Prince Philip - biography, personal life, photo, causes of death, Duke Edinburgh, husband Elizabeth II 2021



Prince Philip Mountbetten, Duke Edinburgh - Queen of Elizabeth II, Prince Consort, who won the title of the oldest descendant of Queen Victoria.

Childhood and youth

Philip was born on June 10, 1921 in the house of Prince Andrei, the legal representative of the Danish royal surname of glucburg. Alisa Battenberg's mother accounted for a niece of the last Empress of Russia Alexander Fedorovna. And the father is the great-grandfather of Nikolai I. The spouse of the British Queen can be safely called the descendant of Romanov.

The place of birth of the Greek heir to Russian roots was the island of Corfu. Philip is the younger child in the family and the only brother of its five sisters.

Even in the early childhood of the heir of the Greek Crown (after the birth of Philip), glucburg was forced to leave their homeland because of the proceedings. As a result of moving, the mother with children remained in the capital of France, and Andrei Greek went to live in Monte Carlo. Alice was seriously worried about divorce, loss of property and ranks. The mind of the woman climbed.

Older girls acquired husbands in Germany, and Philip had to take relatives from England to themselves. In the early 1930s, the boy received education in Germany and Scotland schools.

With the beginning of World War II, the prince entered the Royal Naval College, after graduation became Michman. Brave Philipp All war passed as an officer of the Navy Britain. He distinguished himself in the military operations of the Western Front, showed a courage during the liberation of Sicily in 1943. During this time, Philip recovered the title of senior lieutenant.


With Princess Elizabeth, the eldest daughter of King George VI, Philip met when he was 18 years old. Lilibet, as a girl gently called at home, was barely 13. Static blonde (height 188 cm) immediately fought in the heart of the girl. All the war Philip and Elizabeth led correspondence. Parents of the princesses were not serious about the choice of her daughter, hoping that soon the girl would change his decision. But the heiress of the throne remained adamant and was not going to consider the candidates of other grooms.

In 1946, the King of George VI visited a young officer with an official visit. Philippus asked the hands and hearts of the daughter of a vengeous person. This love story received a happy continuation - the monarch agreed.

In order for the marriage to look politically correct, Philip had to abandon the titles of the Danish and Greek Prince, to adopt English citizenship and change the father's surname on the surname of his grandfather on Mountbetten's mother line. A few days before the wedding ceremony, which was held on November 20, 1947 in Westminster Abbey, Philipp had the titles of Duke of Edinburgh, Graph Merionetsky and Baron Greenwich.

At the lush wedding of Elizabeth looked great. She had a dress from satin and brocade, decorated with crystal beads and plenty of pearls. The bride's head was crowned with a luxury diamond Frang-Tiara, who was inherited from the Queen of Victoria. Subsequently, the decoration was put on their marriage of the daughter and granddaughter of the queen - Princess Anna and Beatrice.

From the side of the bride at the solemn ceremony, all British titled relatives were attended, only one Mother Alice was invited by the bridegroom. Did not affect the guests and the fact that all sisters of Philip were married to representatives of the German aristocracy. For the sake of his wife, Philip renounced Orthodoxy and moved to Protestantism.

2 years after the wedding, Prince Philip was sent by Military service to Malta, where the married couple settled in a cozy estate. According to the memoirs of Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, it was the happiest time in their lives. During these years, two of their older children were born - the son of Charles and the daughter of Anna. In the distance from the Buckingham Palace of the monarch, it was possible to feel like an ordinary happy woman who enjoys communicating with her family and close friends. In his youth, Philip and his wife often visited public fusion institutions - the pair really liked to dance.

In 2016, the prince received the title of the longest descendant of Queen Victoria, which year he turned 95 years old. In 2017, the royal couple celebrated the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the wedding, and it became another record in the history of the dynasty of Windsor and the personal biography of the spouses.


On February 6, 1952, King Georg VI died. This news was the first to heard the Prince of Philip and told his spouse. At that time, they traveled by Kenya. Urgently, the family of the Future Queen went home. A year later, the coronation ceremony was held, on which television journalists were present in history, and the event was held in the live broadcast of the United Kingdom.

Philip was declared a prince-consort, which is obliged to accompany the vengeous spouse during all its visits and in public events. On the advice of the premier Winston Churchill Elizabeth left the Father's name to settle all political disagreements inside the Royal Court.

Philip has created charitable funds, actively helped in organizing sports schools and sections, supported horse riding.

At the same time, there were rumors about the treasures of the Prince and its extramarital children from the stormy novels with the British artist, Helen Kirkwood and his mistress.

Journalists and scenarios attributed a connection with Ballerina from Russia Galina Ulanova. The creators of the 2nd season of the dramatic series "Crown" told about the forbidden relations and secrets of legal spouses.

Royal Dynasty

The royal couple had four children were born - three sons, Charles Charles, Prince Andrew and Eduard and Daughter, Princess Anna. Philip always actively participated in the personal life of his offspring. It he insisted that Prince Wales Charles in his time marry Diana Spencer, and, despite the further gap between the son and the daughter-in-law, Philip always performed on her side.

After the divorce, the prince contributed to the reconciliation of the famous couple, which, unfortunately, did not come. And after the death of Princess Diana Philipp took his grandchildren, the sons of Prince Charles, under his care and gave Harry and William all his free time.

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip have grandchildren. Despite the fact that all four children turned out to be unsuccessful, each of them added to a pedigree for 2 heirs. First of all, the heirs of the older son of the Queen - Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, and Prince Harry, Duke Susseksky. The rest of the grandchildren call Peter Phillips, Zara Phillips, Princess Beatris Yorkskaya, Princess Evgenia Yorkskaya, Lady Louise Windsor, James and Viscount Severn.

There are great-grandchildren: Prince George and Louis Cambridge and Princess Charlotte Cambridge (Children of William), Archie Mountbetten-Windsor (Son Harry), Savannah and Ayla Elizabeth Phillips (Peter's daughter), Mia Grace and Lina Elizabeth Tyndell (daughter's daughter).

The prince did not lead the pages on social networks. The British royal family has an official account in "Instagram" and on other sites. Personal and working photos of aristocrats are published.

In addition to public debt, her husband Elizabeth II also took over the duties of the father of the family. He controlled his children's school, was engaged in household problems. In the inner life of the country, the prince showed itself no less actively. He was the first on British television, released the author's cycle of the program dedicated to the issues of science.


Prince Philipp and Elizabeth II for a long time lived in a sense of Sandringem in the county of Norfolk, periodically appearing in the Buckingham Palace and in the Family Castles of Scotland and England. During the quarantine, the spouses were isolated from coronavirus infection and numerous relatives in Windsor Castle in Berkshire County.

In early 2021, the Duke of the Edinburgh and his spouse decided to show a positive example of citizens of the UK and made the vaccination against the virus causing COVID-19. What kind of vaccine used the elderly couple, the press service of the Buckingham Palace did not specify.

In February, the Prince was hospitalized due to poor well-being, and after he suffered a heart surgery. In March, the Duke of Edinburgh was discharged and returned home.

And on April 9, the whole world had a news: Prince Philip died. The cause of death in the relevant document shows old age. British doctors under such a wording mean death coming after 80 years without accompanying any diseases or injuries.

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