ED Wester - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Films, Wife and Latest News 2021



Despite the young age, Ed Westwick managed to make an acting career, try himself as a model and musician, as well as win the love of millions of fans. Edu's celebrity brought the television series "Gossip", in which the actor played Chuck Bass.

Foot session Ed Wheel

ED Westik was born in the city of Stevender (United Kingdom) on June 27, 1987. Ed was the younger of three children of Peter and Kerol Westik. Father combined teaching at the university with business, and the mother worked as a psychologist.

The boy studied for some time in Stepenage Private School, then moved to Barclay School. At the end of this educational institution, ED entered the college of Northern Hartfordshire. Active guy managed to diligently learn and gradually break into the world of cinema. Everything was sought to become a professional actor, so since 16 years has improved its skills in the National Youth Theater (London).

Carier start

The first roles of the vesicles were episodic and inconspicuous, but allowed EDA to study the specifics of the acting work and get acquainted with the directors. So, in 2000 he starred in two TV shows - "Catastrophe" and "Doctors". From 2005 to 2008, a young actor participated in the filming of the British television series "After death", and in 2006, Alfonso Quaront "Child Human" appeared in the philosophical fiction ribbon.

In the same year, Westik announced himself a general public, starring Anthony Minghella "Invasion". He fulfilled the role of Zoran and managed to impress TV viewers with a high-quality game. A year later, ED played the role of Lawrence Carter in the film Garta Jennings "Son Rambo", and also appeared in the popular TV series "Raudley California," where the main role was performed by David Gukhovani.


Fame came to EDA to EDA immediately after the release of the first episodes of the television series "Gossip". A young actor was assigned to the role of Chuck Bass - the son of rich parents, who is well versed in fashion and leads a rampant life. The main roles in this series also performed: Blake Lively, Leighton Mr., Chece Crawford and Penn Baggli.

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The series was a youth drama based on the novels of the American writer Cecile von Tsigzar. In the center of the plot - Star Youth, which lives in the elite area of ​​New York and is studying in a prestigious school. The life of the heroes was filled with intrigues, quarrels, love and friendship, hobbies of drugs, etc.

Critics highly appreciated the acting abilities of the first. For the role of Chuck Bass, he twice received the award "Teen Choice Awards" (2008, 2009), as well as the Award "Young Hollywood Awards" (2009). The charming character of the spine was conquered and viewers. The actor himself argued that he had little in common with Chuck. ED took himself to "good guys", because he did not love club parties, spent his free time with friends and worked with pleasure to become an outstanding actor.

ED West Watch in the role of Chuck Bass

Removing in the TV series "Girls" until 2012 (6 seasons), Westik participated in parallel in other projects. So, in 2008, the actor played one of the main roles in the thriller Erika Dog "100 feet." A year later, ED appeared in the fantastic film "S. Darco, "where Randy Holt played.

In 2011, Westik starred in a romantic comedy "How to marry a billionaire" director Fila Trail. EDA partners on the shooting platform were: Feliciti Jones, Bill Nai, Brooke Shields, etc. In the same year, the actor worked on the picture "J. Edgar ", the director of which was the legendary Clint Eastwood. Everyone fulfilled the role of the Smith agent, and the main character - the head of the FBI - played Leonardo di Caprio.

Ed Westik in the film

In 2013, ED Westik participated in the shooting of the classical tragedy of Romeo and Juliet as Tibald. After a year, the actor played the main character in the exciting thriller Vincent Zhou "last flight".

In parallel with the work in the movie Ed Westik tried himself in other directions. In 2008, the actor became the face of K-SWISS, specializing in sportswear and shoes.

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Also, some time, I played in the music group "The Filthy Youth". But the rapid development of the actor career forced the guy to throw passion for the music. Nevertheless, later he had a dream to create his group in New York. The actor explained to music by the fact that she comes from the subconscious and helps to relax.

ED Westik today

Today, ED Westwick continues to actively starve in films and reach all the big peaks. He is invited to the main roles in the projects of different genres, so Ed can show itself in a diverse actor and show their abilities to maximize. So, 2015 was noted by the exit to the television screens of the horror film Robbie Picering "Grab and Run". In this project, Westik worked on the same platform with Vanessa Hudgens, Rachel Harris, Bob Odenproke, etc.

ED Westik today

In the same year, the television screens came out on the TV series about the two serial killers "angry city". In addition to the first, the main roles in the film were performed by: Eric Kristensen, Taisza Farmiga, Jeremy Sisto, etc. But a year later, through low ratings of the television series, they were discontinued.

In 2016, Westik starred in a thriller by Jimi Gillespi "ransom - billion". In the center of the plot of the film - the opposition of siblings of rich parents and attackers who are trying to capture star young people and get a huge redemption.

ED Wester with naked torso

In March 2017, the premiere of the criminal television series Alex de Rakoff "Big Kush", in which the famous actor was assigned the role of Sonny Castillo. ED plays a criminal authority with an unbalanced character, which reminds of another character - Rory "Litter" from the famous criminal ribbon Guy Richie "Maps, money, two trunks".

Personal life

The personal life of Ed Veterior is under the closer attention of journalists. No less curious and fans who want to know who is found with a favorite actor, and carefully follow the updates on his instagram page.

Loves of girls ED Westwick

It is known that Ed Some time was married to Reni Daimond. The marriage turned out to be a spontaneous and rapid decision, so young people soon revoked it. In 2008, Edi saw with the actress Drew Barrymore at the Kings Of Leon's concert, but this meeting did not exceed a serious relationship.

In the same 2008, during the shooting in the TV series "Gossip", Westik began to meet Jessica Zor. Paparazzi found out about the relationship between the stars, when they caught them kissing.

Ed Westwick with Jessica Zor

But in 2010, Ed and Jessica broke up. Commenting on his personal life, the actor said that the girls cause headaches. There were also rumors that the cause of separation was treason of actress.

In 2011, the actor attributed relations with Phoebe Tonkin - Australian actress and model. Nevertheless, in 2012, Wessen began to appear together with Jessica Zor. Probably, the stars decided to resume close relationships.


  • 2000 - "Catastrophe"
  • 2000 - "Doctors"
  • 2005-2008 - "After death"
  • 2006 - "Human Child"
  • 2006 - "Invasion"
  • 2007 - "Son Rambo"
  • 2007 - "Bludlivaya California"
  • 2007-2012 - "Girls"
  • 2008 - "100 feet"
  • 2009 - "S. Darco "
  • 2010 - "Passenger"
  • 2011 - "How to marry billionaire"
  • 2011 - "J. Edgar"
  • 2013 - Romeo and Juliet
  • 2014 - "Last flight"
  • 2015 - "Grab and Run"
  • 2015-2016 - "Angry City"
  • 2016 - "Redemption - billion"
  • 2017 - "Big Kush"

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