Linda (singer) - biography, photos, latest news, songs, personal life 2021



The Linda can be safely attributed to the number of the most extraordinary and eccentric singers of Russia. Bright and memorable songs of a young performer were a reflection of the critical nineties. Unusual texts in conjunction with a fine melody concluded a deep meaning and hit the listeners. Linda deservedly won his place among the best Russian artists, enriching the music of fresh and unusual sound.


The real name of the spectacular performer is Svetlana Geiman. She was born on April 29, 1979 in the Kazakhstan city of Kentau. A future star went to school back in his hometown, but when she studied in the second grade, parents decided to move to Togliatti. In a new place, the family was detained only for several years. In Togliatti, the girl managed to finish only the middle classes. Svetlana was an ordinary child, so no one even suspected that she would become a star.

In 15 years, Svetlana, together with his parents, moved to live in Moscow. It was here that she was fascinated by music and theatrical art. So, the girl became a private visitor of the Theater "Hermitage", in which a team of folk creativity acted. The future singer tried to master the foundations of scenic skills, and Yuri Galperin became her teacher.

Nevertheless, Svetlana grew a lonely child. In connection with private moves, the girl lost many friends, and it was hard to start it. The linda shocked that her peers drink beer, smoke and swear. Moreover, at first she was surprised even the cars, because in her hometown there was practically no mechanical transport. Soon she threw the theater, but the interest in art did not lose.

In 1993, the future singer entered the famous State School them. Gnesinic. Svetlana Gaiman managed to overcome the competition and get to the vocal separation. Mentor Linda became Vladimir Khachaturov, who for many years of his pedagogical activity opened not one talent. He saw great potential in an unusual student and offered her to participate in musical competitions.

According to the Council, Svetlana teacher took part in the "Generation" contest (Jurmala) and even passed to the final. She conquered judges and audience with her charisma and extraordinary performance. But the main achievement of the Linda was that she was able to hit Yuri Aisenshpis. The famous producer invited the girl cooperation and opened the door to her the world of show business.


At first, Linda collaborated with two composers - Vitalya Okorokov and Vladimir Matetsky. With their help, such songs of young actipers were created as "a game with fire" and "non-stop". Already the first video on the composition "Game with Fire" demonstrated the unique style of the singer. Linde was also lucky with the video director, because the famous Fedor Bondarchuk spoke in this role.
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Linda's cooperation with Yuri Aizenshpis lasted for a short time and soon she began working with a talented arranger and composer Maxim Fadeev. This union was unusually fruitful, because thanks to him, the Russian stage was enriched with a unique artist and a successful producer.

The first album of the novice singer was released in 1994 and was called the "songs of Tibetan Lam." Olga Dzusov participated in the preparation of the album (as a back-vocalist) and Julia Savicheva (in the composition "Do this"). Label "Crystal Music" was engaged in promoting the album. In addition, Linda received serious support from Europe Plus radio station.

The circulation of this album was 250 thousand copies and was quite quickly sold out. But critics gave an ambiguous assessment of the achievements of a young singer. Many have emphasized not the best vocal data of the Linda, but they rated its energy and non-standard style.

The real celebrity Linde brought the album under the bright name "Voron" (1996). For his record, unique tools were used and unusual musicians were invited. So, in the creation of the record, the Children's Choir "Kalinka" and the Choir of Grandmothers from Scotland.

The result really exceeded all the expectations, and struck the listeners to non-standard. Gloomy paints and cold sound turned out to be surprisingly fascinating and attractive. The line "I - Voron" from the composition, consonant name album, knew almost every resident of the post-Soviet countries. About 1.5 million copies of this album were bought, which brought a considerable income to the performer.

The recording of new songs was accompanied by numerous scandals. So, after the release of a marijuana clip in one of the Moscow newspapers a message appeared on the death of Linda. This information was repeated a popular radio station, reporting the overdose of singer drugs. But in reality, Linda did not drink, did not smoke and never tried drugs.

At this time, the singer was in the hospital, where he was treated from bronchitis. Later Linda had to refute the speculation and calm their fans. In response to rumors about drugs, the performer asked to listen to her composition "Marijuana" and pay attention to words - "Do not take it!".

In 1997, Linda released a meeting of dance remixes called "Crow. Remix. Remake. He became a sensation in the dance music of Russia. In addition, the actress gave concerts in many cities of Russia and abroad. Each speech collected dozens and even hundreds of thousands of fans.

So, in 1997, Linda performed with Maxim Fadeev in Kiev. About 400 thousand spectators came to their concert, which was a record for Russian artists. In general, from 1994 to 1998, a talented performer nine times became the "singer of the year", which, of course, was recognition of her talent.

In 1998, Max Fadeev decided to move to Germany and only occasionally returned to Russia to work with Linda. Their new achievement was the album called the "Placenta" (1999), which had a number of features. The new plate combined such genres as Downtemop, Dub, Trip-Hop and Dzhangl. The image of the singer has changed - she repainted the hair on fire-red color and began to dress in even more eccentric outfits.

