Mina Suvary - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Mina Alexander Suvari is an American model and actress of Estonian-Greek origin. It became famous for his roles in films with "patriotic" names: "American Pie", "American Beauty", "American Horror History" and "American Virgin".

Childhood and youth

Mina was born in a psychiatrist family and nurses who really wanted a girl. The parents of the future movie star is easy, because at the time of birth, the daughter had three sons.

And the joyful event happened, a rat appeared on the world, who was inherited from Pope-Estonian sonorous surname, and from Mom with Greek roots - noble and gentle beauty. The aunt Girls also did not remain aside and came up with her name in honor of the ancient Egyptian goddess.

Mina Suvarya in his youth

Early childhood mines passed in Newport surrounded by three senior brothers. The family lived in an old mansion, around which children were constantly digging the pit in search of treas. The fact is that Mina's baby dreamed of becoming an archaeologist, and the boys supported his sister in this endeavor.

When the girl was ten years old, the family moved to Charleston, where the elder siblings of the village of Sukvhari attended a military college. Mina hit the school for girls Ashley Hall, in which there was a self-aged model. An unusual beauty was immediately noticed, and at 12 years old Mina has already concluded the first contract with the Agency "Wilhelmina".

Mina Suvary in youth

Mina's parents tried to give children a worthy education as a start for the future career. Therefore, for the sake of her daughter, they moved to Los Angeles so that she could continue to develop in the model business. However, the model itself has already dreamed of the film industry, especially since the growth of mine was 163 cm (as weighing 48 kg), which turned out to be not enough for model career.


One of the first works of mines was an episodic role in the series "Ambulance", and the debut in the movie was the arthow painting "NIGHD" in 1997. In the same year, the actress appeared in the thriller "kissing girls" together with the Morgan Freamen and Ashley Judd. In this picture, MINE got the role of the victim of the maniac, the girls named Coti Pierce.

Mina Suvary in the film

After a series of passing ribbons and episodes in 1999, Suqua was lucky to get to the casting of the painting "Beauty of American". In this film, the talent of the actress was revealed, although the role itself was a few. The girl had a chance to play a high school student, in which the hero of Kevin Spassi falls in love, disappointed in family happiness. Oskarone tape brought actress fame and love of the public.

Saving was instantly in demand by the Hollywood actress, her interview was interviewed, the photo beauty-blonde prints printed glossy magazines, and Maxim turned on her in the hundreds of the hottest women of Hollywood. For a rear, there were proposals for the filming both in full-length films and in the series.

Mina Suvary in the film

The popularity of the girl also brought the role in the comedy "American Pie" 1999. No one expected from a passing youth comedy of international success. Despite vulgarity and second-time humor, the tape became megahitis, and not only in the states. Charges around the world exceeded the budget of the paintings ($ 11 million) at 20 times. Artists of the main roles Jason Biggs, Chris Klein, Thomas Yen Nicholas, Alison Hannigan, Tara Reed immediately became megazvis. In the same 1999, Mina starred in a thriller "Carrie 2: rage" and a film-catastrophe "Atomic Train".

Mina Suvary in the film

Saving accounts for more than fifty roles in thrillers, horror films, comedies, drams, television series and full-length paintings. She is a diverse actress, she is easily given comedy and dramatic roles, images of young barlets and wisely not by the years of women.

Mina Suvari still did not play his star role until the actress talent was found worthy. Main Heroine Mina Suvarya performed in the "loser" of 2000 and "ambush" 2007. In 2008, Suvari appeared on the screen in Horror "Day of the Deads". The film was created in the spirit of the apocalyptic story telling about the raise zombies who hunt for living people. Mina Suvarya performed the role of Sarah Boumen, who is trying to save close to the danger.

Mina Suvary in the horror movie

However, even appearing in the second plan and in episodes, Mina played filigree, living the lives of his screen heroines. Among the work of the actress - the comedy "Beauty salon", the comedy series "The Client is always dead." A significant project in which the Mine Suquert was able to participate was a criminal fighter "Domino". In the foreground, Kira Knightley and Mickey Rourke appeared here. The next job in the ensemble with the stars of Hollywood Jennifer Aniston and Kevin Costner became the role in the family picture "Rumors".

Among the works of the 2010s, Mina - the central role of Mary Abascal in the television series Drama with elements of mysticism and horror "south of hell". Eight episodes showed at the end of 2015 on the WE TV channel. Since the beginning of the 2000s, the actress prefers a serious arthouse film and the theater, since the roles of starlet and nymphites were not like her.

