Leslie Nielsen - biography, photos, personal life, movies, cause of death



Leslie Nielsen is a star of Hollywood, glory to which came after 50 years. Fame received films with parodies with the participation of the actor "Naked Pistol", "The Whether Cinema", "Sixth Element".

The future actor was born on February 11, 1926 in the southern province of Canada in the family of emigrants from Europe. Magin Elizabeth's mother led a household and engaged in raising children - Little Leslie and Brother Erica, and Father Ingward Eversen worked for the benefit of the Fatherland of Horse Police. When Lesley reached the six-year-old, the family moved to Edmonton, so that children could attend school.

Actor Leslie Nielsen.

During study, the boy became interested in the theater. But the father spoke out against the sound of the Son, despite the fact that Brother Ingward Jin Hersholt had already succeeded on the acting field in Hollywood and even became the Oscar Prize winner. Strict education and religiosity of parents influenced the character of Leslie - in many ways its artistic abilities developed when communicating with an authoritarian father. Eric Nielsen's elder brother more serious and later became a statesman.

Leslie Nielsen in youth

After graduation exams, Leslie called on the army. The years of service fell during World War II, and Nielsen participated in the program of universal mobilization. But because of the bad hearing, the young man escaped sending to the front. After the end of hostilities, a young man is arranged for a local radio station leading. Nielsen esters Listeners were looking forward to. The casual style of communication, noble baritone and improvised jokes made Leslie a star of the town.

Leslie Nielsen in youth

Therefore, the young man decides to enter the Academy of Radio Lorna Green. In class, acting skills in Leslie woke up serious interest with theater, and at 23, Nielsen goes to New York for learning at the School of Dramatic Art "Neighborhood Playhouse". In order not to waste time, Nielsen immediately starts playing the theater at the studio. The first cinemaepodes that flashed the figure of the Static Handsman, appeared in the pictures of the Hall of Fame, the "First Studio", "Culmination".


In the mid-50s, Leslie went to conquer Hollywood. Initially, the actor was tried in television projects. Great luck for him was to participate in the television series "Alfred Hichkok represents", which was broadcast for 7 years.

In the early years, Leslie's career starred in 32 paintings. The most memorable secondary role of the young Nielsen was the work in the musical melodrama "King of Broadfall". And the only major role is the character of the commander of the cosmolet from the fantastic thriller "Forbidden Planet", which gathered a decent reason for the revenue at the box office - $ 3 million.

Leslie Nielsen in the film

At the end of the 50s, Leslie participated in the filming of the cult western "raw", which was the cast of the first magnitude of Hollywood: Clint Isovda, Eric Fleming, James Murdok and Steve Ranessa. On television, the criminal series "Non-accomplished", in which Nielsen played in the episode. In general, the career of a young invalid artist at first was quite good.

In the 60s, the amount of work at Leslie did not diminish, but still he continues to work only over episodic roles in a variety of films on genres: Westerns, dramas, criminal thrillers, comedies. The directors respond positively about the Canadian actor - it is always assembled and accurate in the frame. Works in the film "Fucker", "Bonanz", "Wild-Wild West", "Harlow" Nielsen actually deserved the title of "King Episode".

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In the early 1970s, Leslie Nielsen lit up in a detective TV project Norman Lloyd about Colombo's detective in the "Lady Waiting" series. Nielsen Hero - Lawyer Peter Hamilton entered the circle of suspects in the murder of Brys Chadwick. Four years later, the actors were invited to the next series of the "Colombo" cycle called the "person's crisis". In 1972, the actor appeared on the screens in the recognition of the Poseidon film, in which Nielsen's hero bravely resists the elements and does everything possible to save people.

In the 70s, the Leslie is secured by the role of brave military. In this image, the artist appears in the films "Street San Francisco", "Reverass", "Mash", "Police officer". After 21, after the first main role, Nielsen receives the second - in the environmental film of the horror "Day of Animals", which tells about the consequences of the destruction of the atmosphere of the Earth. Together with Leslie, Christopher George and Linda Day George played in the film.

Leslie Nielsen in the film

These works are considered the preparatory stage to the real creative rise of the artist, which occurred in the mid-80s. It all started with a small role in the parodiy-catastrophe "Airplane", which gathered a $ 83 million comedic character Dr. Rumak, in Euphoria, a falling aircraft in Euphoria, looked so organically that cinematographers drew attention to the actor. A year later, the director "Aeroplane" Jim Abrahams, Jerry and David Zuckers offered Nielsen role Frank Drebena in a comedy detective "Police squad!".

Leslie Nielsen in the film

The image hit the target, after which a number of franchise franchise "Naked Pistol" appeared, which are considered the best films of the artist. A parody painting, the humorous plot of which borders the absurdity, was successful in the public, which was confirmed by the revenue received from the rental.

The ridiculous detective Frank falls into incredible situations: meets the Queen of Great Britain, it sits in prison, helps scientists in the fight against Mafia, neutralizes terrorists in Hollywood. In Russia, not only the original transfers of the comedy, but also the author's sounding of the goblin were gaining greater fame.

Leslie Nielsen in the film

In the 90s, the artist is firmly justified in the comedy genre. The films "Polyvybimy Spy", "Mr. Magu", "without guilt", in which Nielsen manifests itself as a tireless comedian. The leading media printed photos with characteristic artist's grips. Films with his participation are becoming successful in the box office. Thanks to the identity of Nielsen, the parody genre becomes incredible popularity.

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In 2000, Stephen Spielberg removes his version of the "sixth element" parody, in which the Military Agent invites Comic of Leslie. This time, the brave savior of mankind will have to fight the crowds of aliens and rescue the US president from captivity. After a series of kinocartin "Vacation of Santa Claus", "Camouflage" and "Guys with brooms", which secured the success of the artist, the comedies of the franchise "very scary movies" appeared.

Leslie Nielsen and Pamela Anderson

Nielsen's partner in the scenic platform of the film became Pamela Anderson, and the profit of international rental was $ 220 million. After that, a number of films "Superherochian Cinema", "American Justle", "Very Spanish Cinema", in which 80-year-old Nielsen is also energetic and tireless.

Personal life

Leslie Nielsen did not apply to personal life in the press. But it is known that the actor had four marriages.

Leslie Nielsen and Barbara Earl

Barbara Earl became the last wife of Leslie, with which the artist consisted of 27 years. Two daughters were born in the second family Nielsen.


On the eve of the 85th anniversary of Nielsen suddenly felt unreasoning. Doctors diagnosed with him inflammation of the lungs and placed the actor in the hospital.

Tomb of Leslie Nielsen

After a short time, November 28, 2010, Leslie died from pneumonia. The actor under the last days of life was in good location of the Spirit, he was constantly visited.


  • "Forbidden Planet" - 1956
  • "Poseidon's adventure" - 1972
  • "Animal Day" - 1977
  • "Airplane" - 1980
  • "Police squad" - 1982
  • "Naked pistol" - 1988
  • "Naked pistol 2½: the smell of fear" - 1991
  • "Naked pistol 33 ⅓: the last harness" - 1994
  • "Sixth Element" - 2000
  • "Very scary movie 3" - 2003
  • "Very scary movie 4" - 2006
  • "Superhero Cinema" - 2008
  • "American Fairy Tale" - 2008
  • "Very Spanish Cinema" - 2009

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