Nikola Tesla - biography, photos, scientific discoveries, secrets of occult knowledge, personal life



Nikola Tesla is an engineer, a physicist, the greatest inventor and a scientist of the twentieth century. Its discoveries were forever changed the world, and his life and biography were filled with amazing events. The worldwide fame of Tesla has found as the creator of an electric motor, a generator, multiphase systems and devices operating on alternating current, which have become the main milestones of the second stage of the industrial revolution and the amazing facts of its biography.

Inventor Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla is also known as one of those who believed in the existence of the free energy of the ether. He conducted a large number of experiments and experiments confirming its availability and the possibility of using essential technologies. He is called psychics who predicted the modern world, others called a charlatan and schizophrenic, the third - the great inventor and scientists.


The father of the famous scientist Milutut Tesla was a clergyman, the mother of Georgina Tesla brought up children and helped her husband in the church. Nikola had three sisters and brother who was killed in childhood by falling from the horse. The family lived 6 km from the city of Gospich in Serbian Slelias. Nikola Tesla appeared on July 10, 1856

Today, the birthplace of the scientist is located in Croatia, at that time it was the territory of Austria-Hungary. First school class The boy finishes in the village. Despite the constrained conditions and the shortage of teachers, he really liked it there.

Family Nikola Tesla

Therefore, the news of moving to the state was upset. The reason for such a change was the increase in the father in San. Nikola's younger school finishes in the state.

After her graduation, he visits a three-year gymnasium. From childhood learn to be independent. Parents work a lot, rarely come at home, relatives look after the boy. Helps to keep the farm, it is later arranged at the plant to earn pocket money. In the fall of 1870, travels to the Karlovac and enters the highest real school.


In 1873, Nikola Tesla receives a maturity certificate, reflects on the destination. Parents wanted the Son to continue their work, became a priest. The young men had other interests not related to the Church. Once at the crossroads, with longing reflects on the future. Not wanting to disobey parents, Nikola makes a decision to study spiritual sciences.

Nikola Tesla in youth

Fate ordered otherwise. In the state of the cholera's epidemic broke out, which twisted the tenth of citizens. The whole family of Tesla was sick, so Nikola is strictly banned from returning home. He rides to parents and soon ill. Nine months of illness complicated by other diseases became a heavy test for him.

The situation was hopeless, the doctors could not help anything. A conversation with his father took place in one of the heavy days of crisis. Father, trying to cheer up a young man, said that everything would be fine, and he would recover. Nikola replied that she was scattered if his father would allow him to devote his life to the engineering case. Father promised to the dying son that he will learn in the most prestigious University of Europe.

Parents Nikola Tesla

Perhaps this was the reason for the recovery of Nikola. He himself remembers the Savarkov, who was in a priest's house when no one hoped for anything. An elderly woman was sick with a decoction of beans, which turned out to be a miraculous drug that put the young man on his feet. After recuperation, Nikola, three years hid in the mountains from the service in the army, since he had not yet fully recovered from the disease.

After the painful illness, Tesla appeared a manic fear before the opportunity to quickly pick up the infection. He often soap hands. Notes a fly crawling on the table, demanding replacement of dishes. The second strangeness, which he found after the disease, is a strong flash of light flashes that hide real objects and replacing thoughts.

Nikola Tesla in youth

Subsequently, this feature manifested itself in the fact that together with the outbreaks there were vision of his future inventions. The unusual gift was expressed in the fact that the scientist represented a device or device, mentally tested and embodied in reality, receiving a ready-to-use product. His abilities could envy a modern computer.


In 1875, Nikola Tesla becomes a student of the Higher Technical School in Graz (now Graz Technical University), studies electrical engineering. In the first year, watching the machine of gram, concludes that its full-fledged work is hampered by a permanent motor current. The teacher sharply criticized him, saying that the car would not work on alternating current at all.

The third year was addicted to gambling, lost a lot of money. Remembering this period of life, he writes that the card games were not entertaining for him, and the desire to distract from failures.

Nikola Tesla in youth

The won amounts distributed the losers - he was called an eccentric. The passion for gambling ended with a major loss, after which the mother had to take money from a friend to give card debt.

The student decisive in the mind of the most difficult tasks, oddly enough, did not pass the final exams, so the school did not finish. In 1879, father dies. To help the family, Nikola is satisfied with the teacher of the gymnasium in the state. The following year, financed by Uncle, becomes a student of the Philosophy of the University of Prague. After the first semester, it grabs study and leaves for Hungary.

Work in Europe

In 1881, he moved to Budapest, it works in the engineering department of the central telegraph designer and the draftsman. Here, he has access to the study of progressive inventions, the ability to experiment and embody his own ideas. The main task of this period was the invention of an electric motor on alternating current.

