Coke Cox - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, David Arquette, Films, Series "Friends" 2021



Courtney Cox is a famous American actress that built a dizzying career. At the very beginning of the professional path, she managed to get several major roles in significant American projects, thereby ensuring that heightened demand from producers. Today, Courtney does not lose popularity, remaining one of the highly paid Hollywood actresses.

Childhood and youth

Courtney Cox was born and grew up in Birmingham in a housewife and businessman's family, Courtney Bass (in honor of Mom, and called the youngest daughter) and Richard Cox. The biography of the future star began on June 15, 1964 under the sign of the Zodiac Gemini. The actress has an Irish roots.

In childhood, a girl who had two senior brothers and sister lived in a small southern town of Birmingham. When she was ten years old, parents divorced. Richard went to Florida, and Mom married a second time for the businessman Hunter Copland.

The new marriage of the Kortney Bass presented the future star of the secured stepfather and nine summary brothers and sisters (Hunter Children from the first marriage). Subsequently, the actress recalled that many years vinyl mom in parting with his father and, only becoming an adult, realized that the parents were disastrously approaching each other, although they lived 19 years in marriage.

Courtney graduated from high school in Alabama, having time not only to learn well, but also to get involved in sports. The girl was engaged in large tennis, swimming and was a member of the school team of cheerleaders. Subsequently, sports preparation turned out to be a good help in the career of the model and actresses, but at that time Courtney did not even think about it. After school, the girl entered Vernon Washington College at the local university. She dreamed of becoming an interior designer and a year had studied at the relevant faculty. However, fate ordered differently.

According to some information, in his youth, Courtney met with a nephew of a stepfather, Miles Koopland. The friends of a young man worked in the model business and persuaded Courtney to try themselves in this area, especially since it allowed the external data of the coke (with a height of 165 cm, the weight of the girl was 57 kg). Soon, young babe concluded a contract with the Ford Model Agency and threw the university.

Leaving the dreams of a designer's career, the girl was recorded on the courses of theatrical skill, in order to get rid of the characteristic southern accent, who interfered with her. So the model business was for Courtney Coke a peculiar bridge, a step to further glory.


Fame to beginner actress did not come immediately. At first in 1985, Courtney starred in advertising tampons "Tampacs". Coke has become the first to say the word "monthly" on American television.

After participating in commercials, she danced in the video on the song Bruce Springstina Dancing In The Dark. Then Courtney began to invite to secondary roles in films and television series, she managed to work and televersal. So, the future actress appeared in several films, including the "Lord of the Universe" and "Cocoon: Return".

The leading role happened at the artist in the series "Martyrs of Science", but the project existed not long. Then Courtney got a secondary character in "Family Uzakh".

The most significant career at the dawn for the girl was the role in the Comedy "Ace Ventura: Searching for Pets", where the famous Jim Carrery became the partner of the beginner artist. After the release of the film on the screens in 1994, she pulled out a star ticket: the actress was invited to samples on the NBC channel, which launched a new series "Friends". At first, Courtney was tried to Rachel's role, but as a result, the producers gave it to Jennifer Aniston, and the coke itself received no less bright batch of Monica Geller. As a girl confessed later, Courtney is similar to the heroine played. Like Monica, Coke does not like mess. It even visits magazines in a stack and puts discs with alphabetically films.

The next ten years actress did not part with the TV series, playing in all 10 seasons. The actress was filmed in the company Aniston, Lisa Kudrou, Matt Leblana, Matthew Perry, David Schwimer. The series and participants of the project were nominated for the AMMI and Golden Globe Prize. Courtney awards did not get, but she, together with his friends on the show, entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most "dear" television actress.

After "friends", the most significant work of Courtney Koks was the role of Gale Weissers in four parts of the "Cream", which came out with interruptions of several years, from 1996 to 2011. At the set of the first "scream", Courtney met David Arquette, a former wrestler and actor, with whom the girl was tied up love and collaboration.

After the last "scream", Courtney was invited to the role of Susan in the TV series "Desperate Housewives", but the work "prevented" pregnancy. Then there were shooting in many ribbons and serials. After Courtney Coke performed as a producer along with his wife David Arquette. Back in 2001, she starred in "3000 miles to Graceland" with Kevin Costner and Kurt Russell, in the paintings "All or nothing" (2005) and "Tales for Night" (2008) with Adam Sandler and other films.

In 2009, the actress appeared in several episodes of the "Clinic" series. Another celebrity was involved in a multiserile picture "City of Prenches". For the role in the last project, Coke nominated for the Golden Globe in the nomination "Best actress in the comedy TV series".

The star played the main roles in the films "Mad Money", "Draftsman - 2: Hands that see", "Blue Desert" and many other movie castles, after filming in which Courtney has gained great popularity.

In 2014, Koksa acted as director and cinema producer "Before I leave." An actress filmography has replenished another job - Courtney took part in the shooting of the television series "Shameless" in the role of Jen Wagner. Heroine Cox in the past had alcohol addiction.

