Alissa Milano - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, instagram, in youth, "enchanted" 2021



Alissa Milano is one of the successful actresses of American television serials of the 90s, projects with her participation are in demand from the audience and now. She became a fashion legislator and wrestler for the rights of women, in its publications and statements, many were able to find support in difficult times.

Childhood and youth

Alissa Jane Milano was born in Brooklyn on December 19, 1972 in the Italian-American family. It is known that from the first days it was surrounded by a creative atmosphere: Mother Lin Milano was a fashion designer, and Father Thomas is a music editor and a yachtsman. By the sign of the Zodiac Celebrity - Sagittarius.

The early years of Alissa passed in Staitan Island, where she, together with the brother Corey, was a parishion bowl of the local Catholic Church. After the first cinematic success of the girl, her parents moved to Hollywood. There, Alissa was trained in the California Buckley School.

As a child, the future star "Enchanted" already knew that he would become an actress. For the first time, this thought came to her head when watching the famous Broadway hits - Annie's plays. By 8 years, the debut of Alissa was held in the role of July (orphan girls) from the "Tony remuneration", and a year later she appeared in the play "Jane Eyre" and a small play "Tender Offer".

Teenage years

Milano received the first serious role in 11 years. She was lucky to play Samantha Michelli in Sitkom "Who is here boss?" A story telling about a single father, forced to get a job as an economist to a representative of the advertising world, soon won the love of the audience and made Alissa popular. The girl was constantly invited to the movies and various TV shows, but only on episodic roles that gradually replenished her filmography. Eva Mendez told that after the film about a lonely father, she became a fan of Milano and took her autograph.

In the same period, Alissa begins to engage in music, which is also an important part of her biography. Since 1989, she recorded 5 musical albums, her songs were sold by a total circulation of more than 1 million. The last disk became platinum. To maintain the interest of the public to a beginner singer in Japan (where all Milano albums were recorded), Commando was shown - a film, where, a few years earlier, Alissa was filmed together with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The actress's adolescence is filled with various contradictory rumors associated with its participation in several paintings subject to the category 18+ ("mortal sins", "vampire arms"). In addition, during this period, rumors about various frank photo shoots were distributed, in which the girl allegedly participated. The story ended in that in 1998, Alissa sued a little-known web designer, who was emphasized on its resource her candid pictures, more than $ 230 thousand.

In 1996, Alissa starred with Reese Witherspoon in a dramatic thriller "Fear". Then critics adequately appreciated the work of the actresses, after which they began to offer more promising roles. Career's flourishing Milano began after participating in the serials of Melroz-Place and Spring City.


The grandiose popularity of the performer brought the role of Phoebe Holliell - the youngest of the three sisters-witches in the "Enchanted" series. Work on this project later presented her two nominations for the title of the best actress of television according to Teen Choice Awards. The actress is afraid of water, which complicated the shot of the episode of the "Enchanted" series called "Witin Tail".

Interestingly, after the end of the filming of the "enchanted" "nursing" bonds did not break down. Together with Holly Marie Combs (Piper Hollyll, Milano released a lines of lingerie. And the appearance of Alissa in the series "My name" Earl "was made possible after it was invited by Jamie Press, who performed the role of mermaid in one of the episodes of" enchanted ".

In 2017, information appeared that CBS plans to remove the "enchanted" remake. The series really came out, but now other actresses were invited to the role of sisters-witches, and the former participants in the project were not shot in it. After the success of the 1st season, Remake extended.

In 2020, Alissa supported a colleague on "enchanted" Shennen Daerty. The actress spoke about the serious oncological disease. On the shooting of women could not bear each other, and the permanent quarrels were no longer surprised by their colleagues. But after the news about the diagnosis, Milano went to reconciliation and agreed to assist Shannen. Another performer - Rose McGowan - in 2005 she became a victim of an accident. The accident strongly changed its appearance.

Alissa herself confessed in 2021, depending on the medicines that it applies to the treatment of panic attacks. In a message to fans, the actress declared that he was experiencing anxiety due to post-traumatic stress.


From 2013 to 2014, the actress was filmed in the television series "Lovers", where he played the role of Savannah Davis. But after two successful seasons, she was forced to leave the project from the birth of her daughter.

For shooting in the 16th season of the series "Anatomy of Passion", the actress has begun in 2019. Her family became Holly Mary Combs, with which Milano starred in "Enchanted". The actresses again performed the role of two sisters in the patient, which was on the verge of life and death. Showranner of the series admitted that they specifically wanted to refer to the "enchanted", inviting the main roles of the Holly and Alissa series.

In addition, Alissa passed the caster to the American comedy-dramatic series "insatiable", broadcast on the Netflix channel. The film caused an ambiguous response to the viewers. More than 100 thousand people around the world signed a petition with the requirement to ban the show showing the series, which was accused of fatysming - ridicuing people with overweight.

Social activity

The actress acts as an ambassador of a global organization for forgotten tropical diseases. For her account, Alissa donated more than $ 250 thousand. Milano works on improving the information literacy of people through the media, talking about the plight of more than 1 million people living in tropical zones.