Dual Phase electric motor of alternating current Nicholetes

For two incomplete months of intensive work creates all single-phase and multiphase motors, all modifications of the system associated with its name. The innovation of the works of Tesla was that thanks to them the possibility of transmission of energy over long distances, handing lighting devices, factory machines and household devices.

In the 1882nd moves to Paris, it is arranged in the continental company Edison. The company worked on the construction of a power station for the railway station in Strasbourg. To solve the working issues, Tesla was sent there. In his free time, the scientist works on an asynchronous electric motor, in 1883 she demonstrates his work at the Strasbourg City Hall.

Work in America

In 1884 it returns to Paris, where he refuses to pay the promised premium. The insulted Tesla fits and makes the decision to go to America. July 6 arrives in New York. It is arranged in the Edison Machine Works engineer for repair of electric motors and DC generators.

Tesla hopes to devote himself to his beloved work - the creation of new cars, but the creative ideas of the inventor annoy Edison. There was a dispute between them. The emigrant in the event of a loss of the opponent was to get almost a million US dollars. Tesla won the dispute by presenting 24 varieties of the invention of Edison. Restoring that the dispute was comic, Thomas Edison did not give money.

The inventor is dismissed and becomes unemployed. To somehow live, dig ditch and accepts donations. During this period, his acquaintance with Brown Engineer, with a light hand of which interested people will learn about the ideas of the scientist. On the fifth Avenue for Nikola, they remove the laboratory, which subsequently becomes the "Tesla Ark Light Company", producing arc lamps for street lighting.

In the summer of 1888, Tesla begins cooperation with American George Westing. The industrialist buys several patents and a batch of arc lamps in the inventor. Realizing that in front of him a genius, he redeems almost all the patents and invites you to work in the laboratory of its own company. Tesla refuses, realizing that it will limit freedom.

Nikola Tesla in his laboratory

In 1888-1895, the most fruitful, scientist explores high-frequency magnetic fields. The American Institute of Electrocheumans invites him to make a lecture. Speech before electrical equipment had an unprecedented success.

In 1895, on March 13, the laboratory on the fifth Avenue burned to the ground. The Fire has been destroyed and its latest inventions. The scientist said he was ready to restore everything in memory. The Niagara Falls Company provided financial support to $ 100,000. To start work in the new laboratory of Tesla was able to fall.

Opening and inventions

What did he invented? Nikola Tesla had many inventions, but the most important discoveries for the science were:

  • The enhancing transformer for the excitation of the Earth acting in the transmission of electricity is similar to a telescope in astronomical observations.
  • Method of maintaining and transmitting light;
  • Field theory (rotating magnetic floor);
  • Alternating current;
  • AC motor;
  • Tesla coil;
Nikola Tesla inventions
  • Radio;
  • X-rays;
  • Enhancing transmitter;
  • Turbine Nikola Tesla;
  • Shadow photo;
  • Neon lamps;
  • Transformer substation of the hydroelectric power station of Adams;
  • Televaloat;
  • Asynchronous engine;
  • Electrodynamic induction lamp.
  • Remote control;
  • Electric submarine;
Nikola Tesla inventions
  • Robotics;
  • Ozone Tesla Generator;
  • Cold Fire.
  • Wireless communications and limitless free energy;
  • Laser.
  • Plasma ball.
  • Installation for the production of ball lightning.

Mystery, the surrounding personality of Tesla, gave birth to myths and legends. Modern researchers have doubts about his attitude towards the Philadelphian experiment with the ship, to the Tungusian meteorite, the creation of an electric vehicle, the rays of death and some other unconfirmed sensational discoveries. Tesla believed in the universal mind, the chronicles of Akasha, the energy of the Earth and that it is a living being.

Personal life

Tesla was distinguished by an extravagant character and strange habits. Many women fell in love with him, but he did not reciprocate and was not married. She adhered to beliefs that family life, the birth of children is incompatible with scientific work. Shortly before death, the scientist admits that the refusal of personal life was an unjustified victim.

Nikola Tesla in old age

Tesla after he left the house of his parents, there was no own home. He lived in a laboratory or in hotel rooms. I slept for two hours a day, and once I spent 84 hours at work, not feeling fatigue. At one time he drank whiskey daily, believing that it would extend his life. At the same time suffered from neurosis and obsessive states.

He was a supporter of Eugene - selection of people and fertility control.

Monument to Nikola Tesche

The monument is a great inventor and a scientist for its merits and discoveries erected in Silicon Valley in 2013 to voluntary donations of fans.

Monument to Nikola Tesche

Funds are assembled using the Kickstarter service. Based on the statue, the capsule is laid, which will be opened in 2043. The monument is a free point of wireless Internet access.

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