Mina Suvary in the film

Among the multi-sieuled projects that came to the filmography of Mina Suvarya, the Thriller "American Horror History", where the actress went to Elizabeth Short. The killing of this heroine at one time was never revealed, and later the girl's body was found in the park. After half a century, Elizabeth began to appear in the house where the murder had occurred. To create an image before each shooting, mines had to impose special makeup with imitation of the cut on the face. The actress also changed the color of the hair - for the sake of the role of the girl used a wig with dark curls.

The girl did not refuse to participate in the continuation of the franchise of the American Cake. A year after the first picture, the film "American Pie 2" appeared. In 2012, the actress again starred in a familiar acting team in the comedy "American Pie: Everything Assembly". With the presentation of the premiere of the leading roles, including Mina Suvarya and its partner in Kamr Kris Klein, visited Moscow, London and other capitals of the world.

For several years, the actress was filmed in the Multiserful films "Clarence", "Hysteria". The main characters of the artist presented on the screen in Horror "Last Stop", in the comedy "unslab" and in the criminal thriller "Hall Sign". In the last picture, the company actresses amounted to Martin Sheen and Locklin Munro.

Personal life

Personal life of mines closely intertwined with acting biography. Who would have thought, but at school it was teased for the strange name and red hair, and, becoming independent, the beauty changed the color of the hair on ash blond. Being already famous, the actress admitted that she didn't have a relationship with classmates, and the boys looked up at every opportunity, so Minah even missed the graduation ball. The girl had no friends with whom it was possible to go for a solemn event.

A haircut

The actress married at 22, immediately after the awards ceremony with statuers "Oscar" "Beauty of American", which made it famous. The chief of mines became the film operator Robert Brinkmann, who was 39 years old at that time. This marriage lasted five years, in 2005 the couple divorced.

After a divorce, Mina met with a professional dancer Mike Karraco. The girl changed the image, made a short haircut, was fascinated by watercolor, photography, playing piano. As the partner criticized the girlfriend for the fact that she dances badly, Mine had to take on and for Break Dance lessons. These hobbies went to favor the star, but she soon broke up with Mike.

In 2007, Suvari spun a novel with a young producer Simone Sisticito and in 2010 I got married for him. At the wedding photo, Mina appeared with barely rounded tummy, so in the media spoke about pregnancy actress. But the children in marriage did not appear. After a year and a half, these relationship collapsed. Mina filed for a divorce with her husband. The reason was the incompatibility of characters, however, the divorce turned out to be loud and "dirty": the bankrupt producer was suused with the actress because of alimony.

Mina Suvary denies plastic surgery

Age is not only wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, but also experience, and in a good taste actress will not refuse. In 2016, at a party in Cologne, she appeared in a decolted dress with a geometric pattern, opening tattoos on the back and neck: the lion's head and the inscription "Word, sound, strength." These tattoo have long been familiar to the fans of mines, she laid out the processes of the process in his "Twitter" and "Instagram".

The actress from nature is low, but it seems even less (according to the classification of the appearance of David Crybby) due to the shortened proportions of the body and a large head. The press has repeatedly appeared information that Mina, like other Hollywood stars, made plastic, although the photo "before and after" talk about the opposite.

Mina Saving in 2017

Cinema fans note the similarity of the Mina Suvarya and her colleagues Emma Watson, British film actresses, which are 11 years younger than an American. Especially the girls became similar to each other when both appeared before the public with short haircuts.

Mina Suvor now

Now the actress occasionally appears in official events, bliss in luxury outfits. The current style of mine is different from the images of that time when it was at the peak of popularity. In 2018, Mina Saving was surprised by the reporters with a filling figure. The changed forms of the star "American Pie" did not remain unnoticed by tabloid reporters who posted the latest photos of the actress in their publications.

Mina Suvori in the series

However, Mina does not pay attention to criticism. The girl is satisfied with his life, which demonstrates "Instagram" on the personal profile. In addition, the comedy series "American" started with the participation of Mina in the middle of the year. Now Suvary is filmed in new projects that will soon appear on the screens.


  • 1996 - "Ambulance"
  • 1997 - "Nadezhda Chicago"
  • 1999 - "American Pie"
  • 1999 - "Beauty of American"
  • 2001 - "American Pie 2"
  • 2004 - "The client is always dead"
  • 2008 - "Day of the Dead"
  • 2010 - "Clearvideo"
  • 2011 - "American Horror History"
  • 2012 - "American Pie: all assembled"
  • 2015 - "South of hell"
  • 2018 - "American"

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