In the same year, the video "View from the inside" came out, during the shooting of which Linda broke his edge. The clip was so provocative that censorship did not miss him. Only after significant changes, the project was represented by the public, but caused many non-promences. The performer began to call the "vampire" and accused of copying Merlin Manson.

At the end of 1999, the last joint work of the Linda and Maxim Fadeeva appeared - the composition "White on white". Between the two creative people, the disagreements often arose for which financial problems were imposed. This was the reason for the termination of long and successful cooperation.

Then other work of the linds were followed, which demonstrated that the singer became more free in creative terms. So, in the album "Vision" (2001), the artist appeared in front of the audience more vital and real. But critics estimates were ambiguous: some declared the achievement of the performer of the new height, while others saw only a miserable attempt to repeat the creation of Fadeev.

In 2002, Linda signs a contract with Universal Music, and also meets the singers of Lyubasha and Marai, which are involved in creating several of its compositions. In 2004, the premiere of the fifth studio album of the famous performer called "Atak" took place. The first singles became the song "Chains and Rings", written by the marage specifically for the Linda.

The next changes in the works of the singers occurred after she began to cooperate with the producer and composer Stefanos Korcovis. He specialized in ethnic music and worked with world-class stars: Milen Farmer, Metallica, Peter Gabriel, and others. The result of their joint activity was the album "Aleada" (2006), which combined the classic and Greek traditions. The only unique style of the performer and her bright show remain unchanged.

In 2008, Linda presented the Album "SSC-Peonies", which turned out to be more dynamic and powerful compared to the previous works. He was recorded in Greece, France and the United States for one and a half years. But after the presentation concert and the release of the clip "5 minutes" singer disappears. Rumors began to spread that Linda decided to change the pseudonym, and will no longer speak in Russia.

In fact, in 2008, the star moved to Greece, where he continued to engage in her loved business. She gave concerts, composed music for performances, participated in writing musical accompaniment for the Special Olympic Games (2011, Athens).

Linda returned to Russia with a concert program only in 2012. Together with the Copkis, she created the Bloody Faeries project. Within its framework, the album "Acoustics by Bloody Faeries" was released. In addition, with rappers FIKE & Jambazi and St Linda recorded new versions of the compositions "Little Fire" and "Marijuana".

In 2013, the Studio Album "Lai, @!". He was positively met with critics and recognized MusicBox the best album of this year. In 2014, the album "Lai, @!" (Deluxe Version), supplemented by the single "good song" and a new version of the composition "My Hands".

Although the fame of the Linda has already passed, the singer continues to engage in his loved business. So, in 2015, a presentation of the album called the "pencils and matches" took place in the Moscow Region "Moscow". His sound-producer performed the legendary Heiden Bendull, who worked with Tina Turner, Paul McCartney, Queen, etc.

2015 marked the presentation of the clip on the composition "all". Its high quality and inimitable style were highly appreciated by listeners and critics. During 2016, the clip was in rotation on many musical channels of Russia. Also in September 2016, the single "Camera Torture" was released, created on the basis of poems Ilya Kormiltshev.

Personal life

There are few celebrities, which so carefully hide their personal life. However, it is known that in 2012 Linda married his producer Stefanosa Korcovis. They met for seven years, so their marriage was indeed based on deep feelings. Star couple never appeared children. The family periodically lived in Greece and Russia, where the singer had time to work on creating new compositions and enjoy family life.

But this marriage union turned out to be short and in 2014 Linda and Korcovis broke up. Their romantic relationships turned out to be longer than a legitimate marriage. The singer painfully perceived the gap with her husband. In 2015, she participated in the "battle of psychics" (16 season) as guests. During the transfer, one of its participants Marilyn Kerro told that Linda even a year later, did not recover after the divorce.

Linda now

Now Linda continues to give concerts in many cities of Russia. As before, Linda pleases its fans with non-standard music, deep texts and amazing charisma. On his page in Instagram, the singer often posts the photos, which once again prove that Linda is the embodiment of the Phanta.

2019 Linda starts with the presentation of the Singles "cracks" and "Put me nearby." Simultaneously with each single comes out the clip on it. The presentation of "cracks" passes into the greenhouse of the pharmaceutical garden, and "put me nearby" - at the Moscow fashion show. In parallel, Linda launches the sale of copyright mantle dedicated to "cracks". Singles will be included in the new album of the singer, the release date of which remains unknown.


  • 1994 - "Tibetan Lam songs"
  • 1996 - "Crow"
  • 1999 - "Placenta"
  • 1999 - "White on White"
  • 2001 - "Vision"
  • 2004 - "Attack"
  • 2005 - "Almost Gemini"
  • 2006 - "Aleada"
  • 2008 - "SC-PIONS"
  • 2012 - "Acoustics by Bloody Faeries"
  • 2013 - "Lai, @!" ("Lai, dog!")
  • 2015 - "Pencils and Matches"

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