Personal life

Personal life star is sufficient. Actress attributed novels with many men. In his youth, she met Adam Duritz and Michael Kiton, but real love came to her on the set of cult horror, because there she met a charming guy playing a modest but cute sheriff. In 1999, David Arquet and Courtney Coke got married, and the girl took a double surname.

On the occasion of the marriage of one of the main actresses of the series "Friends" The creators decided to devote the first series of the 6th season to the newlyweds. Therefore, the fans of the multi-sized film can be seen in the elementary video, which the name of each artist was attached to the name Arquette. In the last season, the artist was filmed, being in position. Pregnancy Lisa Kudroo The creators beat, but from the roots did not do that, because in the plot Monica and Chandler could not have children and adopt the child. As it turned out, not one.

In 2004, the spouses had the only daughter of Coco Riley. The babies' godmother became the best girlfriend of the artist Jennifer Aniston. Jen and Courtney very sfed on the set. Coke had an aniston powerful support when she divorced Brad Pitt.

A married couple broke up in 2010, although they were placed only in the 2013th divorce. According to rumors, the reason for the gap was constant bellows, caused by the attempts of spouses still to start children. It is not surprising that Courtney was periodically nervous and rolled out hysterics. It is reliably known that over the years of marriage, the fragile actress suffered eight miscarriages. The first time the misfortune happened before the birth of the daughter. Then the pair did not leave attempts to get pregnant. However, the body of a forty-haired woman did not cope with the task, and the first followed by seven more miscarriages. The latter happened in the summer of 2010.

The former husband actresses David Arquette stated that they need to consider the conditions of guardianship over the common daughter. According to some information, he wanted to deprive the Courtney of some parental rights. It happened due to the fact that Coco complained about the excessive monitoring of the mother.

After the divorce, Courtney quickly came to himself, she did not stop being filmed, and in 2014 announced the engagement with the musician Johnny McDeid, with whom he met from 2013. But in December 2014, the news was leaked to the rupture of the star couple's relationship. It is said that the reason was the difficult nature of the actress.

A year after parting from Johnny, Courtney was noticed by Matthew Perry, partner of the series "Friends" in society. The fans of the on-screen couple were shown and hoped for reunification in real life, but the actors themselves argued that only friendships are associated.

In January 2017, the press appeared information about the resumption of Courtney relations with the former fiance: the actress decided to move to McDeid to London along with a teenage daughter. The reconciliation of lovers contributed to Jennifer Aniston. Courtney gave an interview in which he stated that he wanted to give birth to a child from Johnny. The actress noticed that for this she would need someone else's egg, but the coke is ready to go for it for her beloved.

In January 2019, Courtney and McDeid stated that he had changed his marriage, but this would not affect their relationship. Difficult 2020 marked for a pair of forced parting. Before the beginning of the pandemic, the musician went to the UK, where due to the distribution of coronavirus infection, the boundaries were closed. Only in December, the lovers were able to meet again. Courtney Cox recalled that it was the most long parting with McDeid.

The artist never hid that resorted to the help of plastics. Total coke has suffered 4 plastic operations, and all surgical interventions turned out to be unsuccessful. Over time, Courtney stopped being afraid of old age and abandoned anti-aging injections in favor of naturalness.

Coke is conducting personal accounts in Twitter and Instagram, where the actress publishes photos from his personal life. Courtney often lays out photos in a swimsuit, demonstrating a slim figure. Supporting health and beauty helps a special diet and sports.

Courtney Koks Seic

Now Courtney Cox continues to be removed, including by taking part in the popular series "American Family".

On May 27, 2021, the premiere was held at HBO Max, which was looking forward to the fans of the famous Sitkom "Friends". All actors who played key roles, including Courtney, were invited to participate in Special issue.

After the release of the official tizer, it became clear that it was not about restarting the series. The actors played themselves in the same locations where the episodes of legendary "friends were once filmed. However, it did not prevent them from the fantasy about the fate of their characters.

So, the roots of the coke admitted: her heroine would become terribly annoying and harmful. The actress reflected that Monica, most likely, after the emergence of children, competed with other parents. Perhaps it would take the post of chapter of the parent committee and was engaged in screaming in school.

At 2022, the premiere of the film "Creek-5" with the participation of the actress was planned. In addition, in an interview with the star admitted that she got the main role in the comedy horror series called "Shining Valley", whose release was scheduled for 2021. The actress played a writer patricium, depending on alcohol and drugs.


  • 1987-1989 - "Family Ties"
  • 1988 - "Cocoon: Return"
  • 1994-2004 - "Friends"
  • 1994 - "Eisventura: Pet Search"
  • 1996 - "Creek"
  • 1997 - Creek-2
  • 2000 - "Cry-3"
  • 2004 - "November"
  • 2008 - "Tales for Night"
  • 2009 - "Clinic"
  • 2009-2015 - "City of Prenches"
  • 2011 - "Creek-4"
  • 2013 - "On the Start!"
  • 2016 - "Charity Fund"
  • 2016 - "Mother's Day"
  • 2018 - "Shameless"
  • 2020 - "American Family"
  • 2021 - "Friends: Reunion"

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