeated the route of the 1st season of the program with the participation of Andrei Bednikova and Jeanne Badoev. Only this time they were told that he had changed in 2, or even 4 years. DJ in the company "Instagram" has visited Thailand and Nepal, Singapore and Mexico, in Cuba and in Iceland, Brazil and Australia.

Anton's "combat baptism" took place in Sri Lanka and Hong Kong. TV presenter before this did not see how predecessors worked in order to avoid the desire to copy something. But then I realized that at least with a pair of releases should be familiarized.

"Eagle and Rushka" is a project where the situation changes every second, and it is necessary to respond quickly, rebuild. Three shooting days in the city is a permanent zadietot without a double. "

Ptushina liked to travel without a gold card, because just so managed to truly get acquainted with the country of stay, taste all the charms and difficulties. From too complicated or dangerous moments, he could refuse, but did not abuse this right. In addition, to look in the frame properly, the guy passed the courses of acting plastics.

Of course, the fans immediately identified favorite issues with Anton. One of these is a series in Quito. Ptushkin visited the Volcano Killoe. 800 years ago there was a strongest eruption. The ashes covered almost the entire territory of the country. Over time, the emerald color of indescribable beauty was formed in the crater. But this beauty is deceptive, the volcano still "breathes", while constantly distinguishes poisonous substances into the water. It is categorically prohibited in it.

And then Ptushkin went to the next volcano, however, it was necessary to rise to a height of 4300 m. Suddenly snowed for the TV presenter there. And if he at first, he had fun on himself that "but stylishly dressed," soon frozen so that it was no longer before laughter.

Not less than bright transmission with Anton was the release, where the young man had to eat a living octopus. It happened in Seoul. After on its own Channel on YouTube, he said that he did not agree to try this delicacy, but when the entire film crew had also promised to taste the dish for the scenes, they reached a consensus.

In fact, the use of mollusk in food is a dangerous occupation. Because while the octopus is alive, he is trying to sleep towards everything that is found on the way, including to the throat. Anton chewed for a long time and strongly, and he managed to swallow the headless health losses.

For each American release, Ptushkin did a new T-shirt, most often it was the name of the city where the shooting was directly. And in July 2018 the TV presenter reported that it was going to sell the collection.

He did it within the framework of the "Courage Bazar" project, the purpose of which was the collection of money for charity. Celebrated money from sales went to the organization of the camp for children with disabilities. Mass of the celebrity left Tokyo.

"It is not customary to communicate informally. Everything around is very restrained. Metro - corner of introvert. It seems to me that it comes from some kind of alienation from each other, which creates loneliness. It would be interesting here to live and find answers to many questions. "

In Paris, Anton, who was already accustomed to being filmed on the beaches with a naked torso, had to be put out at all in order to spend the night from the tours-nudist. In Bangkok, the film crew passed 3 days only on a 3-minute plot about how the host "orders" a prostitute.

Personal life

Anton did not tell anyone about his parents. The same applies to personal life. The lack of information is not what about his wife and children, but even a beloved girl gave rise to rumors about the non-traditional orientation of a young man. These suspicions did not find confirmation. And fans of the program "Eagle and Rushka. The reboot "began to express the opinion that the coordinates bind not only working relationships.

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At first, young people terribly did not like each other. Ivelev did not hesitate for the scenes, and sometimes on the air to pod an anton, laughed in the image of the intellectual, giving the nicknamed Lord Ptushkevich. But soon everyone saw that there was close friendship between the guys. Increasingly, colleagues appeared on each other's pages in social networks. Photos were accompanied by gentle comments, but no longer rearranged. Later, Anastasia began to meet with Raper Elder.

In addition to the author's channel on YouTube, Anton has headed the page in Vkontakte, in Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. The man perfectly owns the English language and, judging by the ideal figure (height 178 cm, the weight of about 70 kg), does not forget about sports.

DJ attract extreme views. It is known that Ptushkin is included in the group of stalkers, which are periodically sent to the Chernobyl area. He also visited in Japan, in Fukushima. Today Anton lives in Kiev, transported to the capital of Ukraine and mother with grandfather. With the beginning of work on television, he "tied" from the radio, but the DJing is not going to throw.

Anton Ptushkin now

In the middle of 2018, traveling for a year and a half 60 cities, Anton told fans that he decided to leave "Eagle and Dishka". According to the TV presenter, he remained in warm relations with the whole team. The project needs new people, so that "the look did not look and did not utter emotions."

Ptushkin asked for a tolerant to treat the one who will be acquainted with cities and countries instead, and not to pour so much negative, how much they got with Ivelieva. However, the producer of the program of Yevgeny Sinelnikov said that it would not want to let the pet of millions in free swimming, and, perhaps, would find the use of his talents, but still to share the details prematurely.

What would it be, the fans of "reboot" still remains to be guess, because in December of the same year, Anastasia informed the closure of the Travel show. Anton published in social networks post with the words of gratitude to the creators.

Now Ptushkin continues to travel. Photo and video discontinuities are published on the Russian-speaking "YouTube" -Kanal, which in May 2019 scored the first million subscribers, and the English-speaking double of Anton Somewhere. During the time after the "reboot", DJ visited Canada and New Zealand, Sweden and Arab Emirates. In collaboration with the Odessa brand of clothing Benya & Zubrik released a line of T-shirts with funny prints.

Anton avoids the word blogger. This term, believes the traveler, discredited: bloggers call anyone in the following: and those who remove the selfie to a mobile phone, and those who create cool programs. And it is dishonest. And Vlogier is generally vulgar. YouTube is distinguished by the fact that it makes high demands on the quality of content, not to mention the coverage of incommensurable to a greater audience. The demand for printing information constantly falls, viewing the movie - a way of passive perception, when you do not need to sit with a newspaper in your hands, but spend time on useful things.

At the end of 2020, Anton agreed to a frank conversation with Yuri Dud. Part of the interview was held in Turkey, which Ptushkin revealed from a new, non-obvious side. In addition, he shared the details of his creativity, plans for the future, as well as some moments of personal life.

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