Alissa is the ambassador of the goodwill of the UN Children's Fund on behalf of the United States of America. In the course of his program, she visited India and Angola. In the fall of 2004, the actress began a campaign with the support of UNICEF. She translated more than $ 50 thousand for South African women and children suffering from AIDS. She managed to collect money thanks to selling his photographs.

In 2017, the celebrity became one of the founders of the movement against sexual violence. Then the scandal from Harvey Weinstein was broken, which was accused of harassment. For the first time, colleague actresses Rose McGowan publicly announced this. In total, 80 Hollywood Artists told about the marins of the director. Milano called on women to talk about violence so that other people realized the scale of the problem and were able to help the victims.

Personal life

In 1993, Alissa 2 times interrupted pregnancy. This actress was recognized only in 2019. In his youth, she met with Scott Wulf. The girl took the contraceptive drugs, but they did not help, so she had to make abortions.

Personal life of Alissa for a long time in the center of the discussion of the press. She was periodically attributed to the relationship with Justin Timberlake, Karka Cameron, Julian McMahron and Brian Krause.

Craise and Milano more than once publicly denied rumors about their novel, but the press, delivered by the growth of the popularity of the TV series "Enchanted", continued to pursue them. These statements did not stop even after on January 1, 1999, the actress married Sinjan Teit - a member of the Remy Zero musical team. This marriage collapsed several years later.

On August 15, 2009, after a 3-year-old Roman Milano played a wedding for the second time. David Bagliary became her spouse - Sports Agent Creative Artists Agency. In the same year, Alissa survived the miscarriage, because of which one time did not risen to be pregnant. After 2 years, the Couple was born the son of Milo Thomas Bagliary.

The boy was named after the colleague David Milo Ventiments, with whom they worked on the film "Pathology". The celebrity admitted that it was the actor who pushed her to relationships with the current husband. Milo himself said that in his youth was in love with Alissa.

In 2014, it became known that the spouses expect a second child to appear. September 4, Alissa gave birth to a daughter who received the name Elizabella Dylan Bagliairi. The photo, where children, husband and beloved pets are depicted, the actress regularly publishes in the Instagram account.

It is not shyring and candid pictures on which admires the process of breastfeeding. Alissa confessed that it was ready to come with a figure for the sake of her daughter's health. She wanted to feed the baby with breasts for several years, if there is a need for this.

After the birth of children, Milano was very much recovered, but was not going to sit on a diet and remained satisfied with his own weight, which turned out to be much higher than her familiar 45 kg. She continued to publish a photo in a swimsuit, showing women that no need to comprehensive due to a non-ideal body.

In addition to acting, Alissa is interested in photography. Part of the free time it devotes 3 dogs, cats, 13 birds and 8 horses. Milano has repeatedly declared that he stands for vegetarianism. The actress participates in the development of rollers calling out to refuse to eat meat products.

Milano stands for the fashion legislator: its hairstyles, makeup and staining are constantly becoming a discussion of fashion experts in Europe and America. Since the "enchanted" girls tried to be similar to the actress. The usual short haircuts became a symbol of style and beauty for many fans, and dyeing hair as it quickly entered into fashion.

Alissa does not consider it necessary to hide its height (157 cm), and her weight was not a secret, even when she was pregnant. Actress's age either never kept secret from fans. The network often appear rumors about plastic Milano, but it does not comment on such information.

Another bright passion of the performer became a baseball. She is sick for Los Angeles Dodgers. The celebrity loves the game that the permanent subscription for all League games is becoming annually. The symbolism of baseball clubs has repeatedly appeared in the lines of women's clothing, which Alissa releases since 2007.

In an interview with the People magazine, the celebrity admitted that he wants to still give birth to children. She emphasizes that he understands age and realizes the risks that are associated with the advent of the child. For these reasons, the woman first expressed the thought of adoption.

Alissa Milano now

Alissa became one of the victims of Coronavirus. For several months, she felt bad, experiencing all side effects of the disease. Combining the disease was due to the efforts of physicians. About their condition, the actress told the account subscribers in "Instagram". The advantage of his condition actress called the opportunity to hand over a plasma for the treatment of other cowid patients.

The artist continues to fight for the rights of women, supporting the movement against the Kharasment #Metoo. In 2021, the performer declared the desire to start a political career. Alissa planned to run into the lower chamber of the US Congress. Milano called Congressman Tom McClintok, who opposed the bill of crimes against Asians. The election campaign of the star planned to start in 2024.

In 2021, the actress worked on the role in the remake of the series "Who is here the boss?", In which she starred at an early age.


  • 1985 - "Commando"
  • 1985-1992 - "Who is the boss here?"
  • 1995 - "Surrogate Mother"
  • 1997-1998 - Melroz Pleis
  • 1998-2006 - "Enchanted"
  • 2002 - "Cat in a bag"
  • 2007 - "Twilight Hour"
  • 2008 - "Cool PET"
  • 2008 - "Pathology"
  • 2010 - "My Girl's Guy"
  • 2011 - "Old New Year"
  • 2011 - "Clearance Week"
  • 2013-2014 - "Lovers"
  • 2018 - "Little Italy"
  • 2019 - "Isked by Fate"
  • 2021 - "Who is the boss here?"


  • 1989 - Look In My Heart
  • 1989 - Alyssa.
  • 1991 - Locked Inside A Dream
  • 1992 - Do you See Me?

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